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This is for Two-bits_grrl. Hope you liked it.

Zoe's POV
I stared at my hands letting the hurtful comments get to me. I was sitting on my bed feeling sorry for myself. I heard my bedroom door creak open but I ignored it. Someone sat next to me and put their arm around my shoulder. I looked up and found Niall. "Hiya ni." I mumbled. "Why do you let them get to you?" Niall asked sadly. I shrugged. "You're worth so much more babe... is it the fans? Our fans that are saying nasty things." He asked rubbing my shoulder. "Yes." I said quietly. "Well let me tell you something. They're jealous, jealous of you being my spoilt little sister." I looked up at him and smiled. "That sounds like a bad thing." I said looking down again. "No. It just shows how much I love you and how much I love to spoil you... Zoe I don't like it when you're sad.... I'm here you know... we can talk love." He said bringing me into his chest. "That's nice to know nialler." I said breathing in his scent. "You know.... you're none of the words they're throwing at you.... to be honest you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen... that's not meant to be in a creepy way but yeah you're beautiful... even if you don't think so. And do you wanna know a secret?" I nodded slowly and Niall brought his lips up to my ear. "Everyone agrees... the lads do... they think you're amazing, beautiful, talented and the main thing is thoughtful. You always put people first and that's what I love about you Zoe. I know it hurts... the words they call you.... but they're just childish and they don't know the real you." I looked at Niall and smiled. "Thanks Niall. That's really nice." I said. Niall smiled. "It's ok.... I always tell the truth." Niall said poking my nose. I smiled but the words the 'fans' had said kept repeating. "Aww don't cry lovely." Niall said rocking me back and forth. "Why do they have to be so mean???" I asked sadly trying to hold in the sobs. "I'm not sure love. Also darling I can feel you tensing every time you need to let a sob out... I'm here... you can yell, shout, hit heck even punch me but please don't hold it in love... it's fine to cry... it's good to let it out..... it-" I cut Niall off. "But it shows weakness." I said sadly. Niall smiled and shook his head. "No.... it doesn't show weakness.... it shows strength...." Niall said smiling. "But-" Niall cut me off. "No buts Zoe." He said smiling softly. "Niall I know this is odd and all but.... am I ugly?" I asked. Niall looked at me shocked. "Do you not remember what I said at the start... you're beautiful." Niall said smiling. I shook my head and Niall sighed. "Zoe come with me." Niall said standing up and walking downstairs. I followed him until we reached the bathroom. "Stand here." Niall said pointing at a space just in front of him. I slowly walked over to him and stood in front of him. Niall Put is hands on my shoulders and looked into the mirror at my eyes. I looked at his bright blue eyes but they were glazed with tears. "Zoe... what do you see?" He asked looking at me in the mirror. "An ugly stupid pathetic girl." I said. "No I see the complete opposite.... I see a wonderful and beautiful young lady who is to worried about her appearance... you shouldn't be worried darling.... you are incredibly smart, courageous, wonderful, beautiful and all the other words.... you literally mean the world to me." I looked at Niall and quickly turned around hugging him. "And if you don't believe my words... look at this." Niall said handing me his phone.

Harry styles- Zoe darling don't listen to them.... you're perfect I know you worry about things that don't matter.... you're perfect to me and the lads. Please remember that.

Louis Tomlinson- Zoe I'm here for you because I know life can get hard. It's like a roller coaster isn't it? Anyways as I said before I'm here for you and I want you to know you're just perfect. I really do love you darling.

Liam Payne- Zoe sweetheart you shouldn't use your brain cells on those words and 'fans' you shouldn't believe them. Yes they may hurt but you should know.... they're jealous of you. You're perfect no matter what ok? I'm coming over tomorrow so I'll sit down with you and make sure you write 'beautiful, perfect and other words like that over 100 times do you can get it into your brain that you're all the nice words and not the horrible words ok? Don't you dare think you're not perfect.

Zayn malik- hi boo. I've heard what's happened and I wanted to let you know we love you loads.... don't ever let words get you down. Check your Twitter. Lyl.

I smiled and gave Niall his phone back. I then went onto my twitter and smiled

@realliampayne- please stop saying these hurtful comments about Zoe Horan. She doesn't deserve hate. She deserves love. If you don't send your love then I'll make sure that me and the rest of one direction will hunt you down.

I giggled and sighed. "Thank you Niall... tell the guys I say thank you too." Niall nodded. "Liam was not joking about the 100 words thing either." Niall said walking off. I smiled and went to hang out with Niall.

Hope you liked it xx

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