You're in story of my life

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Harry (10)
"What?" You asked the looking at the director. "I said you have to not blink." You stared at the director for a moment before bursting into laughter. "But I need to blink!" You exclaimed. "Yes but you've got to stay still!" He said angrily whilst crossing his arms. "Oh ok." You said and went back over to harry. "Ok harry whilst you sing I want you to wrap your arms around y/n, y/n don't blink." You and harry nodded and you stayed still. It was nearing the end of yours and Harry's bit until louis sneezed and head butted zayn. You immediately began laughing and everyone else began laughing except the director. "I'm sorry it was his fault!" You said pointing at louis, louis put his hands up and sneezed again. You giggled and the director sighed. "Cut!" He shouted. "Ok now louis stay still, do not sneeze or try to make y/n laugh and y/n stay still ok?" You nodded and he smiled and began filming. "LOUIS!" The director screamed as Louis once again sneezed. "SORRY!" Louis shouted and ran off. You giggled and the director was not impressed.

Liam (17)
"No I'm too old!" You said crossing your arms defiantly. "No you're not. It's only for the video... just do it." The director said getting frustrated with you. "But I don't want to sit on my brothers lap!" You exclaimed with a pout. "You need to do it baby." Liam said coming up from behind you and tickling you. "Don't!" You warned whilst hitting his hands. "Man someone's on her period." Liam said turning around. "Fine I'll do it!" You said. "Finally!" The director said and nodded at someone. You sat down on Liam's lap and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Ok 3, 2, 1 action!" The director shouted and Liam began miming the words and every now and then he would tickle your sides making you flinch. The rest of the lads who were obviously enjoying watching the scene in front of them began laughing their heads off. "CUT IT OFF!" You yelled elbowing Liam's chest. "Geez sorry!" He said poking your sides. "LIAM!" You screamed as he got up. It was absolute chaos. The producers and director were yelling at you, the boys were laughing, you were screaming and having a hissy fit whilst Liam ran away. You jumped on Liam's back and began hitting him.... not realising you had been filmed. You had no idea until a new hashtag was going on. #dontgetony/nsbadside #runliamrun

Niall (12)
"Niall Stop." You pleaded kicking his leg. "No it's only harry.... it's fine." He said. "But I don't want to have a piggy back from him." You said with a pouty face. "Well that's a new one." Niall said chuckling. You cocked your head to the side and Niall smiled. "You've got a crush on harry haven't you?" You went wide eyed and Niall laughed. "Awww!" Harry exclaimed coming out from behind the camera. "What?" You asked looking around finding the other boys laughing. "I love you too y/n!" Harry cooed. "Ummm...." You said and backed up. "Come on it's only a wittle hug!" Harry exclaimed. You squealed and tried to get away but Harry grabbed you and began hugging you tightly. And before you knew it not only was there a new hashtag but you were also over Harry's shoulder laughing your head off but you were beat red. #harryandy/n4ever

Louis (19)
You were sat on the sofa laughing your head off at louis making faces at you. "No louis!" You exclaimed snorting. "Guys!" The director shouted and you and louis stared at her. "Yeah?" You and him questioned. "Please don't laugh." You and louis nodded and he began miming until you farted and louis fell off, of the sofa laughing and you laughed whilst looking at the boys who were shaking their heads. You got on top of louis and began tickling him. Louis squealed and struggled and you just laughed. And finally louis pushed you over getting on top of you and tickling you which caused the boys to take photos and this caused a huge hashtag #y/ntomlinsonisticklish!

Zayn (15)
"No not the hair!" You exclaimed covering your head. "Come on it's only pasta sauce." You glared at Niall but sighed and nodded. "Thank you." He said and poured the pasta on top of your head. You cringed and began pouting "you've spent to much time with me." Zayn said smiling. "Would you like this in your hair?!!!" You asked. "No love." He said. "That's what I thought." You muttered. Let's just say you wouldn't come out of the shower.

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