He has an atshma attack.

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Harry: (13)
You were in your room talking to Liam on the phone about Harry's birthday surprise until you got cut off by Harry running into your room gasping "haz what's wrong?!" You said panicked he pointed to his chest and you grabbed the extra inhaler that was in your draw and gave it to him. He shook it and took it. "Thanks" you smiled and carried on talking to Liam.
Liam: (5)
You were sat on Nialls lap until your brother, Liam began coughing "you ok mate?" Harry said Liam nodded but went into another round of coughing and began wheezing "dude where's your inhaler?" "Y-y/n knows" "do you know where his inhaler is?!" Zayn asked you nodded and jumped off nialls lap and ran into the bathroom and grabbed the inhaler and shook it then gave it to Liam. He smiled at you and kissed your forehead.
Niall: (18)
I was playing football with the boys whilst my sister, y/n sat out. I scored a goal and began cheering until I felt my chest tighten and I fell to the ground. I saw my sisters eyes go wide and she shot up and grabbed my bag then got something out and ran over to me. She kneeled down and gave the inhaler to me. After I felt better I hugged her and kissed her head.
Louis: (2)
You didn't know what was happening all you saw was your brother, Louis fall to the ground and the boys crowded round him then Harry ran off and came back with something then gave the thing to him and after that he was fine.
Zayn: (20)
You were sitting in your room whilst Zayn was spray painting. As you were watching a video you heard a crash and quickly ran to where the crash came from. You found Zayn on the floor grasping his chest he pointed to the cupboard and you ran to it and got the inhaler and gave it to him. "Thank you" you smiled and nodded.

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