You nearly die (bsm and ddm)

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Just a heads up this will contain some scenes of attempted suicide so if you are not good with cutting or things like that don't read. Thanks.

Harry (14) ddm ~papa, harry. Dad~ Niall
You were adopted by harry a few months ago and he's very nice and caring. Harry has a husband called Niall. They are perfect and are wonderful parents. But there was one thing that broke you, your parents had died on your 13th birthday. You have a picture of your parents smiling and you in between them grinning your toothless grin. You were 1 then and you still blame yourself for your parents death. They got shot whilst you were at school. You have been thinking about visiting your parents on your 14 birthday and that's exactly what you tried to do. "Y/n darling. It's tea time." Papa called up to you. "Ok papa." You said back and walked downstairs. "You ok sweetie?" Dad asked. You nodded and smiled weakly. You sat down at the table across from Dad and papa brought the tea in for you guys. "Thanks papa." You said whilst eating the nice chicken. "No problem sweets." Harry said smiling at you. "So y/n do you wanna watch a movie tonight?" Niall asked. "No thanks Dad... I've got homework to do." You said and stood up. "Ok see you later. Ill come and tuck you in" harry said. You nodded and smiled lightly. "Love you both very much." You said. "Love you too." They both said. You walked upstairs and went into the cabinet beside your bed. You got the bottle of tablets which consisted of 11 small pills which would turn your dads life's upside down. You unscrewed the lid and opened your mouth drinking down all 11 pills. You laid down on your bed and slowly closed your eyes your heart started slowing down and you saw a bright light before everything went silent.

Harry's POV
I went upstairs to go and check on y/n because she wasn't acting herself. I slowly opened her bedroom door and peaked my head in and saw she was asleep. I smiled slightly and stepped into the room. I then noticed it was completely silent no sound coming from anywhere only my own breathing could be heard. "Y/n darling?" I asked. I walked up to her bed and noticed a pill bottle by her side. My breathing picked up and I picked it up I gasped once I realised it was a bottle of pills that could kill you if you take to much. "Y/n." I asked shaking her shoulder. She didn't wake up "NIALL!!!!" I screamed. Niall ran up the stairs faster than Usain bolt. "What is i- Oh my god y/n!" He exclaimed running over to us. I cradled y/n's fragile body. "How many did she take?" Niall asked placing two fingers on y/n's neck. "I don't know." I said shaking with fear. "Ok.... check the pill bottle!" Niall said. I let go of y/n and quickly read the description of the bottle. Contains 130 pills. Kills instantly. For periods. Only take 1 a day. "That doesn't fucking help!!!!" I said angrily. "Ok.... WAIT!!! WHAT ARE WE DOING?!!!! CALL A FREAKING AMBULANCE!!!!!" Niall exclaimed and grabbed his phone and called 999. "Yes but what should I do?" Niall asked whilst pacing the room. "NO I CANT MAKE MY DAUGHTER THROW UP!!!" Niall screamed. "Loud speaker." I mumbled. Niall did as I said and put it on loud speaker "ok sir please calm dow-" Niall cut the lady off "CALM DOWN?!!!! MY DAUGHTER IS BASICALLY DEAD!!!!" He screamed again. "Ok sir... the only way to save your daughter is to make her throw up until all the pills come out.... how many did she swallow?" She asked. "WE DONT KNOW!!!! BUT FOR ALL WE KNOW IS THAT SHE COULD HAVE SWALLOWED 130 FUCKING PILLS!!!!" Niall shouted. "Ok sir I've dispatched a ambulance crew over to you now." She said calmly. "Ok.... now what do I do?" Niall asked worriedly. "Make her throw up." She said. "NO-" I cut Niall off. "Niall this is the only way." I said kissing his cheek. He nodded and I picked y/n up and hovered her head over the toilet I then stuck two fingers down her throat. She threw up 3 and I sighed. I did it again but none came up. "Hello?!" Someone shouted. "Yes!!!" Me and Niall yelled. Two ambulance members walked in and they placed y/n on a stretcher. "C-can we come?" Niall asked whilst wiping his eyes. "Course." The ambulance man said. "Thanks." We said and quickly walked into the back of the ambulance. Me and Niall began singing 'if I could fly' softly to her and I just hoped she wouldn't die on me.

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