You Get Into An Argument With Him

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Harry (18) :boyfriend&girlfriend:
"Harry what the actual fuck is wrong with you right now???!!?" you yelled angrily at your boyfriend who was assuming you had cheated on him. "you know what's wrong with me! The girl I want- wanted to stay with my entire life has broken my heart!!!!" you groaned "Harry I didn't do anything! Do you really think that talking to someone would actually cause me to get pregnant eh?!" you exclaimed angrily. "yes but it was a fucking boy you were talking to!" he said clenching his hands into fists. "yes but we didn't do anything though did we!?!!!!" Harry glared at you from across the room "you know y/n you're acting such a slut" your eyes widened "fine. If you want me to act a slut then I will." you said angrily holding your tears in. "give me your phone" you said. Harry looked confused "why?" you sighed "so I can call all your male friends and ask them out on dates with me" you said. "no." Harry said. You rolled your eyes "fine I'll go to James place" you said as you stood up "and what do you think you're gonna do?" he asked. "fuck him and make him fuck me senseless." you said smiling. Harry's jaw clenched and you went to walk past him but before you could he grabbed you and pushed you into the near by wall "really y/n really?!" Harry shouted. You nodded and he placed his hand on your cheek. "why? DO YOU NOT THINK IM GOOD ENOUGH CAUSE IF SO ILL BE ROUGHER AND HARDER TO MAKE SURE YOU CANT WALK FOR 200,000 FUCKING YEARS YOU HEAR ME?!!!!!" you gulped and nodded "cause baby.... No one can make you feel as good as I can, can they?" Harry said more calmly as he stroked your cheek. You didn't answer "fine" Harry said as he slipped his hand into your pants and he smirked at you as you gasped. "baby I can make you feel so good if you want me to" he said as he pressed more harder. You tensed and Harry stopped and pulled his hand out from your pants "you gonna agree with me or am I gonna have to do something more.... Sincere" you looked at harry with your mouth slightly a gape and you shook your head "OK then... Simple question babe. Who do you belong to, who can be the only person allowed to touch you, who can make you feel so good, who can make you.... Cum so many times and lastly who can make you get turned on?" Harry asked rubbing your thighs "y-you haz" you whimpered out. Harry nodded and kissed your cheek "good girl. Are you tired?" he asked. You nodded and Harry smirked "you might wanna go to sleep now because I can assure you you won't be getting any sleep tonight" your eyes widened and Harry slapped your bum playfully "sorry for what I said" you said quietly. "me too. I'll show you how sorry I am tonight. Go get some rest." you nodded and walked off upstairs ready to have a nice sleep.

Liam (14) :brother&sister:
"Liam whyyyy?" you asked angry. "because I don't want horny boys all over my sister!" he exclaimed. "but I'm not even dressed for 'oh I wanna live whilst I'm young and get some' occasion." Liam sighed and he glared at you "y/n no means no so stop" you groaned and sighed "cmon Liam I'm not gonna do anything. Josh is coming with me so it's fine" you said. "which josh???!!!!!" he shouted grabbing your shoulders. "your drummer" you said with a 'are you actually stupid?' look on your face. "don't look at me like that young lady!" he said. "please Liam I promise I'll be back at-" you looked at the clock on the wall "6" yous said. Liam shook his head. "y/n how about 4" you looked at Liam shocked. It was now 3:30 so you wouldn't have long to hang out with your friends "Liam stop being so fucking protective!" you shouted. After you had shouted it was completely silent. You were both silent. You had your eyes glued to the floor whilst Liam was frozen his eyes burning into the top of your head "you know what y/n. Get up to your room" Liam Said breaking the silence. "LIAM YOU CANT DO THIS!" you screamed. "I CAN AND I WILL!" he yelled louder than you and he grabbed your shirt and pulled you close to him "you get up those stairs right now and think about what you have done before I do something you won't like" his brown eyes stared deep into your own and you sighed shakily. "you won't do anything Liam" you said. Liams grip on your t-shirt tightened "do you really want to get pulled over my knee?" your eyes widened. The only person who was allowed to spank you was your parents not your brother. "you can't! Only mum or dad can" you said trying to act confident. "I'LL GIVE YOU ONE MORE CHANCE... GET. UP. THOSE. STAIRS. BEFORE. YOUR. BUTT. HURTS!" he shouted. You glared at him and he cocked an eyebrow ready for you to say something else but you didn't. You sighed and liam saw you give up and he let you go immediately pointing toward the stairs. You sighed and looked at Liam with a pouty face and he sent you a hard glare and you scurried up the stairs. You were sat in your room on your bed wanting to go downstairs but you didn't exactly have the confidence because for some reason all the boys had invited themselves over. You sighed angrily as the guilty Ness ate at your stomach. You screamed in frustration into your pillow whilst throwing a coat hanger at the door. Not long after you heard pounding footsteps coming up the stairs. Your door opened and you looked up finding Liam still looking pissed off "here now" he said. You walked towards him and when you were next to him he grabbed your arm and began dragging you downstairs. You got to the living room and he dragged you past the TV and the couch where all the boys were seated then you were made to stay in the corner. You didn't exactly understand why you were put in the naughty corner now and not earlier. You glared at the wall and just stood there. Soon enough you were bored out of your mind "Liam!" you groaned. "stay silent y/n" you muttered to yourself not wanting to be quiet until a hard smack was delivered to your Jean covered bottom. You flinched and pressed yourself more into the wall. "Liam I'm bored!" you whined. You heard Liam sigh before he was walking toward you. You turned around and he stood there with a more calm expression "why did I put you here?" he asked. "cause you wanted to show me off to the boys" you said without thinking. Your eyes widnened once you realised what you had said. "you're grounded for..." he looked at the boys and Harry put 10 fingers up, niall put 5 fingers up, Louis put 4 up and zayn put 6 up. "I agree with Harry actually. You're grounded for 10 months" you gasped and liam walked off. You were stood in the same postiosion to shocked to move. "your room now. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night." you felt tears coming to your eyes and you looked down "c-can I have a little hug please?" you asked quietly. Liam smiled and nodded. He stood up and opened his arms allowing you to cuddle into him you hugged him tight and he rubbed your back before letting you go and pointing to the stairs. You sighed knowing these months were gonna be boring.

