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This is for gracievy12. Hope you like it. I wasn't sure if you wanted your name in it or just y/n like usual. If you did want your name then just tell me and I'll do this one again. But for now I'm just going to use y/n. Hope it's ok.

Y/n's POV
"Shut up y/n!" Y/f/n exclaimed. "Oh so you're telling me to shut up now?!!!! Haven't got a better come back?!!! Huh?!!! You fucking bitch!" You yelled back. "Shut it." Y/f/n said giving you a cold look. "Y/f/n! Are you just gonna throw out our friend ship?!!!" You shouted. "No. Well maybe yes. Now leave me be." She said glaring at you. "Well I can't leave you be because we've got the same class. So if I were you suck it up and just.... be nice." You said. "Fine. Don't talk to me. Spoilt brat." She muttered. "Oi!" You shouted and y/f/n turned around. "What now? I'm gonna be late for class." She said snottily. You glared at her. "Y/f/n you said you were never gonna bring that up again. Yes I may be the sister of a member of the biggest boy band but you don't need to be rude to me! You may not like me.... but I thought we were friends!" You shouted with tears threatening to spill. "Well guess what y/n.... I'm throwing that friendship away. I can get a better friend." She said smirking. You stared at her in disbelief. "What's wrong with you?" You asked quietly. "I should be asking you the same question." She did before walking off. You stood in the hallways shocked until realisation hit you and you fell to the ground sobbing. You shakily grabbed your phone and looked through your phone with glazed eyes until your eyes came across a very familiar name... Liam. You began crying harder and you clicked his contact and put the phone up to your ear. "Hello sister!" He exclaimed happily. "L-l-Li come pick me up." You stuttered out. "Babe what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. You glanced around and began sobbing into the phone now alerting Liam that something was terribly wrong. "I'm coming darling. Go to reception.... I'll be there in five. Remember take deep breaths and focus on your breathing ok?" You nodded and you heard some shuffling before the line went dead. You stood up and picked your bag up and began walking to reception. A few minutes later you got to reception and just your luck. The principle was stood there. "Miss payne what are you doing out of class?" He asked looking at you angrily. You stared at him with tears in your eyes and went to cry until someone burst into the office. You looked up and saw Liam. You began crying again and he pulled you into his chest. "It's ok baby." He said rubbing your back. "Excuse me sir but miss Payne needs to go back to class." The stupid principle said in his gruff voice. You felt Liam's heart rate speed up and he began rubbing your back a bit more rougher. "Excuse you sir but my sister needs me right now so I'm going to take her out. She's only missing one lesson. Won't do any harm." Liam said sending a stone look at the teacher glaring at you with his stupid old fashioned glasses. "Fine. Please sign her ou-" Liam cut him off. "No sir. I need to calm her down. Can't you see her panicking. It's alright baby shhh, shh. I'm right here." Liam said whilst kissing your forehead. "Ok fine." He said walking away. Liam lifted you up and you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You were still sobbing but he made sure to carry on rubbing your back. You felt the cold wind come in contact with your rosy cheeks and you looked up. "You ok love?" Liam asked. "N-no." You said quietly whilst resting your head on his shoulder. "Ok let's get you in the car then you can explain ok?" You nodded and cuddled closer to liam. Liam carried you a few more minutes until you heard a door open. You lifted your head off, of his shoulder and you saw all the others giving you sympathetic smiles. Louis stepped out of the car and took you out of Liam's arms giving you a warm hug whilst rubbing his fingers through your hair. "What made you so upset darling?" He asked helping you get your seatbelt on. "I can do it Lou." You muttered. "I know you can. But I've got to help my bestie." He said kissing your forehead. You felt tears come to your eyes at the mention of 'bestie' and you just began crying. Harry who was next to you put his arm over your shoulders and he pulled you into his side. "What's wrong kid?" He asked rubbing your back. "M-m-me-" you got cut off by another round of sobs. "Oh darling." Niall said patting your knee gently. Zayn gave you a sympathetic smile and you just cried harder. Harry kissed your head repeatedly until you had calmed down. "Ready?" Liam asked gently. You nodded and took a deep breath. "Y/f/n and I got into a bad argument.... she said she never wants to see me again." You said and you swore you felt a little bit of your heart crack. "It's ok baby." Liam said looking into the rear view mirror at you. You sighed "you'll make up I'm sure." Zayn said. You shook your head. "If you don't fight with your best friends then they're not your best friend." Niall said softly. You looked at him oddly. "What do you mean by that." Niall sighed. "I mean. If you and y/f/n never fight then that shows that maybe you aren't friends.... but that you fight shows your true colours." You still looked at Niall oddly and he smiled making you smile. "There's the smile we love!" Liam exclaimed whilst all the boys nodded. "You'll make up. Y/f/n didn't mean anything that came out of her mouth ok?" You nodded and smiled again. "Good. Just make sure to tell us if she does this again. But that she's only done it this once we'll let her off-" harry said but got cut off by Liam. "But I'm talking to her tomorrow.... and I'll give her a small lesson on how to treat my baby sister." Liam said smiling. You smiled but pouted "Don't pout." Liam said chuckling. You burst out laughing causing the others to join in. You really do have the greatest brother and greatest 'brothers' ever.

Hope you liked it 💜💜💜😊😊😊😁😁😁 

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