You're a fan and he sees your scars

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Harry (16)
You were walking around town with your eyes locked on your phone. You were texting your friend until you bumped into someone. Your head shot up "I'm so sorry...." you went wide eyed as you noticed the familiar green eyes. "It's all good love." Harry said smiling at you placing his phone in his pocket "once again I'm sorry..... can I give you a hug please?" Harry grinned at you "of course sweetie." He said opening his arms. You immediately hugged him and he rubbed your back. You let go and he smiled down at you "What's your name?" He asked as his smile turned into a frown "y/n.... why?" You asked. "Oh nothing y/n.... I just wanted to say..... please stop." You looked at him confused. "Don't hurt yourself." He said hugging you again. You gasped and he sighed whilst kneeling down so he was eye level with you. "Listen to me sweetie. I want you to call this number or text this number if you ever feel the need to hurt yourself again ok?" You nodded and  he smiled. "See you soon y/n." Harry said waving. You smiled and waved back quite stunned.

Liam (14)
Your parents had finally aloud you to go to a meet and greet with one direction. "Thank you Mum.... see you soon!!!!" You exclaimed as you hopped out of the car running all the way to the doors. You were about to hand the tickets to the person but before you could someone poked your shoulder. You turned around and your eyes widened in shock as you saw Liam Payne stood in front of you "Hello love.... I suspect you're a fan.... so I just came here to say hi.... also.... come with me for a second." You nodded and followed him. He took you to a corner away from everyone and he gave you a sad smile "Listen to me babe. There is no point in hurting yourself ok.... you're perfect just the way you are." Liam said. Your eyes widened and you looked down at your wrists. Liam grabbed one of your wrists and he grabbed a sharpie off, of the table and he pulled your sleeve up "What's your favourite animal babe?" He asked. "Dog."  You said quietly. He nodded and smiled. "I'm not very good at art but anyways..." Liam said and began drawing a dog on your wrist. "What's your name?" He asked. "Y/n." You said quietly. He nodded "ok y/n if you feel the urge to hurt yourself.... look at this dog.... do you really want to hurt the dog?" He asked pouting at you. You shook your head and he smiled lightly at you "there you go love.... stay brave for me darl. See you soon!" Liam exclaimed waving at you as he walked away. You smiled and looked down at your wrist promising yourself you wouldn't cut again.

Niall (20)
You were at the book store looking around until your eyes landed on a book that interested you, you picked it up and began looking at it "erm excuse me?" Someone said from behind you. You turned around and saw Niall Horan. "Oh hi." You said smiling. "Hi princess.... I just wanted to say before I left... please, please, please stop." He said grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to it "w-what?" Your asked. "You know what I mean princess. Don't do it. You're better than that." He said smiling at you. You smiled widely at him and he walked off blowing you a kiss. After he had left you rummaged in your pockets until you found a piece of paper

"Hi love This is Niall Horan-
This is my number
Do not give it to anyone or else.
You're loved. Never forget that.

Louis (12)
You were sat on the bench at school looking around until someone sat down next to you, you looked at the person and saw it was louis Tomlinson "hey love. Do you want to know something?" He asked. You slowly nodded "you're loved. You're perfect. You're amazing." He said smiling at you. "Why do you say that?" You asked smiling slightly. "I couldn't help but notice the cuts on your ankle and wrists love." He said. You gulped slightly and he put his hand on your shoulder "don't ever forget that you're loved.... my daughter goes to this school so I'll be watching out for you ok?" You nodded and he smiled. "Don't het yourself." You nodded and he stood up walking over to a girl- his daughter and she smiled at you. Waving slightly. You waved back and you grinned.

Zayn (18)
You were sat in the cafe alone having a drink and a cookie until you noticed zayn Malik walk in. Your eyes widened and he ordered what he wanted. You thought he would go back out but no he walked over to you "heya... is this seat taken?" You shook your head and he smiled. "Well firstly sweetie I wanted to say you're amazing." Zayn said smiling at you. You raised your eyebrows and he motioned towards your wrist. You looked at your wrist and went to pull your sleeve down but he grabbed your hand "don't be self conscious love.... if you think your scars are horrible then you're wrong. They're not horrible. They're strong. It shows what you've been through." Zayn said rubbing his thumb over your knuckle. "Can I take you out for dinner maybe and we can talk about this in more detail. I'll help." You hesitated at first "I won't judge you." You slowly nodded and he smiled at you.

Hope you like this!!! 

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