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This is for AaliyahJohnson277 Hope you like it ❤️💜💜💜😃😊

Aaliyah's POV
I was walking down the stairs of my dad, zayn's house. His girlfriend, Tia is rude and tries to blame me for everything. It's so unfair! Anyway as I was walking I felt my phone buzz in my hand so I swung my hand up and it came in contact with Tia's vase. I went wide eyed as the vase fell down the stairs and smashed into little pieces. "WHAT THE HELL YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Tia shouted whilst crying. "I-I'm Sorry-" she cut me off. "NO YOURE NOT! IM GOING TO MAKE SURE YOUR FATHER DISOWNS YOU!" She screamed just as my dad walked through the door. I looked at Tia shocked and felt my eyes tear up. "What happened?" Zayn asked looking quite angry. "I didn't mean to do it Dad..... my hand just swung up and it fell down the stairs.... I'm sorry Tia." I mumbled looking down. "YOU BITCH!" Tia screamed. Zayn hugged Tia and I felt the tears sliding down my cheeks. "I'm sorry for being a disgrace to the family." I muttered walking past zayn and Tia. "Aaliyah wa-" I ignored my dad and opened the door and ran. I ran and ran until my legs ached. I looked around the unfamiliar neighbourhood until I noticed Liam's house. "Liam." I whimpered and began pushing through the pain and I ran until I got to his front door. I pounded on the door until it was opened by Liam. "L-Liam." I said and Liam gasped. "Aaliyah darling what are you doing ally He way here?" Liam asked pulling me in for a hug. "T-t-Tia w-was mean.... I didn't mean to break her vase but she got angry and she went ape shit on me!" I said angrily whilst letting the sad and angry tears out. "Oh darling." He said and pulled me inside. "Ok.... you sit on the couch whilst I get you a nice hot chocolate." I smiled lightly and nodded. "A!" Bear shouted whilst skipping into the room. "Hiya buddy." I said whilst ruffling his hair. "Here you go sweetheart." Liam said giving the tea to me. "Thanks uncle Liam." I said smiling. "No problem darling." He said whilst sitting down.

Zayn's POV
"Tia that was uncalled for!" I said angrily. "Buttt zaynieeeee!" She whined like she was a 5 year old. "Grow up." I said whilst tugging at my hair. I feel really bad I know my baby didn't mean to do it now she's somewhere probably hiding and crying her little heart out. "Ok Tia for now on can you just go to a hotel please?" I asked. "What-" she started to shout. "Tia out!" I said rubbing my temple. "Ok I'll be back." She said and walked out. I sighed and grabbed my phone. I called harry first. "Hello have you seen Aaliyah?" I asked. "No sorry mate." He said and put the phone down on me. Rude! Next I called Niall. "Hi mate have you seen Aaliyah anywhere?" I asked. "No sorry try Liam." I nodded and said goodbye and hung up. I then called Liam. "Hi liam.... have you seen Aaliyah?" I asked. There was silence for a few seconds until. "No sorry mate." I sighed and was about to hang up until I heard Liam's son, bear shout a name I came up with for my beautiful baby.... Aaliyah. I hung up and grabbed my jacket and keys and ran out to my car.

Aaliyah's POV
I had my head on Liam's lap whilst he played with my hair until there was loud banging on the front door. Liam sighed and got up. Liam went to the front door and opened it. "No zayn she doesn't want to see you." Liam said. "Please!" Zayn exclaimed. "Li let him in." I said quietly. Liam sighed but let my father in. "A-Aaliyah I'm so sorry baby." Dad said pulling me into his arms. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away. "Aaliyah.... please I'm sorry!" Dad said kissing my forehead. I sighed and looked up at him and smiled. "It's ok Dad..... I forgive you." He smiled and hugged me tighter. "I'm glad..... I'm sorry she blamed you... I'm not going to get back together with her because she's just been nasty... ok sound good babe?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "Love you Aaliyah." Dad said kissing my nose. "Love you too Dad." I said snuggling into his chest.

Hope you liked it!

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