You have a breakdown and they comfort you.

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Harry: (13)
You were waking home from school crying your eyes out. You had failed your maths and English test, your friends had turned on you and your boyfriend broke up with you.  You ran to your brothers house and knocked on the door as soon as it opened you fell into Harry's arms and cried again he brought you into his chest and rubbed your back "honey what's wrong?" You shrugged and sniffled he brought you into the living room where the boys were "tell us what happened" "f-failed two t-tests m-my f-friends turned on me and and my boyfriend broke up with me!" You said going into another round of tears all the boys hugged you and rubbed your back "sweetie he was your first boyfriend you will find someone who will not use you and will love you for you. Ok?" Liam said you nodded and snuggled into harry "thanks guys" they all smiled "no problem"
Liam (18)
You were with your friend in town until you saw your now ex- boyfriend kissing another girl  you began crying and y/f/n began comforting you "c-can we go home" y/f/n nodded and walked you home then left you knocked on the door and Liam answered "aww what's wrong babe" Liam said bringing you into a hug "Joe cheated on me" you said in a shaky voice Liam growled and pulled you into the living room "can I hit him?" Louis said you giggled "no" Liam smiled "you don't need him you have us" you nodded and smiled "thanks" You all watched movies you falling asleep half way through the 5th one.
Niall (7)
"No,no,no,no,No" you mumbled to yourself looking at your homework you screamed when you once again got confused you flopped onto your bed and cried into a pillow. You heard multiple footsteps coming up the stairs and tried to look normal but failed when another round of tears came Niall rushed over to you "aww sweetie what's wrong" "I-I-I-I don't get any of my homework" "we'll help you why didn't you just ask?" You shrugged and the boys helped you get the questions right.
Louis: (17)
You stomped downstairs and grabbed a baseball bat and some black shoes "why do you look like your about to rob a bank?" Harry said "well I thought about what my ex- boyfriend likes the most and that is his motor bike so yeah I'm gonna smash it up feel free to join" you said running out the door. And let's just say his motor bike couldn't be fixed.
Zayn: (14)
You were meant to go on a date with your boyfriend but he never showed up then after that you got a text from him "it's over" You glared at the phone then began crying Zayn looks dover and ran over to you "boo what's wrong?" You just gave him your phone and he growled "Liam and Louis come with me the rest stay with y/n please we're going to teach this boy a little lesson"

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