Someone in your family dies.

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Harry (13)
You were sat on the sofa with the boys and they had to explain what had happened. "Look sweetie. You know Mum." You nodded "well she isn't coming back." You sat there confused for a second until you realised that she was dead and wouldn't come back. You started sniffing but held in the tears "w-what happened?" Your voice cracked at the end of the sentence "she got in a car crash, the paramedics tried to save her but it was to late" Harry said you put your head in your hands and began sobbing. Harry rubbed your back and so did the others. "Yes it will be hard sweetie but it will get easier after a few days or months. You nodded and harry cradled you in his chest.
Liam: (17)
You ran into your house and looked for Liam "Li where are you?" You said "in my bedroom" he replied you ran upstairs and into his room. "Love whats wrong?" He asked upon seeing your tear stained face you ran into his arms and began crying "do you not know what happened?" Liam shook his head "nanny died" You said crying again Liam froze and tensed but carried on rubbing your back "shh, shh it's ok" you shook your head "yes it will sweetie if it doesn't get better then we'll go to plan b" whats plan b?" "You don't need to know that. Only if it doesn't get better." You nodded and hugged Liam tighter "I love you Li" "I love you more y/n.
Niall: (10)
You couldn't understand it your older brother Greg died in a plane crash. It still confused you. "Niall where's Greg?" Niall sighed softly "look Greg was in a plane crash and didn't survive" You now realised what he meant and began crying "I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye" you said crying even harder "I know sweetie, I know"
Louis (6 months)
You didn't understand what was happening all that you saw was your big brother Louis crying and people comforting him but you heard some words about his best friend from school had passed away.
Zayn (11)
Your dad had died and you had fallen into depression Zayn and the boys helped you as much as they could and thankfully you won and after two or three months you were back to your normal self.

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