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This is for AaliyahJohnson277. Hope you like it.

Aaliyah's POV
I shot up in bed from a very scary nightmare. I began lightly crying and I got up. I began slowly walking to my daddy's room until I heard weird noises. It sounded like a girl having fun. It sounded like a mixture of laughing and joy. I slowly opened the door and found my dad on top of his girlfriend. I didn't know what was happening so I just stared thinking my daddy was hurting her. I opened the door a little bit more until it made a horrific creaking noise and daddy fell off, of his girlfriend and quickly covered himself up. Sandra, his girlfriend began dressing herself. "You little shit!" She said and came up to me and pushed me hard. I stared at her and daddy quickly got dressed whilst I was focused on Sandra. "W-what?" I asked shocked. "YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER BEEN BORN!!!" She screeched. I stared at her. "Sandra!" Daddy said pulling Sandra away from me. I began crying "see you're such a child." She said rolling her eyes. I began sobbing and I ran out of their room and downstairs. I heard loud footsteps following me and my daddy was shouting for me but I ignored him. I ran and ran until I bumped into someone. I looked up and found louis. "Oh my goodness Aaliyah what are you doing here?" He asked whilst hugging me. "D-daddy's girlfriend hit me and called me nasty names." I sobbed into us t/shirt. "Oh dear love. It's ok shhh Shh." He said rubbing my back. "Let's get you home and I will make you hit chocolate ok?" I nodded and held my arms up to louis. Louis smiled and picked me up. I wrapped me legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Do you think daddy still loves me?" I asked quietly getting quite tired. "Of course he does. You're his daughter." Louis said obviously noticing I had became very tired and he began patting my back. "You can go to sleep. I won't leave you." I nodded slowly and closed my eyes falling asleep.

Louis' POV
I carried Aaliyah all the way back to my home. Once I arrived I found my wife, Lilly tending to our son Freddie. "Hiya love. I'm just going to make hit chocolate for this one and myself. Would you and Freddie like one?" I asked quietly. "Yes please sweetheart." She said. I nodded and smiled. I walked into the living room placing Aaliyah down on the sofa. I took my jacket off and placed it on top of her I then walked into the kitchen making four cups of hot chocolate. Once I had made two of them I took them to Lilly and Freddie. "Thank you daddy." Freddie said sipping his hot chocolate. "You're Welcome bud. Go careful babe it's still hot." I said to Lilly. She nodded and smiled. "Thanks." She said. I nodded and walked back into the kitchen making the other two. I walked back into the living room placing the two mugs down on the table. I sat down and began rubbing Aaliyah's back. "Aaliyah darling." I said. She sat up and I smiled. "Here you go." I said handing her the dog mug. "Thank you uncle Louis." She said. "No problem sweetie." I said rubbing her back.

Harry's POV
"What the fuck?!!" I shouted looking at Sandra angrily. "What baby?" She asked. "Don't baby me! You've just hit my daughter! I've just lost her she could be anywhere but now over also lost something else!" I said. "What is it?" She asked. "I've lost my trust in you." I said. Sandra gasped and I took the ring out of my pocket. "I was gonna propose to you today... but I've changed my mind." I said bitterly. Sandra went to stop me but I walked out going to find my daughter. I began driving around until one place came to mind. "Louis." I muttered.

Aaliyah's POV
I sipped the hot chocolate whilst snuggling into louis. We were watching home alone. I giggled a few times until there was loud banging. "Louis what that?" I asked worriedly. "Don't worry love." He said standing up.

Louis' POV
I walked over to the door and opened it. "Louis have you seen Aaliyah please say you have?!!" Harry exclaimed. "Yes I have...." I said. "Where?!" He asked whist gripping my shoulders. "She's in here." I said pointing to her. Harry nodded and walked in and ran straight up to Aaliyah. "I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed hugging her tightly.

Aaliyah's POV
"It's ok daddy." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "She's gone... I'm so sorry for her behaviour." Daddy said kissing my forehead. I smiled and louis grinned at me. "Do you guys wanna stay tonight?" He asked. Daddy nodded and louis smiled. "Ok. I'll go set the spear bedroom up." We nodded and daddy sighed. "I'm truly sorry. I was to in love with her to see." He said sadly. "It's ok daddy... she's gone now." Daddy smiled. "And that's why I love you so much." He said. "I love you too." I said quietly.

Hope you liked it!

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