Y/n calm down

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(Harry) 13 in all: Y/n's POV
You were dancing on the sofa with your friend, y/f/n until you tripped and face planted the ground you groaned and your friend quickly jumped off the sofa and kneeled down "y/n? Shit ill go get Harry" she said and ran off you were groaning and holding your jaw. "Shit" you heard Harry curse he came over to you and rolled you on your back y/f/n and the boys stayed back watching worriedly "y/n? Sweetheart can you hear me? If you can, try to open your mouth." You slowly opened your mouth but it only opened a little bit "oh dear" Harry said, Harry pushed underneath your jaw and began massaging it, it did nothing though. You began to panic "sweetie calm down. You didn't listen... Y/n calm down" you tried to calm down and it worked a little bit. You winced as you felt your jaw click "y/n try and open your mouth now" Harry said. You opened your mouth and opened it all the way. "Ok that's great... but both of you need to be more careful... your both going to be the death of me" Harry said chuckling going back to his office with the boys. And indeed you both were more careful.

You were in Tescos looking for food for you and you brother and his mates that have properly had a long day at the studio. You picked up an item until you felt something cold get pressed to your side everything was silent all the people around us were frozen "give me all your money" the voice spoke you quickly grabbed your purse and took out the £20's you had "good but not good enough" he said and shot you in the stomach you screamed and fell to the ground the guy ran off and 5 familiar men came to your rescue "sh y/n breath were going to help you" Louis said you groaned and tried to move but they all held you down "I'll go grab the med kit" Niall said "no need to do that" the same voice replied all the boys looked up and saw the man pointing the gun at you and a knife pointed to the boys "what?" Liam said "if you wanna save her use the knife and get the fuckin bullet out" the man said Harry grabbed the knife and you began shaking "but we can do that because she's still a minor and needs medication" Niall said the man rolled his eyes "one. Last. Warning" he said Harry cursed under his breath Liam was stroking your head and holding pressure on your wound "ok if you wanna save you sister this is the only chance we have" Harry said looking sad Liam nodded and you shook your head but they ignored you Liam took his hand off your wound and held both of your hands "were sorry about this love" Harry said Harry then pulled your t-shirt up and slowly dug the knife into your skin you screamed out in pain and began struggling "shhh y/n calm down" Niall said your breathing was heavy and you could barely breath "ok bullet is out" Harry said the man got something out of his pocket and handed Harry a needle and some wire Harry sighed "I'm so sorry" he said and slowly started doing the stitches you screamed again and passed out. You woke up and saw harry checking your pulse and Liam sat next to you rubbing your forehead "hi darling" Liam said you nodded and you fell back to sleep. Let's just say the boys were over protective.

You were on your bike whilst the boys walked behind you, you sped up until a cat ran in front of you, you screamed and slammed on your breaks and that made you topple forwards and you land on your back and the bike landing on you the boys ran over to you and Liam quickly got the bike off, of you, you were crying hysterically "calm down butter cup" Niall said you caught your breath and sniffed Liam helped you stand up then Niall gave you a piggy back to the house once you got inside Niall went to grab a cloth and some hot water he came back a few minutes later and started rubbing your back "sweets I need to clean you up ok?" Niall said gently you nodded and he started cleaning your scratched right shoulder, left bloody knee and two grazed legs you winced and Niall sighed "I'm sorry babe" Niall said and hugged you you all then watched movies.

You were on tour with the  boys right now you are on stage running around you then tripped up and landed on your shoulder awkwardly "ahggggggg!!" You screamed just then Louis ran to you and saw your shoulder and went wide eyed "PARAMEDICS!" He yelled and two males ran over "ok you've dislocated your shoulder we just need to push it in" you nodded and he pressed down on your shoulder you screamed until it clicked back into place "thanks guys" Louis said they nodded and went away and you had to answer a lot of questions from the other 4 worried lads.

You were in the kitchen and you had the dishwasher open you stepped backwards and tripped and landed on a pointed up fork "fuck!" You shouted and held your arm zayn came in and saw 4 marks in your arm "err what happened?" Zayn said taking your arm "I fell and got stabbed by a fork" zayn sighed "flipping hell go more careful!" "I will" you muttered under your breath.

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