He finds condoms in your room (ddm) only harry

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Harry (12)
You were sat with your dad and his band mates except Niall who had gone to find your phone charger which was upstairs in your room. Niall came down a few minutes later with something behind his back and your charger. Everyone looked at him and Niall stared at you in the eyes and gave you a stern look. You looked down at your hands and fiddled with them. "Harry can I talk to you for a second." Niall said. Harry nodded and they both walked out but before they walked out fully you caught a glimpse of the 10 packets of condoms your 16 year old friends had given you, you didn't know what they were at first but when you looked them up you learnt what they were. A few minutes later your dad walked in with Niall. "Y/n y/m/n styles! You are grounded for-..... until I say so!" He said angrily. You nodded and sighed. "Why what did she do?" Louis asked. Harry pulled the condoms out from behind his back and everyone stared at you shocked. "Oh- I- um- well- er- er-..... never- I don't know." You stumbled over your words. "Y/n where did you get these? And who from?!" Your Dad asked worried that you were having a sexual relationship without him knowing and you being underage. "Oh- my... umm- friends- g-gave- them- to- me." You said stumbling over your words. "What friends?!" He asked worried for your safety. "My- my- um- my- well- kinda- erm- 16 year old friends gave me those.... I- I-I honestly t-thought they- they were balloons b-but when I looked the sign on the packet up i noticed what they were..." you mumbled. "Oh gosh! I've got to check your search history..... you're grounded still.... but only for three months." You gasped. "What?! Three months." Your Dad smirked at you. "Four months." You went to protest again. "Fine five months without electronics, or things you find fun.... only homework." Your eyes opened wide and you huffed. "Fine with me Dad." You said and rolled your eyes. "Six." Harry said and sat down on the sofa. "Starting now young lady.... what I want you to do is sit in that corner for 20 minutes." You rolled your eyes and sat in the corner which was next to zayn who was sat on the couch. "Y/n?" Harry asked. "What Dad?" You asked. "Stay there for 40 minutes." You turned around and stood up. "Absolutely not Dad..... I'm grounded so I'm going upstairs." You mumbled. He went to protest but you had already left the room.

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