He's your step- dad you call him dad. and you have a nightmare. (Ddm) 3/5

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Harry (10)
"Let me go please!" You said to the man. "Oh you ain't going anywhere princess" he replied. He pulled his hood down and smirked at your shocked expression. "N-Niall?" He kneeled down. "Yes darling that's me." He said stroking your cheek. "Where are we?" You asked. "We are far, far away from your mother.... and your step daddy harry styles." Niall said with an evil glint in his eyes. "Why are you doing this?" Niall smirked. "I was best friends with harry.... until one day he took away the love of my life..... he took away your mother..... from me.... she was MEANT FOR ME Y/N!" Niall yelled. You flinched and began crying. "Don't cry! Oh if you don't stop crying then I'll give you something to actually cry about." He said and walked away. Niall then came back with harry and your mums bodies. You screamed and Niall smirked and took a gun out of his back pocket. He pointed the gun at you-

You woke up with a gasp and looked around your dark room. You were shaking and you were terrified. You slowly stepped out of your warm bed and quickly walked over to your bedroom door. You opened it and walked out. You walked over to your brother, y/b/n's room. You opened his door and saw he wasn't in there. Your eyes teared up and you slowly walked back over towards your room because you didn't want to disturb Harry's sleep. Your mum was working a night shift at Tesco's. You went to walk into your room but you froze when you heard a door open. Your house echos so it sounded like it came from all around you, you hated it and began shaking. A light was flicked on and you saw a tired Harry walking out of your mums and his room. He opened his eyes and jumped out of his skin when he saw you crouched on the floor hugging your knees close. "Y/n darling? What are you doing up?" Harry asked and slowly knelt down next to you, you couldn't help it you through your arms around Harry's neck and cried into his neck. He rubbed your back soothingly and whispered little nothings into your ear. "What happened babe?" He asked and kissed the side of your head. You sniffed and began crying again at the thought. "It's ok shh, shh" He cooed. "Nightmare- n-Niall- kidnap me- killed you and mummy" you said through sobs. "Oh no it's ok darling shhh." He said and pulled you closer. "Do you want to sleep with me love?" He asked. "Y-yes please daddy." You said. You went wide eyed at what you had said. "Sorry harr-" Harry smiled. "No it's ok.... I've been waiting for you to say that for a while now." You nodded and snuggled further into harry. Harry picked you up and walked you into his and your mums room. He laid you down and laid next to you. You hesitantly wrapped your arms around him and he smiled softly at you. "It's ok darling." He said and kissed your forehead. "D-daddy?" Harry grinned at you. "Yes?" He asked. "Do you love me?" You asked smiling. Harry chuckled. "Of course I do.... you're my little girl." He said and rubbed your back. "Thanks daddy." Harry smiled. "No need to thank me." You nodded but felt more tears coming to your eyes. "I-I dong want you to go daddy." You said. "Y/n listen to me.... look at me." You looked at harry. "Daddy's never going to leave you.... daddy loves mummy very much and daddy loves you very much..." you cried into his chest. "Daddy's got you." He said and played with your hair. "I love you daddy." Harry smiled and kissed your head. "And daddy loves you." You smiled and closed your eyes. You then fell asleep and soon after that Harry fell asleep as well. Your mum walked into the silent house after a busy night as work. She walked up the stairs and found you and harry snuggled up together. Your mother smiled and silently cooed at you. She changed into her pyjamas and got into the other side of the bed so she was next to you and fell asleep. You woke up the next morning snuggled into Harry's chest and you were sandwiched by both, your 'dad' and your Mum.

Liam (5)
You were sat on a bus with Liam and Louis and you were playing with your toys until you heard a very worried voice shouting. "WE'RE GOING TO CRASH!!!!" You looked at Liam worried and he grabbed you and pulled you into his lap. You heard a crashing sound and you looked to where louis was but he wasn't there anymore. "LOUIS!" You screamed. A window was smashed open and there was some blood on it. "Y/n whatever happens please remember I will always love yo-" Liam said but got cut off by the whole bus plummeting into the sea. Everyone was stuck except you, everyone died, except you. You were trying to stay above water but you felt people pulling on your little legs. You looked down and saw Liam, louis, zayn, harry, and Niall all glaring at you. They all submerged from the water and they all pushed you under the water. "Y/n! You didn't save us! This is your fault!" Liam shouted. You whimpered until your vision went black-

