Your mum compares you to him.

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Harry: (11)
You were sat on the couch with Harry and the boys until your Mum stomped in "Y/N GET YOUR ASS UP AND CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM!!!" Your Mum yelled. You jumped and looked down "why can't you just be like harry" she mumbled. You see you were always a calm person but this got you over the edge. "MUM YOU WANNA KNOW WHY IM NOT LIKE HIM!!?" Your Mum stayed silent "HUH cat got your tongue y/m/n" you said using your mums name. She gasped and glared at you "why yes I do y/n" "well it took you long enough to answer" she rolled her eyes and stared at you"fine 1. I'm not a boy 2. I'm not famous and 3. I'm my own person so... just.... you paused for a moment looked at your mum then at the front door and slowly backed up, put your hand on the handle then said. Fuck off" your mum gasped at you and you grinned at her "y/n don't swear!" "Y/n don't swear" you mimicked her "well you swear so you can't say much" you said shrugging "y/n I'm sorry. Ok?" "No sorry isn't enough if you want to talk to me make sure you gather your thoughts before Letting your mouth take control. Also when you get it through your thick scull that I am not harry" everyone was silent Harry stood up and put his arm over your shoulder "Mum y/n is right she's amazing and what you said a few weeks ago was definitely to far. Y/n is perfect and if you don't think that then pack your bags and leave. Also you said y/n wasn't beautiful but to be honest she's the most prettiest person on this planet and I love her." Harry said kissing your head you smiled and your Mum looked down then walked away and the next day your mum wasn't anywhere to be found. There was only a note. Y/n I'm a terrible mother. I'm so sorry that I said those terrible things by the time your reading this I suspect I'll be gone but please remember I love you with all my heart.
Liam: (8)
You were playing with your Lego with the boys until your mum came in you accidentally knocked the Lego over and your Mum glared at you "uh for gods sake why can't you just be like Liam! Your so clumsy" you looked down and harry rubbed your shoulder. You held your tears in and looked down Liam stood up and grabbed your Mum by the hand and took her outside. You heard yelling but ignored it. "Sweetie you can cry. It's ok go on" Harry said. It took a few minutes of coaxing you but you finally caved in and began crying the four boys were comforting you until Liam came in he grabbed you and rocked you back and fourth "it's ok babe. Shhh shhh calm your breathing" Liam said running your back you calmed down and he smiled at you "mums gone to a hotel for a few days ok?" You nodded and he smiled "love you Li" "love you too" he said and kissed you on the lips (in a brotherly sisterly way!!!)
Niall: (19)
You were eating food with your brother, Niall and the boys and you had piled your plate up just like Niall. You all began eating until your mum came In and took one look at your plate and glared at you "y/n you shouldn't have that much food! You'll get fat! Uhh be more like your brother" you stared at her then shrugged. The boys thought you were going to freak but you didn't you just shrugged "Mum I'm me and you can't stop me from being me so fuck off" you said she stared at you wide eyed. Apologised then went out the room.
Louis: (2)
"Y/n stop bugging me! Be more like Louis in fact why aren't you just like Louis?" You stared at your mum and Louis ran in the room "don't say that she's only 2!" Your Mum sighed and walked away.
Zayn: (15)
You were telling your mum about some mirrors and every now and then she would roll her eyes "Mum don't roll your eyes at her" Zayn said walking in "well she isn't like you!" "It doesn't matter she's herself"

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