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This is for AaliyahJohnson277. Hope you like it.

Aaliyah's POV
Daddy said he had a knew boyfriend. I'm honestly quite scared. What if this person is not nice? "Aaliyah honey what's wrong?" Daddy asked. "Is your new boyfriend nice?" I asked. "Yes. He's very nice. Also when you're comfortable with it you can call him papa ok but for now just call him harry or haz." I nodded and held daddy's hand again. We were going to a cafe. Once we arrived daddy opened the door and helped me up the big step. "Look there he is." Daddy said kneeling down next to me whilst pointing at a man with curly long hair. "Come on then." Daddy said pulling me along. I tried to stop him by dragging my feet but that didn't work. Soon enough we had arrived. "Hello lovelies." Harry said standing up and hugging daddy. I immediately hid behind another table that was next to Harry's. "Yes this is my daughter-" daddy looked down but couldn't find me. "Aaliyah?" He called looking around. "Sorry she's sometimes very shy." Daddy said. "Aaliyah!" Daddy exclaimed picking me up. "Daddy he scary." I said quietly. Daddy let out a loud laugh and he patted my back. "He's very nice. Not scary at all." Daddy said. I looked at daddy worriedly and he smiled. "Come on. You can meet him and get along with your new papa." I nodded but gripped daddy's shoulders harder. "Here you go harry. This is Aaliyah." Daddy handed me off to harry and I slightly panicked until daddy smiled at me and I realised harry wasn't doing anything. "Hello Aaliyah love. I'm harry your new papa." I looked up at him and found his wonderful green eyes mesmerising "your eyes are very pretty harry." I said. Harry smiled "why thank you. Your eyes are very nice too." He said poking my nose. I smiled and looked at his brown locks finding them very interesting. I gripped one of his curls in my hand and I tugged lightly. "Pretty hair." I said resting my head on his shoulder. "Thank you." Harry said chuckling. I pulled harder and daddy grabbed my little hand "no Aaliyah that can hurt." He said. I nodded and let go of Harry's hair. Harry handed me off to daddy but I immediately made grabby hands at harry again. Harry smiled and began picking me up again. "You my papa?" I asked. Papa looked surprised but he nodded. "Yeah I'm your papa." He said smiling. "Ok papa... I like you... you and daddy get along very well. You my new papa and I wove you." I said kissing papas cheek. Papa cooed silently and kissed my forehead but whilst all that was happening daddy was taking pictures of us and sharing it with Niall, louis and Liam.

Hope you liked it. Thanks for all the requests.

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