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This is for AaliyahJohnson277. Hope you like it.

Aaliyah's POV
"No let me go!" I exclaimed looking up at the scary monster. "But you are mine little one." He replied. I tried to run away but he grabbed me and through me out the window. As soon as I hit the ground I awoke-

I shot up in bed looking around my room frantically. I got up out of bed and opened my bedroom door. I slowly walked down the hall to my daddy and my papas room. I slowly opened the door and found my daddy and papa fast asleep cuddling. I quickly walked up to my papas side and I poked his back. "Papa." I whispered. There was nothing. I poked him again but nothing happened. I sighed and looked around their room until my eyes landed on what looked like a monster (it was actually a laundry basket) and I screamed. That caused Daddy and papa to shoot up. "Aaliyah darling. What's wrong sweetheart." Papa said picking me up. "B-bad dweam" I said quietly. "Oh baby." He said. I buried my head into his neck and sniffled a few times. "Would you like to sleep with us?" Daddy asked. I nodded quickly and papa laid down with me on his chest papa then turned onto his side and I was now in the middle of papa and daddy. "Night darling. We'll protect you. Just close those pretty eyes and fall into a deep sleep." Daddy said. I looked at daddy but I did as he said and closed my eyes. I felt papa playing with my hair and that soothed me to sleep. "Night babe." Daddy said kissing my forehead. I mumbled and fell into a deep sleep.

Two weeks later:
Aaliyah's POV
I was fast asleep in my bed until I heard loud laughing coming from downstairs. I yawned and stretched until I sat up. I got out of bed and walked to my door opening it and slowly walked down the stairs. I got to the bottom step and saw louis sat on the couch. I skipped up to him and he smiled at me. I smiled at him and walked into the lounge to find all the others. "Hiya." I said smiling. "Would you like a drink hun?" Daddy asked. "Yes but I can make it." I said smiling. "Really?" Louis asked raising his eyes brows. I turned around and placed my hand on my hip "really." I said smiling. "Like really really?" He asked again. "Yeh... also I should be asking the same question to you. Could you really make cakes?" I asked whilst smirking. Louis looked shocked. You see louis tried making cakes but he burnt them. "Yes I can." Louis Said defiantly. "Ok I believe you." I said looking at my nails. "How did you become so sassy?!!" Louis exclaimed. "I only learn from the best." I said smirking. "Oh that's nice to hear. You learnt from me right?" Louis asked. "Of course..... not. I learnt from a friend of yours... what was his name.... Kevin." I said raising my eyebrows. "But Kevin doesn't speak!" Louis exclaimed. "Very true. Now Louis you're my slave for today so go and make me a drink." I said smiling. Everyone looked shocked until liam who is usually quiet burst out laughing and that caused the others to laugh except louis who just stomped off.

Five hours later-

Liam, Niall, daddy and papa went out to the shop a few minutes ago and that left Louis and I alone. "LOUIS!!!" I screeched. "Yes what's happened??!" Louis asked worriedly grabbing my face in his hands making sure I was ok. "I'm fine louis but.... can we prank daddy and papa?" I asked. "Yes!" Louis exclaimed. "Ok do you have a plan?" Louis asked. I nodded and began telling him. "Ok so do we have flour?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok go get the flour." I ran off and grabbed the flour. "Next all you have to do is wait next to the door. Then Bam!" Louis said. I nodded and ran over to the door whilst louis his around the corner with a bucket of ice water. We waited for a few minutes until we heard daddy and papa laughing. The door was opened and I chucked the flour up causing the flour to go all over daddy and papas hair. "Aaliyah!" Daddy exclaimed. I giggled and led them towards louis. "Let's clean you up ok?" I asked. They nodded and followed me. Once I passed louis i made a little dog sound indicating louis to go now. Louis came out from hiding and chucked the water all over daddy and papa. Louis and I began laughing hysterically. "We got em!" Louis exclaimed. "OIOI OI!" Louis said high fiving me. I giggled and high fived him. "We'll get you back!" Daddy and papa said whilst glaring at us playfully. We laughed and Liam came in and shook his head. "We got em good." Louis said rubbing my back. I grinned and nodded.

Hope you liked it!

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