You get in trouble in front of the boys.

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Harry: (15 in all)
You were in the principles office looking rather guilty. You carried on staring at the ground until you heard more than 1 person you looked up and noticed 5 angry 'brothers' in front of you, you gulped and looked down then muttered something that got you into more trouble. "Fuck this" the boys stared at you and Liam stepped forward "excuse me can you say that again and if you don't want to then tell us what you said" you sighed and looked down "I'm sorry Harry" you mumbled Harry crossed his arms over his chest. You felt very intimidated by the boys and it wasn't a nice feeling having them all giving you death stares "I except your apology but your...." "grounded" the rest of the boys stated. You grumbled under your breath "ok y/n your excluded for a week for punching Louise ok" the principal said you nodded and tried to hide the grin that appeared on your face "what are you grinning at have I got something on my face" Zayn said sarcastically you rolled your eyes "I wasn't smiling I was crying" you said and poured some water into your eyes and began 'crying' the boys and the principle were not amused.
"Y/N GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW" Liam yelled. You quickly ran downstairs and saw Liam holding a condom. "Ewwwwww!!!!" You nearly screamed the boys shared glances and just stared at you "what if you think I'm having sex at this age then you will have to ask me or y/s/n" you said wiggling your eyebrows "what do you know?" Liam said stepping forward "well she kinda had 👌👈. You know" you said making hand gestures Liam gasped and you copied him "ohh she's in deep trouble. Yes she's 18 but the legal age is 20!" (That was made up) Liam nearly yelled and you couldn't help but snigger "she's old enough" you mumbled Liam rose his eyebrows at you and you shrugged "y/n get to that corner now!" You rolled your eyes "no" Liam gasped at you because you had never disobeyed him "what I only said no" Liam growled and pointed at the left corner you sighed and just shook your head just then Liam picked you up and put you in the corner and made you stay there whilst they stared at you. How intimidating. (Please note the sarcasm)
You were dancing in the kitchen to Liam Payne's song, strip that down. You were doing very dirty dance moves until you heard "Y/N YOUR TO YOUNG!" Niall screamed making you scream, you nearly fell over but stood back up and tried to turn the music off because Liam was there smirking 😏. "Bro what are you talking about I was just listening to..." you tapped a different song then realised you had picked louis' song back to you, you went wide eyed and tried to turn it off but it wouldn't work the song was saying "fucking" but you would say well shout "DUCKING!" "Y/n your to young" "no im not" Niall growled and you smirked "ummm I may or may not still have my virginity" you said shrugging Niall looked at you wide eyed as well as the others "y/n get to your room right now" you grinned then paused for a second and just stared at the boys "you stress me out you kill me you drag me down you FUCK me up" you said and grinned. "Strip that down!!!!!" You yelled running away.
You were on your phone talking quite rudely to your friend that is until Louis came in with the boys and y/f/n "oh shitttttttttttt!!!!" You said Louis came over to you "I'll deal with you later" he said and pointed to your bedroom you  quickly went upstairs and began silently crying knowing what is going to happen.
You were good as gold all the time.

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