Your friend uses you to get closer to the boys. 4/5

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Harry (13)
Your friend said she had to go and get her school bag and you waited upstairs for a long time. After a while you got annoyed and walked downstairs to see your 'friend' sat on the couch laughing but the guys looked uncomfortable. "Get out" you said. "And why should I?" She asked. "Because you think you can get closer to the guys... I saw your little plan you little bit-" you got cut off by her throwing her phone at you. It slapped you right in the face and you began to shake with anger. All the boys knew not to get involved unless they really had to. "Come on then y/n.... what you gonna do ay?" She asked. You clenched your fists. "I'm gonna call your mum.... thats what I'm gonna do" Stephany rolled her eyes. "Fine by me." You chuckled darkly. "Is it ok if I You know call.... little Stephan and tell him what you did.... or are you going to leave?" Stephan was her boyfriend... well she was only using him that's what she told you. "You wouldn't" she said. "Oh look who has the phone bitch." You said whilst shoving the phone in her face. She went to grab it so you quickly did something which made her go ape shit on you. You threw the phone on the ground and used all your weight to make the glass break. "Your welcome" you said. Stephany screamed. "That was my phone!!!! I had all my pictures on there!!!!" You smirked. "It was your fault.... you threw it at me." You said. Stephany went to say something snarky so you decided to say something very, very rude. "If you don't get out of my house and leave me, my brother, my friends, and the lads alone then I will personally shove my foot so far up your arse you will taste your own shit." You said whilst smiling sweetly. "Well I'll kick you so far up the vagina that you'll have to explain to your boyfriend why you can't have kids." She said back. You sighed. "Stephany would you like to watch a movie with us?" You asked. She giggled and nodded quickly. "Ok then.... we'll watch it down in the basement. Go down to the basement and shut the door behind you... we'll be there in a minute." You said. Stephany cheered and walked down to the basement as soon as the door shut you gave the boys a look. "Why did you not send her home?" You giggled. "She is home." You said and clicked the black button next to you and that instantly locked the basement door. "Wow you've got such a foul mouth kiddo." Harry said whilst ruffling your hair. You grinned at him. "But I'm your foul mouthed girl." You said and smiled. Harry grinned and hugged you. "Should I actually tell her soon to be ex boyfriend?" You asked. All the boys nodded and you walked up to the house phone and felt very happy for ruining a relationship. Harry has definitely taught you right.

Liam (14)
You and your friend Lola walked into your shared apartment with liam. Lola immediately walked up to Liam and the boys and she did something that made your blood boil. You also had anger issues. Your friend sat on YOUR brothers lap... she literally sat on his lap. You clenched your fists and louis began taking deep breaths trying to make you follow them. You tried that but it didn't work. "L-Lola get out" you said whilst shaking. Trying to get the anger to stay put. "Why? I haven't done anything." You screamed in frustration. "Lola. get. out" Lola listened to the tone in your voice and the glare you sent her and she immediately ran out of the front door. "Come here baby." Liam said with open arms. You walked into his arms and hugged him tightly. "We're here for you.... let your anger out babe." Louis said. Liam stood up and put a cushion out in front of him. "Punch these cushions... scream.... scream all you want.... let it out." Liam said. All the other boys began smiling at you and nodding. You growled deep in your throat and screamed and punched the cushions. "Say what you want." Liam said over your screams. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!! ILL RUIN YOUR LIFE!!!! YOU'RE STUPID!!! UNDERSTAND THAT? STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!!!" You yelled whilst punching the pillows. You began to calm down and Liam put the cushions down and pulled you in for a hug. That's when the crying started. "Shhh, shhh let it out" he said whilst rubbing your back. "She doesn't deserve you.... she doesn't deserve your tears.... all she deserves is to see a very pretty young lady sing with me and the boys live.... and that's you baby.... I love you so much." Liam said and pulled you tighter against his chest. You smiled and kissed Liam's cheek. You then hugged the others and decided to watch a few movies with them. You were very excited to perform in front of the whole world.

Y/n's POV
You were sitting next to Liam singing into the mic. The song you had chosen was little things. "Thank you." You whispered into Liam's ear before walking off stage. You watched backstage until Liam said something that made your heart throb. "This song is for my beautiful and wonderful sister y/n." The starting chords of steal my girl started and you grinned whilst holding your chest. You let a few tears slip and to say you were proud was an understand meant. The next thing you know you got a text from Lola. "Y/n I'm so sorry! Let's start over please?!" You rolled your eyes. "The boys are singing steal my girl.... it's basically saying go find another girl.... so from me to you I wanted to say.... go find another friend." You sent back. Lola didn't reply but she read the message. You knew you had lost a friend but you had gained four more 'brothers'

Niall (16)
You were sat in the back of niall's eight seater car. You were glaring at your 'friend' Samantha. "What's up with you two?" Liam asked turning around in his seat. "She's using me." You and your friend said at the same time. "Oh I'm gonna punch you." You said and went to hit her but zayn caught your hand and rubbed the back of it. You then got a text from harry. "Babe nothing can come in between you and I. That's what Niall wanted to say.... this message is from Niall 😀😋" you smiled. Suddenly Niall pulled the car over and all the boys turned around so they were facing Samantha. You knew she wanted attention from the boys. Nice attention not strict attention. "You want attention huh?" Zayn asked. Samantha looked at him and gulped slightly. She shook her head. "I'll show you attention." Louis said. Louis grabbed Samantha opened the door and put her behind the car and made her stand there whilst by passers stared at her. "You like this attention?" Liam asked. "No." Samantha said. "Yeh right." You said and suddenly nodded at Niall, Niall grinned and drove off leaving Samantha on the highway. "Haha she's gonna learn." Harry said. You smiled at Niall and he grinned back. "Y/n you know the song infinity?" Niall asked. You nodded. "It's about you.... you're so special to me... I love you." You grinned. "Love you too ni" you said and kissed his cheek. You kissed the others on the cheeks too. "Y/n remember the friends who you lose will regret what they did.... you're not only special to me but your special to the lads and Samantha also thought you were special." You smiled and hugged all the boys tightly. You were glad you had your amazing brother and his mates to support you.

Louis (18)
"You were what?!" You yelled. And pushed your friend up against the wall. "I was using you" she said. You growled and punched her in the head and gut. You went to punched her in the head again but you got pulled back by someone you began struggling and the person held you down. You looked up and saw Louis and the others were holding you down whilst saying comforting things. "Rose I think it's best if you go.... and never stop." Louis said. "GO TO NETHERLAND HOPE YOU GET KILLED BY PIRATES!!!!" You screamed. Louis covered your mouth and kissed your forehead. "I'm so sorry y/n.... you ok?" You grinned and smiled. "Help me burn all the pictures of us together please." All the boys helped and the only one that didn't burn was a picture of you and rose next to pirates. "Ha she's gonna get killed!" You. Said. Louis put a finger to your lips and shook his head. You sighed and louis hugged you and kissed your forehead and you kissed his cheek.

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