He throws up and he makes you throw up (you hate anyone being sick) 2/5

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Harry (13)
You were having a barbecue with harry, your parents, and the lads. Gemma couldn't make it because she was at university. You all ate and it was delicious but half way through your food you noticed harry was acting a bit strange. "Are you ok harry?" You asked. Harry nodded and smiled at you, you nodded but you were not convinced. Harry usually cracked jokes but he was just silent. You looked at your parents worriedly. Harry stopped eating and looked at you with horror in his eyes. You were about to question him until he threw up all over the grass. You gasped as well as the boys and your parents. You worried about your older brother so you quickly ran over to him and rubbed his back. Just then your eyes landed on the disgusting vomit. You gasped and covered your mouth feeling all the food you had just eaten come back up. Everyone turned their attention to you as you tried to hold the sick back but even if you tried you couldn't. You turned away from harry and everyone else before turning back around hopping over the sick and running over to your mum. "M-m-mummy I don't feel to goo-" you got cut off by you vomiting. You bent down and coughed. Your mum rubbed your back and finally all of the food had came back up. "Are you ok baby girl?" Harry asked. You nodded slightly and looked up to see zayn a distance away from all of the commotion drinking some water whilst taking deep breaths. All the other boys smiled lightly at you and you gasped again and quickly got up from your crouching position and ran I past the boys and you passed zayn before running into the bathroom and throwing up. You immediately felt someone's hand rubbing your back and after you had stopped being sick you turned around to see Niall smiling lightly at you but he had a lot of concern showing as well. "Are you ok darling?" He asked. You coughed slightly but nodded. Niall helped you stand up and you walked into the living room to see harry laying on the couch holding his stomach. All the boys were sat around him and your parents had gone out to get some soup and medicine. "Are you ok haz?" You asked. Harry nodded and held his hand out for you to take. You took it and he rubbed your smaller hand whilst smiling at you. "I'm ok sweetheart.... not th best da-...... b-bucket!" Harry said. Louis scrambled to his feet and grabbed the garbage can and held it under Harry's chin. "Thanks." Harry said. "D-do you want me to rub your tummy?" You asked looking at harry. Harry smiled at you. "No thank you love, I'm all good." He said and brought your hand up to his lips and he pressed a kiss to it. You smiled until an idea popped into your mind. "Ok I'll be back!" You said and quickly let go of Harry's hand and ran up to your room. You grabbed your hot water bottle which was a festive one. You quickly ran back downstairs and boiled the kettle. As soon as the kettle went off you poured the hot water into the water bottle. You smiled and screwed the cap back on before walking back into the living room to see harry groaning and holding his stomach in pain. All the boys looked at you and from their features you could tell they were cooing at how sweet you were. You smiled and placed your hot water bottle on Harry's tummy. Harry sighed in relief and he opened his eyes and grinned at you. "I really do have the greatest sister." He said and grabbed your hand again. You smiled and kissed his cheek. Harry fell asleep soon after and your parents came home with the medicine. You hung out with the rest of the boys making sure harry was ok. After the 5th movie your stomach began hurting. You furrowed your eyebrows and slowly put your hand on your stomach and pressed down and that made the worst thing happen. Bile rose up in your throat and you quickly jumped off, of the couch and grabbed the garbage can which was placed next to the tv. You grabbed it and threw up. Someone was patting your back and you groaned in pain and slowly leant back into the persons chest. "It's ok sweetie." Liam said and began rubbing your tummy. You smiled and sighed. You soon fell asleep in Liam's arms. You woke back up to someone stroking your cheek. You opened your eyes to find Harry smiling at you with his head propped up on his hand whilst his elbow rested on his pillow. "Are you ok harry?" You asked whilst rubbing your eyes. He smiled. "Yes I'm fine thank you." You smiled and hugged him. He hugged you back and created random patterns on your back. "Where are the guys?" You asked whilst yawning. They all wen home.... Liam zayn, and Niall helped me up the stairs and louis carried you up the stairs and louis put you on my bed and I laid down on my bed then all the lads stayed around for a bit and took times hugging you, you're a deep sleeper." You smiled and nodded. Harry looked at his phone and chuckled. Harry handed you the phone and you giggled but felt very sorry.

Group chat:
Harry: Hey Guys you ok?

Louis: I'm good.

Liam: I'm fine thank you, how's the princess?

Niall: I'm ok, just got a horrible stuffy nose. How's y/n?

Zayn: What are the odds that I don't spend much time with you guys but I get sick! Thanks for getting me sick! I feel awful.... but I still love you guys.... love you y/n!

Harry: I'm so sorry zayn.... maybe get your sisters sick or something like that.

Zayn: are you crazy?! I would be know as the 'awful brother' that got his own sister (s) sick! But now that I think of it.... I think that's a good idea.

Harry: bye guys!

Louis: byeeeee!

Liam: later!

Niall: cya!

Zayn: *throws up* bye!

"Do you think zayn will actually do that?" You asked looking at harry, harry just smiled and shrugged. "Not sure love." He said and pulled you in for a hug. You smiled and snuggled into his chest.

Liam (14)
"Y/N!!!!" Liam screamed. "Yeah?!" You asked. "HELP!!!!" Liam shouted. You sighed and walked to his room. You opened the door to find him covered in his own sick. You made a disgusted face. "What do you expect me to do? I want to help and all but I don't want to be covered in your sick." You said whilst cringing. "Get help then!" Liam cried out. You sighed. "Pass me your phone." You said. "What!?" You rolled your eyes. "Chuck your phone.... if you don't want help then fine by me." You said. Liam shook his head and chucked the phone at you, you caught it and dialled louis' number. "Hello Louis speaking." Louis said. "Oh hi Louis I was wondering whether you could come over and help Liam... he's thrown up and I don't know what to do." You said whilst looking at Liam. "Of course I'll be there in a few minutes." You smiled. "Thanks Louis!" "No problem love... see ya in a bit!" You nodded and hung up. A few minutes later Louis opened your front door and walked up the stairs. "Y/n?" Louis called. "Yeah right here!" You said back. He came to Liam's room and saw you puking into a bucket. "Oh dear!" Louis said and began rubbing your back. You coughed a few more times until you had finally had enough of being sick. "Uhhhh!" Liam groaned holding his stomach. You sighed and louis picked you up and walked up to Liam's bed and laid you down next to Liam. "Are you ok y/n?" You nodded and smiled. "Are you ok Liam?" Louis asked. Liam nodded and sighed. "I'll go get some medicine!!!!" Louis said and ran downstairs. Not even five seconds later louis was in Liam's bedroom holding four pills in his hand. He gave two to you and two to Liam. "Thanks Louis!" You and Liam exclaimed at the same time.

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