He finds out you bully someone.

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Harry: (15 in all)
You were in your bedroom looking out the window laughing your head off at the girl Sandra who had pasta in her hair and the girl you are giving grief to. You didn't realise you were laughing so much until Harry stomped in "y/n quit laughing so loudly! Me and the lads want to watch Toy story" he said and rolled his eyes. You rolled your eyes and ignored him and carried on watching Sandra and began laughing again. Harry sighed and looked out the window and went wide eyed then ran downstairs and put the front door. "I'm gunna have some fun" you said running your hands together. And slowly went downstairs to see Sandra sitting on Harry's knee and all the boys comforting her. You put your smiley face on and slipped into the room "oh, hello who is this?????!!!!" You said a bit to aggressively Sandra jumped and whimpered the boys looked at each other and you glared at her and put a finger to your lips then made a slicing motion until the boys friend Josh came in and saw what you were doing "y/n why are you doing that" you shrugged and looked down by now all attention was on you except from Sandra who was whimpering and wouldn't make eye contact you bent down next to her and she screamed and slapped you hard across the face you fell over and held it the stood up and took a deep breath "I deserved that" you mumbled Sandra nodded and you looked down now feeling terrible "so whats your name love and why were you whimpering when y/n came into the room?" Liam said placing a hand on her knee. She sniffled and looked at you, you sighed but nodded now knowing you were going to be in deep shit. "M-my name is s-Sandra a-and I-I-I flinched because y-y-y-y-y/n bullies me at school" you shut your eyes and let a few tears drip down your cheeks "y/n is this true!?" Harry said glaring at you, you nodded and stayed silent. Harry grabbed you by the arm and put you in the corner next to the tv you just stared blankly at the wall a few minutes later Harry turned you around and you looked at the wall behind him and wouldn't meet anyone's eyes "y/n please calm down" Sandra said your head snapped towards her and you glared at her "shut up bitch!" You nearly yelled Harry and the others stared wide eyed at the scene. "I'm sorry Sandra I just snapped I didn't mean to" you mumbled and walked over to her and hugged her, she flinched but stayed in your arms "I'm honestly so sorry" you muttered and sniffled Harry grabbed you by the arm and took you upstairs "may I remind you your grounded for your horrible behaviour that I heard about and your getting another 10 days added to it because of what you said to her ok!" You nodded "that means your grounded for 11 months and 2 days stay up here until I say you can come down! Think about what you have done and remember I'm very disappointed in you but I still love you ok?" You nodded and crawled into bed and sobbed into the pillow.
You were walking passed your brothers studio until your victim, Tamara walked by. What you didn't realise was the boys were all watching from above. You grinned and slowly walked behind her then grabbed her by the hair and pushed her on the floor then kicked her back, legs and stomach until you saw blood coming out of her mouth. You froze until you heard people yelling at you, you slowly turned around and saw the boys with Paul and the 5sos boys. You looked down at Tamara and began shaking. 'You didn't mean it to go this far' 'oh god I've got to run' you thought to yourself you saw Paul nearing you and you screamed and yelled sorry to Tamara then ran away until you were tackled by a police officer. You stood up and felt very evil you began kicking your legs about until you had a gun pressed up against your head. You stopped moving and looked around to notice all the boys and Paul standing there "why are you bulling Tamara?" The police officer said, you decided to tell the truth "I got forced into it" you mumbled and looked down "well I hope you feel happy!!!" Tamaras mother yelled. You sighed and looked down and felt really weird "look, what you did was really bad and you have two months in prison" the first police officer said you grinned and looked at the police officer "please kill me" you said looking at him he sighed "I'm sorry ma'm but we're not aloud to do that" "KILL ME!!!!" You yelled everyone around you jumped and you began thrashing around and this main reason was to try and get the knife out of your pocket. You grabbed it and stabbed your self in the stomach. Liam fell to the ground whilst the boys comforted him and everything then turned back.
"Oiii go get our frisbee!" You yelled at max, he jumped and went to climb up the pylon until a you heard a very familiar voice scream for him to stop, max stopped and looked around "max go to your home all of you girls go back to your houses and y/n come with me!" He said aggressively. 'Oh dear' you thought to yourself knowing what was going to happen. You got home and Niall grabbed you by your ear and threw you into your room then locked the door "your rude! Think about what you have done!" You sighed and fell asleep.
You were in your room silently crying until Louis came up with the boys "why are you crying?" "I feel terrible" you mumbled "why?" "I bullied two boys at my school" you mumbled. Louis glared at you "your grounded for 5 months. Starting now. No friends over, no going out and no sweets only food that is good. You nodded and sniffled the boys walked out shaking their heads.
"I dare you to smoke" you said shoving the 10 year old. She tried to run but your grabbed her and slapped her "Y/N GET HOME RIGHT NOW YOU BETTER HAVE YOUR SORRY ASS UPSTAIRS!!!" He yelled. You sniffled and began crying knowing what was going to happen.  

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