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This bsm is for hemmohood- styles. Enjoy 🤗 if you meant anonymous for the name then I'm sorry... I'm still new to this thing... sorry.... just use your own name... sorry

Anon's POV
A few weeks ago I had been having bad coughs and sometimes I struggled to breath. I haven't mentioned anything to Harry yet because to be completely honest I hate when I have to go to the doctors. "Anon darling?" Harry asked walking into my room. "Yeah?" I asked. "You've got a doctors appointment." I looked at harry with wide eyes. "What?! No-" I got cut off by the horrible chesty cough. "Oh gosh love that sounds horrible." Harry said patting my back. "Are you ok?" Harry asked. I nodded and smiled. "Ok... the lads are coming over soon ok?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "I'll call you When teas ready k?" I nodded and he walked downstairs.

Harry's POV
"Yeah she's got a horrible cough." I said whilst shaking my head. "Have you got a doctors appointment?" Luke asked. "Yes I have.... ok well I've got to call anon down ok... see you soon mate." I said. "Yeah ok bye mate." Luke said and hung up. I stirred the pasta around some more before I put it on a plate. "Anon?!" I called. "Anon?" I asked again but still didn't get a response. I sighed and went to go upstairs but the door bell went. I opened the front door and allowed the boys to come in. "Hello take some food if you would like to-" I got cut off by a small scream. "ANON?!" I shouted worriedly. "H-HARR-" Anon shouted but got cut off by silence. "I going up there." I said and quickly ran upstairs. I opened her bedroom door and found her on the floor grasping her chest. I ran over to her and kneeled down. "Anon can you hear me babe?" I asked. She nodded and wheezed some more. "Can you breath?" I asked. " n-no." She said quietly. "Ok I'm going to ring the ambulance." I said and took my phone out of my back pocket and began ringing them.

Anon's POV
Harry began talking to someone on the phone but I kept going in and out of consciousness. "Anon stay with me darling." Harry said clicking his fingers in front of my face. "Yeah she's had a bad cough recently and now she can't breath... yeah ok.... thanks." Harry said and put the phone down. "They said I have to drive you there ok?" I didn't respond and Harry quickly lifted me up and carried me bridal style down the stairs. "Is she ok- oh my gosh!" Zayn exclaimed. "I need to get her to the hospital." Zayn nodded "I'll come." He said. "C-can't b-b-Breath." I croaked out "ok sweetie." Harry said and rushed me outside to his car. Louis and Liam got in the back and cuddled with me making sure I was warm and zayn got in the front with Harry and Niall drove behind us. "It's ok shhh." Louis said whilst running his fingers through my hair. I coughed and Liam patted my back.

At hospital.

Harry's POV
"IS SHE OK?!" I asked looking at the doctor intently. "I'm sorry sir but that's private information." I opened my mouth to say something but I quickly shut it again. "When can I see her?" I asked. "I'm a few hours sir." I nodded and sat down. "Anon styles?" A doctor said walking in. I shot up and he smiled. "Well there's good news and bad news." I nodded. "Can you tell us with her?" I asked. The doctor nodded and led us to anons room. Anon was wide awake and when she saw us she smiled and opened her arms. I hugged her tightly and sat down taking her hand in mine. "Well as I told your brother here.... we've got some bad and good news.... what news would you like first?" He asked looking at anon. "Good please." She whispered. "Ok... well the good need is.... you'll be ok.... and you get to go home tomorrow." Anon nodded and I kissed her head. "And the bad news is..... I'm really sorry but you've got Pneumonia." He said looking sadly at anon. I immediately hugged anon tightly and I kissed her forehead. Soon enough the other boys joined the hug and I promised anon something that I will never break.

Anons POV
Harry promised me something he won't break. "I'll always be here for you through rough times like this but if I'm not here with you then please take this and hold it close to you and I'll always be with you ok?" Harry asked giving me a bracelet with my name then a love heart then Harry's name. "Thanks hazza I love you." I said. "I love you to Anon..... I really do."

Sorry this was short. Hope you liked it hemmohood-styles. I'm also sorry if you meant anonymous... I'm new to this type of request thing and If you did mean anonymous then just use your name or the person who's reading this... thanks, sorry again.

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