You get angry and bite him

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Harry (4)
You were with harry, the boys and the 5sos boys. Harry was annoying you by tickling your stomach every now and then. Let's just say you have a bad temper. "STOP IT!!!" You yelled. Everyone jumped and Harry sighed "y/n we do not yell in this house" Harry said you rolled your eyes and grunted. "Don't shout like that again" Harry said calmly "blah, blah, blah" you said back "y/n don't make me put you in naughty corner" Harry said you screamed again and Harry grabbed both of your hands and pulled you up you began kicking, screaming and punching. Harry got you to the naughty corner and kneeled down to your height. When he crossed his arms you bent down and bit his arm. "Ow! Y/n we do not bite!" Harry said in a stern tone "shut up poopypants" you said Harry sighed and looked at the boys they didn't say anything except from Liam. "Y/n listen to your brother before I do something you won't like" (Liam was just threatening you) you went wide eyed and quickly stopped squirming "I sorry haz" you said sniffling "it's ok sweetheart but don't ever bite me ever again" Harry said you nodded "pinkie promise" Harry said holding his pinkie out. "Pinkie pwomise" you said Harry pulled you into a hug "stay here for 10 minutes ok" you began screaming again and Harry sighed "fine I'll make it 20 minutes" you went to bite Harry again but he held you down so you couldn't reach him. "Fine I'll make it 30 minutes" "nooooo! I sowwy!!!" You said Harry sighed but nodded "stay here for 10 minutes ok" you nodded and Harry smiled "good" he then walked back to the boys and you stayed in the corner until Harry came and got you.

Liam (10)
You had a condition called bi-polar (I don't know whether that is a real condition) you were with Liam at home watching a movie until Liam said you had to go to bed. "No!" You shouted "y/n!" Liam said sternly "shut your face!" You shouted Liam sighed "y/n let's just go to bed I will read you a bed time story." "No bed time story!!! I want filmmmm!!!" You yelled Liam held his head and looked down "y/n the boys are coming over in a bit and I need you up in bed" you sighed "fine" you mumbled then went upstairs. You fell asleep to Liam singing but woke up to people laughing. You groaned, got out of bed and purposely stomped down the stairs "shut the fuck up!" You shouted at your brother and his mates "y/n go to bed now!" Liam said very calmly "no!!!" You shouted Liam groaned, came over to you and picked you up you began kicking and hit his stomach multiple times but it didn't faze him. You began struggling but nothing worked so you just came up with an idea- bite him- you screamed and screamed then hugged him so you were close to his ear then bit it really hard "ow y/n get upstairs before I slap you!" Liam shouted "no!!!" You yelled "y/n don't make me ask again!" You rolled your eyes and Liam put you down "you get your butt upstairs and go to sleep or go in naughty corner"  you groaned "naughty corner" you mumbled now getting tears in your eyes. Liam sighed and pulled you in for a hug you hugged him back and wrapped your legs around his waist you cried into his t-shirt "I'm sorry Li" Liam nodded and kissed the side of your head "it's fine babe shhhh" Liam said rubbing your back Liam put you in naughty corner and began talking to you "why did I put you here?" "I was naughty and I bit you" you said rubbing your eyes "exactly" Liam said and kissed your head "please don't bite me again" Liam said "ok I promise" you said and hugged Liam "ok good" Liam said and went to watch the football with the others.

Niall (14)
You were doing your homework which was very important and the only problem was your brother, Niall kept knocking on your door with his idiot friends "stop it right now before I make sure you can never have kids!!!!!" You screamed everything went silent all you could hear was Niall and the others giggling you sighed and slammed your computer shut you slowly crept up to your bedroom door and flung it open Niall fell into your room but the others were behind him you jumped on him and began hitting his chest, face and well anywhere you could hit... zayn pulled you off, of Niall and held you down you began screaming and kicked zayn in the stomach he groaned and fell sideways you were about to get up but Louis grabbed you and made your back go up against his chest "y/n calm down!" Louis shouted you began struggling and finally got out of Louis' grip and ran up to Niall and bit his finger "OW!!!" Niall screamed and turned over cradling his finger "y/n you do not do that!" Liam shouted and pulled you up and taking you downstairs where your dad was "umm mr. Horan y/n just bit Niall" "y/n I'm disappointed in you. Your 14 years old. 14! And you still act like a 5 year old." "Well it wasn't my fault cause all these doofs were messing around whilst I was doing very important homework!" You shouted you Dad sighed "y/n go apologise to everyone you hurt" "fine" you mumbled and ran upstairs you went to zayn and hugged him "I'm sorry Z" zayn nodded you then went to Niall and hugged him "I'm sorry Ni" you said Niall sighed but hugged you back "it's fine but please don't hurt us we were just trying to have some fun" you nodded and hugged all the boys.

Zouis (3) (zayn and Louis)
You were out shopping with Louis until you saw a doll you really wanted "pwease can I have that dwolly" you said "no sweetie" "why?" You said back "y/n no means no" you sighed and fell to the floor then began screaming "y/n stop it!" Louis said "I WANT DWOLLY!!!" You yelled Louis sighed and picked you up you screamed and bit his shoulder "y/n don't bite it isn't necessary!" Louis whispered angrily you began hitting him until someone grabbed you from behind you screamed and began kicking you all got to the car and you found zayn was strapping you in then he got in the front you screamed and zayn put his hand backwards to try and calm you down you grabbed his hand and bit his wrist zayn cursed and Louis sighed "y/n your not gonna like what's heading your way" Louis said angrily and the thing Louis did definitely made you not bite anyone ever again...

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