You have to go to the dentist but are scared.

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Harry: (13)
"Y/n come on it isn't that bad! They won't hurt you" You hid in your wardrobe "don't make me come up there!" You stayed silent Harry stomped upstairs and walked into your room he walked around until his eyes landed on your wardrobe. He swung the door open and gripped your arm and pulled you out then drug you to the car you tired to get out but he slammed the door shut and put child lock on. You got to the dentist and harry opened your door "come on" you shook your head and gripped the other door he sighed and pulled you out and took you into the building where Liam and Zayn work "LET ME GO!" You yelled causing Liam and Zayn to look over they smiled and walked over "come on then" they said you struggled but they were to strong. You knew right then that you weren't getting out of it.
Liam: (17)
"I told you I don't want to go" you said and huffed turning away from your brother "fine I'll take you in your pyjamas" Liam said and began dragging you "no!" Liam pinched the bridge of his nose "fine. If you don't want to go you won't go but I'll set another appointment for next week and I'll bring the boys" he mumbled the last bit you smiled and fell back asleep.
Niall (9)
It wasn't you who was scared of the dentist it was Niall he would always try and make something up about why he had to change your appointment. Louis had booked an appointment for you and Niall was asleep so you decided to go with Louis. And you found out you had to get your wisdom teeth removed. You went back and found Niall sat on the sofa he looked up and found you looking drowsy with Louis "is she drunk!" Niall yelled Louis shook his head "no she had her wisdom teeth pulled out. Just then Niall began freaking out. Great.
Louis: (18)
You were fine with the dentist but sometimes didn't want to go.
Zayn: (4)
You were going for a cleaning at the dentist and you were freaking out "I don't want to go!" You yelled at your brother who buckled you up in the car he sighed "sorry babe" he said and slammed the door. At age 13 you finally got over your fear.

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