You have an attitude problem and he spanks you.

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Harry (11)
You were sat on the sofa in the living room with the boys until Harry asked you to go and get his phone from his room. "No..." Harry sighed and put his head on his hand. "Y/n please" you shook your head. "Fine" harry said and muttered something under his breath. You glared at him and kicked his leg. You went to kick it again but louis grabbed it and kept his grip on it. You sighed and began kicking your legs. Liam who was in the kitchen quickly walked in and grabbed your other leg. "Y/n stop!" You didn't listen and kicked Liam in the face. He put his head in his hands and groaned. You tried to get up but Harry sat on your waist. "Stop it y/n before I put you in the naughty corner!" Harry yelled and pushed you into the couch. You went wide eyed. "Naughty corner?! Seriously? That won't stop me!" You shouted. Harry sighed and picked you up then placed you in the corner so your back was facing the boys. "Y/n you're staying there until I say so" you growled. "Shut up!!!!" You yelled. The guys all sighed and turned the TV on. You glared at the guys and grunted. You began screaming and kicked the wall. "Y/n grow up!" Harry shouted staring at you from the couch. You just cursed at him in your head. Well at least you thought you cursed him in your head. "Excuse me?" Harry asked. You sighed and turned around. "I said nothing so shut up dickhead" you mumbled the last bit. "Y/n please can you repeat that!" Harry shouted you smiled. "My pleasure..... dickhead" you said everyone fell silent. Liam looked frustrated well all the boys looked frustrated but Harry looked like he was about to punch something. He stood up "y/n get to my bedroom right now and lay on the bed" harry said without taking a glance at you, you went wide eyed and all the boys stared at you but not harry. You screamed and ran past all the boys and out of the front door. You ran to your friends house and knocked rapidly. She opened the door and you immediately jumped in and shut the door then locked it. "Dang.... what happened?" Y/f/n asked whilst looking at your shaking figure. "I-I didn't mean to get harry angry but I did... I got angry at him and gave him attitude... he had enough of my screaming and told me to go up to his room and lay on the bed" y/f/n stared wide eyed at you. "So you basically mean he's gonna spank you?" Y/f/n said with a freaked out look on her face. You nodded and she began freaking out. "That means I'm gonna get spanked to! I let you in! He's gonna spank me!!!!!" Y/f/n yelled falling to the ground sobbing uncontrollably you stared wide eyed at her and kneeled down. "I-I-it's Fine y/f/n I'll make sure he does not lay a finger on you ok?" Y/f/n nodded and hugged you. You both then went up to her room and sat on her bed. You both began talking about random things until you heard heavy footsteps coming up the gravel of her drive way. You both got up and peaked out her bedroom window and saw all five boys there. You stared wide eyed at her. Y/f/n screamed and began hysterically crying. You hugged her and tried to stop her crying. "Y/n y/m/n styles! Get out of there right now!!!!! Y/f/n y/f/m/n y/f/l/n!!!!" Harry yelled. Y/f/n panicked and began shaking. You see y/f/n had trouble with getting told off. That's why she's scared of y/n's brother. You got up and grabbed her hand. "It's alright... remember what I said.... I'm not gonna break my promise" you said and began walking downstairs. You unlocked the front door and opened it. Y/f/n saw how angry Harry looked and whimpered then stood behind you trying to hide. "Y/f/n it's fine.... I'm not gonna let him or the others touch you" you said squeezing her hand gently. Harry's face softened at y/f/n and so did the boys but when they looked at you... man if looks could kill you would be 6 foot under. "Y/f/n come here..." harry said. Y/f/n shook her head and went to step backwards but you grabbed her hand again and pulled her in front of you. Harry gently took her into his arms and rubbed her back. "I'm not gonna spank you y/f/n.... it's fine shhh" Harry said. The others were comforting her and now you felt very worried about what will happen when harry took you home. Harry carries on hugging y/f/n so you took this opportunity to just run. You ran around harry, y/f/n and the guys then we're about to cross a road until you saw Louis running towards you, you cursed and quickly ran back to y/f/n house. You sat down on the 'welcome' mat and just stared at your feet. "Ok y/f/n you can go now...." harry said letting her go. Y/f/n let go of Harry and patted your head whilst shutting the door and locking it. You gulped and looked down even more. You felt someone grab your arm and you began squirming. Harry gave you a look and you stopped moving. The others followed behind you guys. "P-p-please-" Harry cut you off. "Don't talk" You gulped and looked down. Harry dragged you across the familiar road that leads to your house. You began whimpering and Harry rubbed your shoulder. "I won't go that hard on you my love..... you did support y/f/n so I'm gonna give you 10 ok?" You whimpered. "10?" You squeaked. "I can make it 20 if you want me to" you immediately shook your head and shut up. Harry unlocked the front door. "Go sit on the couch" he said you obeyed and sat on the couch. Harry came in with his keys and placed them on the cabinet next to the other sofa. He sat down and stared at you giving you a look that made you feel very uncomfortable. "Y/n come here" harry said. You whimpered and slowly stood up. You walked over to him and he patted his lap. You squeaked but slowly leant over his lap. Harry rubbed your back for a few minutes. "I'm gonna start ok?" You nodded and he spanked you ten times... well on the fifth one something very embarrassing happened. All boys came in and said goodbye to you and harry... they didn't realise you were being spanked just then and when they walked in they went wide eyed and got red in the face. They then just awkwardly waved and tried to get out of the door at the same time but tripped over each other. After the spanking Harry hugged you and sent you off to bed. You went to walk up the stairs but stopped when he said. "What do you say?" You sighed just wanting to go to bed. "Sorry" you said. "Ok love you sis... have a nice rest!" You smiled and got to your room then fell asleep.

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