Your ill and he takes care of you: only harry, liam and niall

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Harry (4)
You were sat on your 'big girls bed' fanning yourself turning and rolling trying to get comfortable, you see you had a bad fever it had came on through the night you yawned and shut your eyes trying to get to sleep. You sighed when you couldn't so you got out of bed, grabbed your teddy and started walking down the corridor as you were doing that someone walked into you and made you fall on your bum you were shocked for a second until it sunk in and you began crying your eyes out the person lifted you up "awww I'm sorry darling" it was harry. You sniffled and rested your head on his shoulder "oh dear" Harry said furrowing his eyebrows he took you to his room and laid you on his bed he sat down next to you and put his hand up to your forehead "aww you have a fever don't you" you nodded and sniffled "here take this" Harry said giving you some medicine. "Fankyou" you said Harry nodded and smiled

Liam (13)
You were on tour with the boys it was all good until you fell sick. You shot up in your bunk and ran to the bathroom then fell to your knees and began throwing up a few seconds later you felt a warm hand rubbing your back "shhh let it all out" Liam said. "Li I feel ill" you said Liam nodded and rubbed your back "your ok sweetheart... come with me, I'll go get some medicine" Liam said lifting you up bridal style and taking you to his bunk, he laid you on the bunk and you coughed a bit "ok I'll go get some medicine I'll be back in a second" Liam said stroking your head you nodded and closed your eyes "is y/n ok?" You heard zayn ask sleepily "yeah she's fine bro... go back to sleep" Liam said. Liam came back with medicine and sat on the bunk "ok here you go" Liam said putting the spoon up to your lips you opened your mouth and had the medicine you gagged and Liam rubbed your back until you had swallowed the disgusting medicine. Liam put the spoon on a cabinet with the medicine then got into his bunk and cuddled close to you, you snuggled into his chest and fell asleep. You woke back up to bad pains in your stomach you groaned and scrunched your eyes up tight Liam wasn't in the bed so you tried to get out of bed but it was to painful you groaned quite loudly and felt someone's hand rubbing your stomach "shhh babe your fine" you realised it was Louis and sniffled "Lou I don't feel well" you mumbled "I know darling.... Liam's here now so I'll go back up to my bunk" Louis said climbing the metal steps up to his top bunk. Liam got into bed with you and rubbed your stomach you groaned and nestled your head into his neck "shhh" Liam said you quietened down and fell asleep then woke up feeling better and turning into your cheeky self again.

Niall (17)
You were at school doing a test. Everything was fine until you began feeling sick. You sighed and took a deep breath. "Miss horan are you ok?" An invigilator asked coming up to you "y-yeah I'll be fine" you said you said the invigilator nodded and walked off. You were fine for the next 10 minutes until you fell off your seat and fainted. "Y/n?" Someone said but it was very distant. You woke up to someone tapping your cheek. You opened your eyes and saw Niall above you "hey love... you ok?" You nodded and opened your arms Niall smiled and brought you in for a hug and was able to carry you out to the car he placed you in the front passenger seat and strapped you in then kissed your head and went to the drivers side. Niall rested his hand on your knee and rubbed it you fell asleep and felt someone placing you on a bed you kept your eyes shut and felt someone climb in next to you, you snuggled into the person and instantly new it was Niall because of his sent you sighed in content and nuzzled into Niall, Niall kissed your forehead and you both fell asleep. You woke up feeling a lot better.

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