School shooting 3/5

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Harry (10)
You were just doing some colouring whilst talking to your friends until a foreign alarm went off and a gun shot sound echoed throughout the building. Your teacher stood up and ran over to the door locking it whilst pushing a table up against it she turned the lights off and shut the blinds whilst the support teacher lead you all to the back of the class room. "Kneel down and be quiet." He said. You all listened and kneeled down and stayed silent. "OPEN THIS FUCKiNG DOOR!!!" Someone screamed. You all stayed silent and it was all silent until there was sounds of grunts and shouting. "POLICE PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!!!" A police officer shouted at the intruder. "HES LEGGING IT!!!" Someone shouted and there was loud footsteps. "Open up... this is the police." Someone said. Your teacher opened the door and the officer walked in "ok kids stay silent.... put your heads down and hold each other's hands." You all did as you were told and slowly began walking out.

Harry's POV
I've heard about the school shooting. At that moment I was with the boys at the studio and we all just bolted to the car and drove all the way to my sisters school. We watched as police officers ran in with guns and we were panicking. My parents soon came upon hearing the news and they made their way through the other panicking people. "Oh god harry is she ok?" Mum asked. "I'm not sure Mum." I said. "Look!" Liam said pointing at a class of about 10 students walking out with their heads down and they were holding each other's hands. "There She is!" Mum said and began crying.

Y/n's POV
You looked around the unfamiliar faces until your eyes landed on harry, the lads and your parents. "You can go." A police officer said patting your shoulder. You smiled weakly but nodded. You ran all the way to your family and ran into your mums arms "MUMMY!!!!" You sobbed. "It's ok princess shhh." Harry said rubbing your back. Your mum put you down and you wanted to be held so you ran up to Harry and wrapped your arms around him not letting him go. "It's ok babe I'm not letting you go." He said rubbing your back. You nodded and you were definitely scarred for life. You hugged the other lads and they all said comforting things whilst you just stayed in one of the lads arms.

Liam (15)
A big gun shot was heard and you quickly got under your desk and just hid. Your friend crawled over to you and you both hugged each other. The door got broken and everyone screamed. "SHUT UP!!!" The men yelled. "But-" a close friend of your said but got cut off by a bullet to the head. You whimpered and your friend cried into your shoulder. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!!" Two police officers shouted running into the room. The men didn't listen and began shooting. "GET OUT!!!" The police yelled and everyone began scrambling away except you and your friend.

Liam's POV
I was biting my nails whilst waiting for my sister. "She'll be ok." Louis said patting my back. "WHERE ARE Y/N AND Y/F/N?!!!" A teacher shouted whilst counting some students in a line. I stopped breathing and Harry rubbed my back. "BOMB!!!!" A police officer screamed and the building blew up. Everyone screamed and fell to the ground. Me and the boys huddled together and watched as the smoke began rising higher and higher as the fire started. "She's dead!!!" I exclaimed. Niall and zayn hugged me. "OMG LOOK!!!" Someone shouted. We all looked up to see y/f/n carrying y/n bridal style. Y/f/n fell to the ground and began crying. I ran over to them both and quickly hugged y/f/n as did the other boys. "Y/n darling?" I asked shaking her. She didn't respond and I began panicking. "Ok sir could you make some space." A paramedic said. I slowly moved away from y/n and the lifted y/n onto a stretcher.

Y/n's POV
You slowly opened your eyes and saw Liam looking at you, you smiled slightly and Liam gasped and hugged you. "Baby I thought I lost you!!!" Liam said whilst crying. "Don't cry... you'll make me cry." You said smiling softly. Liam nodded and kissed your nose. "I'm so glad you're ok." You nodded and smiled.

Niall (6)
You were playing hide and seek with your friends until a loud boom was heard and vicious shaking of the ground made everyone fall to the ground. "TAKE COVER!" Someone screamed. You quickly moved behind a table and in that time a man with a gun came in and had shot your teacher and a few fellow class mates. Just as that happened two armed officers shot the guy and he fell to the ground "y/n horan come with me." One said. You got up and he grabbed your hand and took you to Niall and your parents. "NIALL!!!" You wailed. "It's ok... shhh.... you won't have to come back here for a while.... it's ok shh." You nodded thankful you didn't lose your life.

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