He's a police officer and he catches you doing something bad.

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Harry (15 in all): (caught drinking underage)
You were in a bar drinking some vodka. You see you were at the bar because you had a lot of stress going through exams and school things. You had two pints and decided to head back home. You were a bit tipsy. You began walking home and someone got in your way so you punched them 20 odd times. The man was yelling at you to stop and when you stopped the person stood up and pointed a gun at you "get on your knees now!" The person yelled you quickly kneeled down "hands on top of head" the person said you did as he said and he began handcuffing you, you began struggling "calm down now.... struggling will get you no where" he said you began trying to kick the man but he held you down the man stood up and began talking to someone on a radio. "Yes.... um female just tried to attack me. Well she did attack me so she's going to go to prison for 'assault' I need some backup please.... um possibly harry please" you went wide eyed 'it's ok it's probably a different harry' you thought to yourself a few minutes later a car arrived you looked at the driver of the car and your fears had come true. Not only one person you didn't want to see but two! Liam and Harry. You sighed and turned your head to face the ground 'y/n get up' you thought to yourself you curled your knees up and managed to stand up and now three police officers stared at you, your breathing picked up and you looked at harry who looked angry then to Liam then to officer nick. You sighed, looked down then began running "Y/N GET BACK HERE!" Harry yelled you carried on running even though you had both hands handcuffed behind you, you ran faster until you got pushed to the ground you struggled under the person and another pair of handcuffs got handcuffed to your feet. "Stand up" Liam said you didn't listen to him "fine" he said and pulled you up you began leaning backwards and he sighed angrily "I can do this for a long fucking time sweetheart" Liam said calming down you sighed and began walking to the police car Liam was on your left arm harry was on your right. "Your gonna be in jail for a long time sweetheart" Officer nick said you sighed and looked down "how long?" You mumbled "two months.... or something like that. It's because you assaulted me" I nodded and sighed "anything to say to him before you get in?" Harry said glaring at you "s-sorry sir" you said he nodded and you got in the car now regretting going to that stupid bar.

Liam: (coke dealer)
Yes you were young but you didn't care... you got paid £50 for one bag of coke £90 for two and the reason you did this was because you could get money easily. You were walking in the park with a black hoodie on and you saw the guy you were gonna give the coke to. You looked around and noticed five officers heading your way and those five officers were harry, Liam, Louis, zayn and Niall. "Shit" you said to yourself you looked at the guy who was looking at you impatiently and you nodded your head towards the others he looked in the direction and went wide eyed he then legged it. You cursed again and gulped you quickly grabbed your backpack with all the coke in and began walking past the lake you 'tripped' and let go off the bag and it flew into the lake. You heard running behind you so you turned around and saw all the officers running towards you, you went wide eyed and went to run until Louis got his taser out "y/n get on the ground now" he said you quickly got on your knees "face down feet crossed over and hands behind you now" Harry said your lip trembled and you laid on your stomach put your feet over each over then put your right hand behind your back. You see you didn't put your left one behind your back because you didn't realise you were still holding a bag of coke. "Left hand now!" Liam shouted Liam handcuffed your right hand but you refused the left hand "fine I'll give you one last chance do you want it the easy way or hard way... it could go either way.... so if you cooperate no one will get hurt" Liam said you let go off the bag of coke and put your left hand behind your back "thank you" Liam said you ignored him until he asked you to stand up "no" you said "and why's that?" He said you gulped and looked down "it's fine just tell us anything and we'll try and make it better... and if you tell us the truth we'll try and do something" you sighed and looked down "f-....fine....... I've got coke" I said "what you mean the drink?" Niall said you rolled your eyes "no dipstick! I mean the drug!" You shouted everyone went silent "ok how many bags?" Harry said "umm one" I said they nodded and Liam pulled you up "can I search you?" Liam said you nodded he began patting you down. "Ok is there anything that could poke, stab or hurt me?" You shook your head "ok let's go to the station" Liam said you began struggling and Liam sighed "y/n stop.... your not impressing anyone" you stopped and walked to the car "you'll probably be put in jail for a month because you were dealing Coke" you nodded and sighed "ok get in" Louis said helping you sit in the back. You sat down and sighed "what have I done?" You mumbled. You sighed and began crying.

Niall: (stealing money from a shop)
You were in need of a job and money but you couldn't find any jobs you liked so you decided to do one thing that changed your life forever. Steal. You dressed up in all black and put a hoodie and beanie on then began walking to the nearest store. You got there and went behind the building and went up to the electricity box. You pulled it open and found the one that said security cameras you cut that wire with a knife then walked back into the store. You went up to the counter and went to ask her something until you changed your mind and you pulled a gun out "give me all that money now!" You shouted she put her hands up and began taking the money out "faster!!" You shouted she began doing it faster until you both heard a ding notifying you that someone else had walked into the store you turned around and saw your brother with a taser pointed at you "y/n put your hands on the top of your head and please put the weapon down" you clutched the gun harder and Niall moved forwards "y/n please..... this isn't just going to affect your life but it's going to affect others life's as well" you noticed that Louis and zayn were guarding the door so you slowly bent down and put the gun on the floor and put your hands on top of your head "y/n slowly walk towards me and turn around" you slowly walked up to him and turned around he handcuffed your left wrist but you wouldn't let him grab your right one "do you wanna get tased y/n?!" Niall shouted "I don't care!" You shouted "y/n this will be easier for both of us if you just cooperate" you sighed and put your right hand behind your back "thank you" he said you nodded and rolled your eyes "your getting arrested for a GTA type scenario" Louis said you sighed but nodded.

Louis: (stabbing)
You didn't mean to of course but all you saw was red. You had stabbed a 15 year old girl who had bullied you for many years you had had enough when she called your family a horrible name and you stabbed her 24 times in the chest you were now running. You hid in an alley way for a few days. You were sleeping peacefully until "POLICE! STAY ON THE GROUND!!!" You stayed silent and stayed still. An officer handcuffed you, you saw your brother and he was shaking his head you looked down "and why did you stab miss potter in the chest 24 times?" Niall asked you sighed "she bullied me" everyone grew silent and you looked down. You then took off running with Louis on your tail "your gonna get tased!!!" Louis yelled you didn't care you just carried on running until you felt a huge pain in your back you screamed and fell to the ground "your being arrested for the death of Miranda potter" Louis said pulling you up. You sighed and felt a huge wave of nausea hit you and you fell into Louis and fainted.

Zayn: (doing drugs)
You were in your house smoking pot and weed until you heard people yelling you looked out of your window and saw your brother, zayn and his friends with tasers pointed at you "Y/N YOUR TO YOUNG AND YOUR GETTING ARRESTED" zayn yelled your breathing hitched and you began coughing you clutched your chest then passed out......

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