You get injured 2/5

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Harry (12)
You were on your bike. Harry was on his and he was behind you, you had a y/f/c helmet on and some gloves because it was cold. "Y/n go faster!! I don't wanna ran into you!" Harry shouted from behind you, you nodded and cycled faster. You were telling harry something that happened in school until you saw Niall, Louis, Liam, and zayn all come out of their apartment. You screamed and slammed on your breaks making you go over the handlebars. You landed on your back and the bike landed on top of you. Harry came to a immediate stop and he got off his bike. Louis took the bike off, of you. Liam, Niall, and Harry helped you stand up whilst zayn and Louis held their hands behind your back to make sure you didn't fall. Once you were stable enough Liam and Niall let you go but Harry kept his hand on your shoulder. You looked down now noticing a big gash on your hand and the back of your leg. You whimpered and suddenly felt dizzy because you hated blood. You fell backwards but Louis put his hand on the small of your back. Harry and Liam were quick to grab you again. "Sweetheart.... are you ok?" Harry asked. You looked at him then down at your hand and he looked down to where you were looking. "Oh darling it's fine... we'll clean you up.... come on" harry said whilst picking you up bridal style and walking you into louis' flat. Harry took you straight to the living room. He lied you down on the sofa but he made you lay on your stomach. Liam walked to the bathroom and came in with a plaster and a alcohol wipe. Liam gave it to harry. "Ok babe this will sting a little ok?" You nodded and Harry wiped the back of your leg. You winced and Liam rubbed your head. You flinched when Harry pressed a bit to hard. "Sorry y/n" you nodded and harry put the plaster on your leg. He then picked you up and put you on your back. He then grabbed your hand and wiped the blood off. He then put another plaster on it. And he pulled you into his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck and soon it turned into a big group hug. You smiled at all of the boys. "Thank you" you said whilst giving the boys separate hugs. They all smiled at you and you stayed with the boys for a sleepover.

Liam (13)
You were walking home from school until a white van came speeding round the corner. The driver had lost control of the van and suddenly the van collided with you, you landed on your arm pretty hard and you were thankful you hadn't passed out. You looked at the van but realised the van had disappeared. You shook your head but winced at the pain. You tried to stand up but your legs were wobbly. You slowly turned your head to the left to see Liam and the boys studio further up. Liam had told you he was going to the studio for the whole day. You grabbed your phone with your good hand and you called Liam. "Hey love. What's up?" He asked in a cheerful voice. "Li.... I'm near the bakery Harry used to work at.... please help...." If was silent on the other end until Liam began talking to the others. "Guys something's happened to y/n" you heard the others panicking as well which didn't help your situation. "Baby what's happened?" You whimpered. "I-I-I've been hit by a van" you said. You were obviously on loud speaker because all the boys suddenly began panicking. "I'm coming!!!" Liam shouted. Liam began running down the steps with the others and zayn was calling an ambulance. You looked around and heard a door open. You looked at the studio and saw Liam rushing out with the others behind him. Liam kneeled down next to you and he cursed. "Ok baby your gonna be fine" he said rubbing your hair. You felt your eyes closing. "Y/n stay with me" Liam said clicking his fingers. But nothing worked. Your eyes closed and you passed out. You woke up in a bright room. With a pink cast on your left arm. "Baby!!! We were so worried bout you!" Liam said running up to you, you smiled lightly at him. "I'm fine Li" you said giggling as Liam put his thinking face on. "Do you want ice cream?" "I DO!!!!!!" Niall yelled and ran out of the hospital room. You giggled and all the others went to go and get ice cream for themselves and you.

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