"Y/n!" Someone shouted. You sat up quickly and gasped for breath. You saw Liam and began crying. "Hey, Hey it's ok." He said and pulled you in for a hug. "I-I'm Sorry.... I'm so sorry daddy!" You wailed. "You don't need to be sorry sweetie shh, shhh" Liam said and picked you up out of bed and rested you on his hip. "Dad? Y-you know uncle Louis, Niall, harry, and zayn?" Liam smiled and nodded. "Are they ok? Do they still love me like you love me?" You asked quietly. "Of course they do! Why wouldn't they?" Liam asked. "It- it was my fault!" You said and began crying. "What was sweetheart?" He asked. "I-I-I let you..... my daddy die! And all my uncles dieeee!" You shouted and wrapped your arms tighter around Liam's neck. "No you didn't darling.... y/n I'm still here.... all the guys are alive.... it's ok calm down." Liam said and kissed your forehead. "L-Liam is it ok if I call you Daddy?" You asked. Liam smiled. "Of course baby! You want to know a secret?" You nodded. Liam put his lips next to your ear. "I've been waiting for you to say that..... you're now more like a real daughter to me." You looked at Liam shocked but you grinned and hugged him tightly. "Daddy you wanna know something?" You asked. Liam nodded whilst laying you down and laying next to you. He wrapped his arms around you and you nuzzled your face into his neck. "I love you." You mumbled. "I love you too..... y/n" Liam said and you both fell asleep with smiles on your faces.

Niall (17)
You had just dropped a glass of water on the floor and Niall and your mother stared at you in anger. "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!" Niall screamed. You looked at Niall scared out of your mind. Niall walked over to you and pushed you into the wall. "You little shit! I told your mother I wanted you to die! You're stupid, stupid, stupid!" Niall shouted and suddenly he and your mother disappeared. You looked around to find yourself in your old junior school. You looked around but didn't see anyone except five guys walking towards you, you went wide eyed as you saw it was Niall and the rest of his band. "Hi are you lost?" He asked. You looked at him shocked. "Another fan eh?" He asked. You just stood there not knowing what to do. "Wait.... you're y/n y/l/n right?" Niall asked. You nodded. Then all of a sudden they disappeared. You were left in darkness... completely alone... but you could hear laughter of a child coming from inside your house.

You woke up with a jolt and looked around. You got up and ran into your mums and niall's room. You only saw one body and noticed long dirty blonde hair noticing it was your mother's body you teared up but climbed into the bed. "Mum?" You asked. She awoke and saw you. "Hey y/n.... are you ok? What are you doing up?" She asked. "I had a nightmare.... where's Niall?" Your mum sighed. Don't you remember... Niall went to the studio yesterday and would come back some time today.... probably an hour." She said. You nodded and felt tears building up until the front door opened downstairs. You got up and ran downstairs and saw Niall and all of the lads. You ran straight up to Niall and hugged him tightly whilst crying into his shoulder. You were shaking uncontrollably just hoping he loves you and doesn't hate you. "Hello princess.... what's wrong darling?" He asked rubbing your back. All the guys just stood away for a bit and talked to your mother for a bit. You then noticed your mum and the others were watching you and Niall. You couldn't help what came out of your mouth. "Dad, do you love me?" You asked. Niall's grip tightened and he kissed your nose. "Of course I do.... you're my princess." He said. You nodded "she had a nightmare.... I'm not sure what it was about." Your Mum said. You wiped your eyes and stayed put in niall's arms. "Ok take your time.... tell us what the nightmare was about sweetie." Your Mum said. "S-so basically I dropped a glass of water. You and Dad got angry at me... nia- Dad pushed me up against the wall and shouted at me then you and Dad disappeared then I was back at my junior school and I saw Dad and the guys coming towards me I couldn't talk Dad thought I was a fan so he asked whether I was a fan I still didn't answer then the rest was a blur." You said and Niall rubbed your back for a while. "I'll never stop loving you y/n" you smiled at Niall and kissed his cheek. Everyone cooed and you and your dad got closer and closer together. You were definitely a niall's girl.

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