Your in a bullying or abusing film. Only harry, liam and niall.

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Harry: (14 in all)
You were at the studio with Harry, the boys and, Grayson, the boy who 'bullies' you. "Ok y/n go sit up against the lockers so your facing your brother and Grayson just glare at her and raise your hand ok. Also y/n add some tears in if you can" you nodded and put your back against the green screen "ok 321 action!" The director shouted. Grayson rose his hand and you began shaking and decided to add some lines in "p-please s-stop" you said as you began to shake even more Grayson smirked then looked around for any 'teachers' then he pulled a knife out your breathing picked up and you counted down from ten and when you got to five you began crying "please Grayson please I- leave me alone what have I ever done to you?" You said slowly standing up "well you ruined my life!" Grayson shouted you jumped and Grayson slapped you hard across the face, well that's what Harry and the boys thought but Grayson just tapped your cheek and you clapped your hands. Grayson then 'stabbed' you in the stomach. You screamed and fell to the floor just then your friend in the movie, y/f/n came around the corner and saw you she ran up to you and she tried to cry and you could see that but it wasn't working. "H-help" you whispered y/f/n grabbed your hand "I'll call an ambulance ok? Y/n?"   "Y/n" "y/n!" Y/f/n yelled then began crying she faced the boys and talked to 'Grayson' "I'll get the fucking police on you! I swear to god! I'll kill you!" She shouted Grayson just chuckled and slowly walked on set again and pushed y/f/n up against the wall "it's surprising how teachers haven't heard anything yet" Grayson whispered he then pulled out the fake gun and put it to y/f/n temple she shut her eyes and he shot her. She screamed and 'died' then Grayson kneeled down "I'm so sorry" he said then walked away "And cut!" The director shouted. You high fived  y/f/n then went up to the boys and they began telling you how good you were. Especially harry.
You were waiting backstage with your 'sister' but it was actually your best friend. Anyway she was your sister and your boyfriend has to dump you really rudely you heard your cue so you went on. "Hey y/n" your boyfriend Jake said smiling at you, you smiled back and Jake sighed "y/n I don't think our relationship is going very well" you looked at Jake your eyes filling up with tears you then slapped him hard he held his cheek and whilst facing the audience he smirked "You shouldn't've done that sweetheart" he said then turned his head back towards you and began walking toward you, you backed up and he grabbed you then chucked you to the floor and climbed on top of you "Y/S/N HELP ME!!!" You yelled. She didn't hear you so you began struggling under Jake "let me go!" You shouted "aww sweet innocent little y/n you won't be so innocent after this..." he said and pretended to try and take your trousers off. You screamed and y/s/n ran in "oil what are you doing to my sister!" She shouted and jumped on jakes back and hit his head until he pushed her off and tried to punch her you screamed and kicked Jake, jake fell unconscious and you let out a sigh of relief until the police came in "put your hands up your under arrest for potential abuse" they said to you and handcuffed you, you screamed and struggled and got taken off stage where you were soon met by a very happy brother and very proud band mates.
Niall and the boys didn't know you were a very good actress until your mum made you perform in front of them. "Y/n come on you do it all the time" your mum said you sighed and placed yourself next to the wall, your mum was pretending to be drunk and abusive "mum?!" You shouted pretending to come home from school you got no reply so you walked into the living room where she was stumbling around "Mum?" "Yes dearest?" She said in a creepy tone "nothing" you said and tried to walk away but your mum grabbed you and pushed you up against the wall she actually hit your stomach but you put a blanket on your stomach. You bent over and groaned. Your mum pushed you to the floor then began kicking you in the stomach you cried out in pain and began crying "Mum stop it please!" You shouted groaning your Mum finally left and you got up and bowed "I'm ok, I'm ok" you said grinning. The boys looked shocked and didn't say anything until they actually thought about what happened and they took you for a meal.

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