You and the boys are on the late, late show. 3/5

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Harry (17)
You were on the late, late show with your brother, harry and his band mates. So what you were doing today was tattoo roulette. You hated the thought of pain and you hadn't ever got a tattoo but that's probably gonna change. James stood in front of you and smiled. "Ok y/n go choose a box" you rubbed your hands on your jeans and James saw that action and he took your hands and chuckled. "Oh my gosh.... your hands are so cold! Your shaking as well" the whole audience began laughing and that made you even more nervous. You slowly walked down the stairs and looked at all the boxes not knowing which one to pick. You put your head in your hands and thought of nice things. You went for the first box but changed your mind and picked the one next to it. You picked it up with shaky hands and looked at James, James pointed towards the first stand. You went up to it and put your box on it. "Do I open it" you asked whilst pulling the white strap. James and the boys all shook their heads. "No, no you have to wait." You nodded and played with your fingers whilst the boys all chose their boxes. James was next to you, then it was harry next to James, then it was Niall next to harry, then it was Louis next to Niall, zayn next to Louis, and Liam next to zayn. A red light shined on zayn and it blacked out over the rest of you. Zayn got 'safe' and he cheered. Then it was Liam he also got safe. Liam was next the light went red and he got 'safe' then it went to Louis he also got 'safe' harry was definitely gonna get it right? As soon as he opened the box you gulped because once again he was 'safe' Niall opened his box and it was safe as well. Then it was James. You put your head in your hands and prayed hoping you would not get a tattoo. You heard James cheer and you looked up and saw everyone was 'safe' except you. You shook your head and looked at everyone with wide eyes. "Ok y/n you have to get a late, late show tattooed somewhere on your body." James said. You sighed and walked over to the tattoo artist. You sat down on the chair and said "I'll have it on my ankle" you said whilst putting your leg into your other knee. The artist nodded and everyone came around you and the artist began and you groaned and cursed whilst holding your breath trying not to punch the artist. You bit your hand and scrunched your face up. After awhile the pain was easing and you sighed and smiled at everyone. James and everyone laughed. "Ok thank you for watching! This was tattoo roulette with one direction and Y/n styles!" James said and closed the show up. Once the tattoo was finished the guy put some protection over it and you sighed and stood up. "How was that?" James said. You glared at him. "It was horrible..... I'm never coming here again" you said with a slight smile on your face. Everyone laughed and James patted you on the back and walked off. Harry gave you a massive hug and so did the others. "We're proud of you!!!! Well done for pushing through babe" Louis said kissing your forehead. You smiled and got in the mini van and drove home with all the boys to watch movies and eat everything there was. Tonight is gonna be a good night.

Liam (7)
You were going to surprise Liam and the boys today on the late, late show. You hadn't seen Liam or the boys in ages and you missed them. With all of them on tour it's been really hard for you because you can't talk to him often but he does try and get a sneak phone call before a concert. Your mum asked James if he could surprise the boys with you and he immediately agreed you couldn't wait and today was the day. You were sat in the box next to the boys couch whilst giggling quietly. "So boys do you miss your family's.... sorry that's a stupid thing to ask but if you could fly a family member put which one would it be?" James asked. All the boys began talking at once and James told them to shut up. "Ok Liam you first" you looked through the gap and saw Liam had tears in his eyes. Seeing your brother with tears in his eyes made your eyes water. "Um I would really want y/n to come because we all miss her a lot..... sometimes I can't even sleep without her because I'm worried something will happen if I'm not there" Liam said whilst wiping his eyes. The others nodded in agreement and patted Liam's back James looked at you and nodded. You shot out of the box and smiled proudly at your brother. Liam gasped and opened his arms. You grinned and ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. Liam kneeled down to your height and kissed your forehead. "I've missed you so much baby" Liam said hugging you tighter. You giggled and all the other boys cooed at you and all of a sudden Liam stood up and it was a group hug with you squished in the middle. You giggled and kissed Liam's nose. Liam grinned at you and kissed your cheek and he sat back down and put you on his lap. "So y/n what have you been doing at home?" James asked. "Well I haven't been doing anything because I haven't got anything to do..... Ruth is boring cos she's always hanging out with her friends and she told me nod to tell you Liam but I can't keep a secret from my favourite brother and that is...... you leant next to Liam's ear and said. Ruth has a boyfriend" Liam gasped and you giggled. "Y/n how's your mummy been?" James asked. "Oh she's been ok but she's found it very hard because she said she's used to Liam coming home everyday but I had to keep reminding her that he was on tour because she would also make one more dish of food for Liam even though he isn't coming home but I always eat it" You said whilst pouting but giggling at the end. Everyone cooed and you hugged Liam again very happy that your with your brother.

Niall: (15)
You were on the late late show with all the boys. You hadn't been told what you were doing but James was gonna tell you. "Ok so what we're gonna play today is truth or dare" Niall clapped and so did you and the others. "Ok y/n your first so..... truth or dare?" You thought for a second. "Truth" you said. James smirked. "Have you ever lied to Niall or one of the boys" you smiled sheepishly. "Yes I have" you said. "Who did you lie to?" You nodded towards harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and zayn. "You've lies to them all?" James asked shocked. You nodded. "What did you lie about" you thought for a second. "Well when harry was babysitting me I said I had to go comfort my friend because her dog had died but that didn't really happen...... um I lied to Niall about doing all my homework..... oh um..... I lied to Liam about having a cough so I could go to the store and get somethings for a party and I ended up using his money..... and I lied to zayn about dying his hair pink" you said. Everyone gasped and you giggled. It was Harry's turn and he picked dare and he had to pour ice down his pants. Then Liam had to drink lemon juice. Niall had to kiss James. Louis had to tell something about his personal life and so did zayn. "Ok y/n truth or dare?" You smiled. "Dare" James chuckled. "This says I dare you to twerk" you smirked to yourself and looked at James. "You gonna do it or you gonna back down?" James asked smiling. You nodded and stood up "Wait my butt facing the audience or you" I asked. "The audience" James said. You nodded and saw Niall was about to protest so you quickly began twerking and there was a wolf whistle from a member of the audience. You immediately stopped and turned around. "Who was that?" You asked. A man with brown hair put his hand up. "IM 15 IDIOT!!!!!!!" You yelled whilst Niall pulled you off stage. "Gosh your never gonna twerk again got it?" Niall asked. You nodded and smiled. He sighed and nodded. "Good" He said and kissed your forehead.

Sorry I couldn't think of anything else for Louis and zayn

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