You Have An Argument With Him And It Goes To Far Bsm

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Harry (15)
"YOU WERE THE ONE THAT FUCKED HER!" you exclaimed. Harry was blaming you for getting a girl pregnant. "YOU LITTLE FUCKING BITCH!" he shouted and started walking towards you. Your eyes widened and you backed up. "YOU TOLD ME TO LIVE A LITTLE!" he shouted angrily. "I didn't exactly say that loo-" Harry cut you off "NO Y/N YOU TOLD ME. OH GO ON HARRY GO LET LOOSE.... YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! LIKE DUDE IT WASN'T MY FREAKK G FAULT THAT I GOT HER PREGNANT!" you rolled your eyes "well it's amazing that it's somehow my fault because I have mysteriously grown  a DICK that I apparently shoved inside of a girl... Harry cmon be logical" you said rolling your eyes. Harry grumbled to himself about how it was still your fault "I WISH YOU WERE JEVER BORN!" Harry screamed. You felt your heart shatter and you looked down to the ground "WELL I'M FUCKING SORRY YOU STUCK YOUR PEE, PEE IN HER HOLE!" you shouted angrily. "go back to school y/n you need to use the real names" Harry growled. You glared at him "Well hazza bear I do know all of the parts of a woman and man.... Maybe you should go back to school to practice putting condoms on a test tube or banana and learn how to do it propaly so it won't slip off" you said smirking slightly. "oh you did not just go there" Harry growled. "oh I just did" you said sassily. Harry sucked in a deep breath and he looked at you angrily. "I'm heading out" he said glaring down at you. "oh going to let loose again haz. Go careful... Take plenty of Condoms" you said as Harry neared the door. Harry's hand was on the door handle but he stopped and put his hand by his side turning around to face you "stop it right now" Harry said. "or what?" you asked. "I'll do something you won't like" he siad. "oh spanking me won't do anything Harry. Because if you lay hands on me I can easily tell mum, dad orrr" you giggled slightly. "the poor pregnant girl to spank your butt" Harry's hands clenched into fists and he punched the wall. "don't go to hard Harry.... The wall could be a virgin" Harry stopped and stared at you. He was about to say something until zayn came from I side the living room "erm hi?" you asked confused and a bit nervous on why he was in your house. "Harry go to the living room now and for you young lady... Get your arse up those stairs. I'll be up in a bit" Harry moved passed you sending you a harsh glare and you just stuck your tongue out causing him to flip you the finger and you giggled until your eyes met with zayn's. You looked down and he pointed to the stairs. "I want you to stay in your room. You're grounded. I know I'm not related to you but I'm close enough to being your brother so listen" you nodded "I'll listen to the non-arsehole one" you said louder making sure Harry could hear. Zayn went to say something but Harry appeared behind him and began throwing you the middle finger. You made a hole with your hand and put a finger through it and let a gasp out and a little moan to get Harry pissed. "YOU LITTLE-" zayn cut Harry off with his loud shouting "Y/N Y/M/N STYLES GET YOUR ARSE UP THOSE STAIRS BEFORE I COME OVER THERE AND GROUND YOU!" you giggled "come" you whispered loud enough for both of them to hear zayn began walking toward you and Harry still clenched his fists so you giggled but quickly ran off upstairs. A few minutes later you heard zayn shouting and Harry shouting back at him

Zayn's POV
"Harry she's your little sister!" I exclaimed "SO WHAT!?!!?" he shouted "LISTEN TO ME YOUNG MAN YOU DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKR THAT!" Harry sighed and apologised "get your butt up there and apologise to your sister right now" Harry sighed before nodding and walking off.

Y/n's POV
You heard footsteps coming up the stairs and you sighed. Someone knocked on the door "yeah?" you said. The door opened and Harry walked in "get out Harry" you said. Harry shook his head and sat on your bed placing his hand on your knee "look y/n I'm really sorry for what I've said."you ignored him by turning your back to him." y/n I'm really sorry. Sorry isnt even the correct way to describe how bad I feel. I've said my part and you've said your part but I think I've hurt you most-"you cut him off" no Harry I'm sorry... I didn't plan on making fun of you. I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I'm a terrible sisger"harry shook his head and pulled you into his arms "I'm sorry. Please can we forget and forgive?" you nodded and he kissed your temple. "really sorry" he mumbled and hugged you closer.

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