He's Your Pshycotic Ex Boyfriend.

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(all ages range from 18-19-20. You can pick an age for yourself)

You were walking home from collage happily. You arrived at your home and you grabbed your phone and began calling your mum wanting to tell her about your great news. The phone rang until it just hang up. You shrugged it off and took your shoes and bag off dumping them on the floor before making your way upstairs. Once you got to your bedroom you opened the door and immediately gasped taking a step back "hello Little one" Harry said in a creepy voice. You stepped backwards and Harry stayed put on your bed "this bed is really comfy.... It doesn't make a sound if you bounce on it." he said sending you a smirk. Your eyes widened "come here you pretty thing" he said. You didn't move "I said come here now!" Harry shouted now standing up. You whimpered and slowly walked towards him. As soon as you were close enough he grabbed you and pushed you onto the bed. You struggled under him. You heard the front door open downstairs and you heard your mums voice echo throughout the house "hello. Y/n?" you went to scream but Harry was quick and he covered your mouth with his hand. You struggled further "don't fight. Fighting won't get you anywhere" Harry said a small smirk on his lips. You fought some more until a loud slapping sound was heard and pain was stinging through your cheek. You cried out in pain but it was muffled by Harry's hand. "baby I'll make you a favour OK?" you nodded quickly. "we get back into a couple. And I'll be gone if you agree" you gasped and felt tears prick your eyes. "let me go" you said quietly. "do you accept my favour?" he asked. You tensed up but nodded "good girl. Don't tell anyone" he said as he got off of you and opened your bedroom window "see you soon.... Sweetie. Can't wait to have some fun" he said and jumped out. You whimpered and soon enough you came up with the decision that no way in hell would you go along with Harry. You were gonna escape and hide from it no matter what.

You struggled in the chair whilst staring at your insane ex boyfriend, Liam. "aww don't tire yourself out babe.... I still wanna have my fun" he said evilly. You let a son escape and liam glared at you. You let another one escape until they were frozen by fear. Liam grabbed your throat "little girl don't you dare cry!" you cried another time. "IF YOU WANT ME TO I CAN CAUSE YOU TO CRY FOR 24 HOURS.... I KNOW HIW TO CAUSE PAIN!" Liam shouted angry. You sobbed again and liam walked over to a table in the dark room and he grabbed a knife and some duct tape. He covered your mouth with the duct tape and he smirked at your scared eyes."time to have some fun" he said as he lightly dragged the knife over your skin. "HELP!"

"y/n I said wait!" niall growled as he began to corner you. "were you trying to get help?" niall asked angry. "no" you said looking down. "that's an obvious lie. NEVER EVER FUCKING LIE TO ME!" he yelled "I'm sorry" you whimpered "oh you will be sorry" he said as he grabbed a cloth from his back pocket. He put it up agasint your nose and mouth and he began doing exaggerated breathing techniques. "go on princess be my good girl and breathe all the lovely chemicals in" he said pushing it on harder. You let a tear slide down your cheek as your body became numb and he took the cloth away and hugged you tightly. "girls that are bad get punishments girls that are good get.... Different things. You're my good girl. Right y/n?" he asked as he began kissing your neck. You couldn't answer because your eyes were closing. "night night darling" he said as you fell into a deep forced slumber.

"don't make me force you" Louis said as he gripped your hand pulling you to a near by reasturaunt. "why are you doing this?" you asked quietly "cause I can and you're all mine." that made a shiver run down your spine "you're all mine and nothing can change that" he said as he placed his hand on your bottom. "we broke up" you said. Louis shook his head. "two people are meant to agree on breaking up. Not just the one person. I didn't say we could break up. Did I?" "you don't control me!" you exclaimed. Louis turned toward you and suddenly slapped you. Hard. "everything of you is mine. Mine, mine, mine MINE!" he shouted. You flinched but nodded "now let's go and don't you dare complain otherwise I'll hurt you" you nodded and Louis stuck hs hand out for you to take and you quickly took it not wanting to get hurt. "good girl." he said as he rubbed up and down your back.

"it's your imagination baby" zayn said as he tapped the side of your head lightly. "what do you mean?" you asked worriedly. "it's all fake. Nothings real except you and I. No police forces or army forces are real. The only people living in this world is you, I and the lads." zayn said. You were wide eyed. The lads, as in zayb's band mates knew about his behaviour and how he was obsessed with you. And not in a good way."honey you shouldn't be scared cause why would I hurt such a pretty thing as yourself?" he asked. You gulped and looked down "exactly now go lay down on the bed and I'll be in soon." you nodded and walked into the room. You looked behind you making sure zayn wasn't there and you ran to the window about to jump out of it but you were cut off by zayn grabbing you, you screamed and he lost control of himself. He punched you hard and that caused your head to bash into the floor. You began feeling tired and zayn smirked at you "and that's what happens to girls who things they're all.... Clever. You're not baby. You're just troublesome. I'll get the boys and I to do some things to you if you wish" you whimpered and passed out. "you should be scared" zayn said as your vision turned black.

Hope you liked this one

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