Social services thinks he's abusing you so they try to take you. 2/5

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Harry (12)
You were sat on the couch on Harry's lap whilst all the boys were watching football. The football went onto a break and there was a loud knock. "I'll get it!" You said and smiled. "Ok baby go careful but call me if you need help." You nodded and walked to the front door. You opened it and saw a lady and two men dressed in black suits. "Hello darling.... is your name y/n styles?" You nodded. "Can we come in?" You looked at the lady for a moment. "Harry?!" You called. Harry rushed to the door and saw who it was. "Yes you can come in." He said. They walked into the living room and you sat back down next to zayn. "Ok so basically a neighbor had told us he heard shouting, screaming, cursing, and pleads for help.... has anything happened sweetheart?" The lady asked looking at you. "No, not that I know of." You said. "Can you explain why there was screaming and all the others things?" She said looking at harry. "No ma'am I have no idea..." Harry said looking at the other boys worriedly. "Are you sure of that mr styles?" One of the men asked. "Yes sir" harry said. "Well I'm sorry to say but y/n is coming with us." She said. The lady grabbed your arm and you whimpered quite loudly because you had accidentally burnt yourself yesterday on the stove. "You ok love?" The other man asked. "Yes." You mumbled. The lady who is now known as, Cathy rolled your sleeve up and saw the burn mark. Cathy looked at her partner worriedly. "Did your brother do this to you darling." You looked at her with wide eyes. "No! He would never do that... he's my brother.... he wouldn't hurt anyone!" You said stepping away from Cathy. "We're still taking you." You shook your head. "No you can't just take me because you haven't got any proof.... all you have is a burn mark and screaming from a different house and to be quite honest I think you're full of bullshit... i can see it in your eyes... you want to take me away from my brother who is the most wonderful person in the world.... you don't have any proof.... please don't take me... he's my brother! My MUM BROUGHT HIM UP RIGHT!!!! YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO TARE US APART!" You shouted. Cathy looked surprised. "Don't come here ever again!!! The person who called you.... was it a man?" You asked. She nodded. "He's been trying to split my family apart for years! It's not working.... now please leave this house and never come here again..... now go." You said whilst taking some deep breaths. "Fine.... we're sorry." Cathy said and walked out. You looked at your brother with teary eyes. "It's ok sweetheart... shhh, shhh" he said. You began sobbing and all the boys began comforting you. "Y/n focus on your breathing shhh Shh" You sniffled and finally calmed down. "You're amazing y/n... do you know that?" Harry asked. You smiled and nodded.

Liam (5)
"No you can't take her." Liam said pulling you out of the lady's grasp. She sighed. "Mr Payne she's got loads of bruises on her." Liam shook his head. "She's a clumsy child! Leave please!" The lady shook her head and grabbed you again. Liam growled and grabbed you. "Ma'am please leave." "No it's my job to take kids away from abusive family's" Liam groaned in frustration. "I don't abuse her! Do I hurt you y/n?" You looked up. "No he's an amazing big brother." You said smiling. The lady huffed and walked out. "You ok li?" You asked. Liam nodded and kissed your forehead. "I'm fine baby.... I'm fine." Liam said and hugged you tightly.

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