Niall (17) :boyfriend&girlfriend
"calm down niall I didn't exactly plan for him to come onto me!" niall glared at you. A boy had made a move on you and managed to kiss you but you didn't kiss back and now niall was angry with you. "yes but you both kissed!" he said losing his temper. "well I'm sorry to say that he was a better kisser than you!" you exclaimed. Everyone fell silent and you took a step backwards knowing you had said the wrong thing "come here y/n" niall said calmly. You slowly walked over to him and once you were arm he grabbed you and pushed you against the wall so your front was pressed against the wall and your butt was against his crotch. Niall put his head in the crook of your neck and he began kissing it lightly. Your heart rate increased and he begannl grinding himself into you. "no one can kiss you better than me... Is that understood baby?" he asked. He pushed you closer to the wall when you didn't answer so you quickly nodded and moaned slightly. "oh you like that don't you you little brat?" he asked. You just whimpered in response and niall tugged at a belt loop on your jeans and he made your bottom get closer to his crotch until he turned you around fully and pushed himself close to you. He grabbed your hands and put them above your head. He began kissing you hard and you moaned into the kiss and he stopped and looked at you "don't you ever say anything like that again OK? Now may I take you to the kitchen" he said smirking. You smiled and nodded. Let's just say you had a lot of fun.

Louis (19) :boyfriend&girlfriend:
Louis' grip tightened on the steering wheel and he smacked it hard. "w-what's wrong?" you asked. "oh don't play so innocent" he spat out. You sighed and looked away "you're being stupid" you grumbled hoping Louis didn't hear. He suddenly slammed on the breaks and his hand landed on your thigh he looked at you angrily "what did you say?" he asked. "I said you're being stupid" you whispered. "Well I tell you what you're gonna look stupid now. Get out" Louis said. You looked at him shocked "what?" you asked. "get. Out." he spat. You gulped but undid the belt and opened the door and got out and slammed the door shut showing you were angry with Louis Louis gave you a sarcastic smile before driving off. You shouted profonaties at him until another car pulled up and you looked into it noticing familiar green eyes. "what're you doing out here babe?" he asked. "Louis" you said quietly. Harry sighed but nodded allowing you in his car. He drove you to his house and he helped you inside and when you got in he grabbed a blanket and made sure you were warm before heading to make hot chocolate for the both of you. He came back in and gave you the hot drink. You drank it until Harry's front door was slammed open and a angry Louis walked in "oh so now you're cheating again!" Louis exclaimed. You glared at Louis and stood up. You got so angry at him that you threw the mug at him and he ducked. "fine come and have a go" Louis said. You glared at him and walked toward him where you and him had a stare off before Louis grabbed you by the waist and began kissing you roughly. "oh god guys keep it PG!" Harry exclaimed. Louis pulled back and looked at you "I'm sorry babe" he said stroking my cheek. You nodded but sighed. He then kissed you once more and you forgave him.

Zayn (15) :brother&sister:
"we weren't even doing anything!" you exclaimed as Zayn once again began going off on one about how if your gay Bestfriend went to far with doing stuff with you he would give you something that Zayn didn't like the sound of. Zayn assumed that you and and caspar, your Bestfriend are more than friends. "I don't want you getting std's!" he exclaimed. You sighed shaking your head "seriously. Just shut up" he glared at you and you groaned and walked off. He was one annoying brother.

Hope you liked this one

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