You have a nightmare

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Harry: (10)
All you saw was black. You looked around and saw harry with a knife in his chest. You screamed in the dream and in reality which was on the tour bus. Harry pulled the knife out of his chest then looked at you and smirked then walked over to you and rose the knife... you shot up and realised all the boys were around your bed "are you ok!?" Harry asked you shook your head and backed up the boys shared glances "whats wrong?" "Y-you got stabbed and n-nearly stabbed me" You said shaking "no love I didn't do anything sweetie it was just a nightmare" you nodded and hugged harry.
Liam: (15)
You had a huge fear of bridges. You were asleep until you had a horrible dream where a car crashed into Liam's and it swerved off the bridge. You screamed and began thrashing around.
I was playing mario cart with the boys until we all heard a scream come from upstairs we paused the game and ran upstairs I went into my sisters room and found her thrashing around in bed I ran up to her as well as the boys and began shaking her she finally woke up and gasped for air she began looking around and looked at me "are you ok!?" She said jumping in my lap. I nodded "yeah I'm fine what happened sweetie" "bridge, car crash, fell in" you said through sobs. Liam nodded and rubbed your back. "Shhh your fine love" you nodded and snuggled into your brother.
Niall: (4)
You love food but the nightmare would change everything. You were being chased by a fork,plate, knife and all the foods you liked you screamed and ran as fast as you could until you were cornered. You shot up and found a plate of sandwiches on your bedside table. You screamed and pushed the plate off. Niall ran in "are you ok?" He asked coming over to you "no! I hate food" he looked surprised then he realised something "nightmare?" "No! It was real" Niall smiled and shook his head "it wasn't real but it's your own decision if you hate food or not" you smiled and hugged your brother.
Louis: (19)
You never usually have nightmares but you were eating sweets and fell asleep on the couch watching a movie with the boys. "Let me gooo!" You screamed at the man in front of you "no and don't talk to me like that otherwise..." the man shot a gun and it missed you. You stayed silent until he brought a knife out and stabbed you. You shot up and breathed heavily all the boys looked at you, you screamed once you saw Louis because he looked like the man Louis rose his hand and you screamed thinking he was gonna hit you. Louis jumped and put his hand down "whats wrong" "Y-you nearly killed me you were the man that kidnapped me!" You said Louis shook his head "sweetie it was a nightmare" "oh" you looked down embarrassed "it's ok sweetie everyone has nightmares" you nodded and fell back to sleep.
Zayn: (2)
You had a very vivid imagination and when you had a nightmare about your mirror cracking you were screaming Zayn ran up "whats wrong?" You looked at your mirror and found it was fine "nothing" you mumbled Zayn shook his head "ok" then walked away.

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