Your depressed

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Harry: (13) please don't read this if your sensitive about this topic.
After your best friend died you had been depressed and the only way out of it was to cut yourself well that's what you thought. You cut 5 times and the covered them up with gauze then you heard someone knock on the door. "Come in" You said Harry walked in "do you want to watch a movie with us?" You nodded "sure" Harry smiled and walked downstairs. You sat on the sofa and began watching toy story you were so into it you didn't notice your sleeve rolled up a bit. "Love whats that?" Louis said looking at your wrist "what is wh- oh" you said "it's nothing I just cut myself making something" Harry came over "give me your wrist" "no" "give. Me. Your. Wrists." You age. In and gave your wrists to him he checked your wrists and teared up "why?" "Y/f/n died" you said breaking down. Harry rubbed your back "we'll help I promise" you sniffed and nodded.
Liam: (16)
You don't know what caused it but you felt like no one loved you. So you were thinking of ending your life that night. It was now 10:00pm and you were going to end it. You went to the balcony and stood on the railing as you were about to jump you felt arms wrap around your waist you screamed and tried to pull away but Liam just held you but kept repeating. "I'll help you shhh I'll help you"
Niall: (10)
You were bullied regularly and you could t take it anymore you looked up 'painless suicide' and found one which was to hang yourself. You grabbed some rope and tied it to your ceiling fan then tied it around your neck and knocked the chair over. It made a loud bang and Niall and the boys ran up they opened your door and saw your state Niall screamed but ran over to you cutting the rope "why y/n please tell me what's wrong" "bullies" you mumbled Niall cried into your neck "why didn't you tell us" "they threatened me" "ok well we will go to the police station tomorrow ok" you nodded.
Louis: (17)
You told Louis you had depression and he said he'd help you but he had gone on tour. You were struggling and couldn't help burning yourself you burnt yourself again until the lighter was ripped out of your hands. You looked up and found Louis standing there "love why didn't you just call me" you shrugged Louis sighed "your coming on tour with me" you smiled slightly and nodded.
Zayn: (11)
People on the internet were telling you to kill your self but you ignored it. One day you came home and felt sad you looked your twitter up and found the tweets again you sighed and looked at the knife on your bedside table you went to grab it but before you could someone stormed In "y/n don't listen to them. There trying to make you sad just don't listen to them" Zayn said you nodded "thanks" he smiled and nodded.

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