You Do Something You Don't Know Is Bad And He Tells You Off

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Harry (7)
You were at the beach with Harry, your friend and the lads. You were playing in the water whilst your friend built a sandcastle. Soon you got bored of the water and you ran back to where Harry and the lads were. You grinned at Harry and he smiled at you. A while later y/f/n needed to go to the toilet so niall went with her. The boys weren't paying attention to you so you ran to y/f/n's sand castle and you jumped in the air and fell straight back down landing on her sandcastle. "oops" you said as you stood up. You looked at the destruction and you clapped your hands whilst giggling happily. You bounced up and down for a while until a scream was heard and you saw y/f/n fall to the ground sobbing. All the boys went up to her and began comforting her. 'why is she crying?' you thought to yourself. Y/f/n pointed at you and all the boys looked toward you. Louis hugged y/f/n whilst Harry, liam and zayn walked toward you. When they got to you Harry knelt down so he was at the same height as you. "how dare you do that young lady!" Harry whispered angrily. "what did I do?" you asked with a Confused expression. "listen here young lady we do not kick people's property down. Do we?" you shook your head. "but that wasn't her property" you said with a pouty face. "y/n she made that and you've destroyed it and its hurt her feelings. Don't do it again OK" you nodded and hugged Harry before skipping over to y/f/n "cmon y/f/n let's go build more sandcastles!" you exclaimed happily. She nodded and you grabbed her hand and ran to a free sand area. "I'm sorry about your other castle. I didn't mean to destroy it" you said softly. Y/f/n shrugged "it's fine... We're bulling more right now so it's fine" you nodded and looked behind you to see Harry smiling gently at you with the other lads. You put your thumbs up and turned back around and were about to say something until sand met your face. You looked at y/f/n angrily and you stood up and grabbed some sand and threw it at her. It went in her mouth and you began laughing. You ran away and she chased you until you got back to Harry and hid behind him. You gripped his swimming trunks and peaked out to see y/f/n smirking at you. You giggled and let go of Harry and began running again. Harry just laughed and shook his head. "God they're crazy" he muttered grinning to himself.

Liam (5)
"but I want it!" you whined pointing at the cute doll. "no babe. I'm sorry but no. You've already had enough treats this weekend" Liam said tapping your nose. You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at him. "cmon" Liam said holding his hand out for you to take but you just turned your back to him. "OK see you later" he said as he began slowly walking away. You turned around and stuck your tongue out at him. Liam stared at you for a few seconds until he turned his attention to something in the Isle. You sighed and went to walk to him but your eyes turned towards the doll again. You reached toward the doll and your little fingers finally gripped the dolls leg. You pulled it down and looked around making sure no one was looking. What you didn't know was liam had bumped into niall and they were talking about you. You looked at the doll then at your t-shirt and you shrugged before lifting your t-shirt up slightly and shoving the doll inside your t-shirt. "y/n princess what an earth are you doing?!" a familiar angry accent shouted. You turned around and saw Liam and niall staring at you. "what?" you asked. "y/n put that doll back right now and come straight here!" Liam demanded. "what doll?" Liam stared angrily and you sighed before taking the doll out of your t-shirt and slowly putting it back on the shelf. Your shoulders slumped forwards and you slowly walked towards the two angry boys. When you were next to Liam he grabbed your hand.  "OK niall we must get going now. See you later" liam said smiling. Niall smiled and tapped your nose before walking off. Once niall was out of ear shot Liam knelt down "young lady do you know how bad that would've been if niall hadn't spotted you?" Liam whispered quite angry. "no li... Why am I in twouble? I don't want no twouble li" you said pouting. "because if he hadnt spotted you then we would've walked out of this shop and the security guard would've stopped us because either he would've spotted the doll stuffed up your t-shirt or the machine would've beeped. Don't you ever do this again. Got it?" you nodded" I didn't want to get in twouble" you said as your bottom lip started to quiver. "oh sweetheart" Liam said and picked you up. You cried Into his shoulder whilst he rubbed your back. "I sorry li li" you mumbled. Liam bounced you up and down whilst paying the lady. "thanks love" Liam said as he took the shopping. The lady smiled and moved to the next costomer. "you're forgiven darling" you sniffled and buried your head Into his neck.

Niall (9)
You were in the park whilst niall watched you. You were about to go down the slide until a boy got in your way and slid down it first. You got angry and slid down it and you saw the boy get back up the climbing frame. You followed behind him and soon enough you reached him. You gripped his shoulder and shoved him. That caused him to scream and he fell off of the frame. "MUMMY!!!!" the boy wailed. Niall had seen the whole insident. "y/n y/m/n horan get here right now!" niall shouted. You whimpered but obeyed. You jumped from the climbing frame and ran over to him. "I'm sorry" you muttered looking down. "y/n horan do you know how much damage you could've done to that child?" you gulped nervously and shook your head. "we're going home right now!" you didn't try to go against anything he said. You followed orders quickly and quietly. You got to the main road and were about to cross the road until niall's hand stopped you "don't you dare cross the road without me. Hand" he said as he held his hand out for you to take. You sighed and quickly interlocked your hand with his. He walked quickly whilst your little legs took long strides to try and keep up with him. You let little sobs escape your lips. Soon enough niall was actually near enough to dragging you so he stopped and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You sniffled and rested your head on his shoulder. "I sorry ni" you whispered Into his ear niall smiled "it's OK princess" he said. He kissed your forehead and began talking about his day. You soon felt your eyes closing and the comforting rumbles coming fr his chest everytime he talked made you fall asleep instantly. "so you wanna tell me about your day?" niall asked. When you didn't answer he looked down and smiled seeing you fast asleep. He patted your back slightly before sighing happily.

Louis (10)
You were downstairs with the boys as they talked about their upcoming songs. You were bored out of your mind until they stood up and walked out completely ignoring you. You sighed and stood up. You stretched until your eyes landed on your colouring pencils zayn had got you for Christmas. Your eyes lit up as you saw a piece of 'plain' paper. The paper you thought was plain was actually a sheet of lyrics. You giggled and opened the pencils you then began colouring the sheet. Once you had finished that side you turned it over and you were having to much fun to notice the lyrics on the paper. You scribbled purple colour on it then moved to orange then blue. You were about to do red until all five of the boys walked in. But once again you were too busy to notice them. You giggled until "y/n!" you jumped out of your skin and looked at Louis with wide eyes "yeah?" you asked. "did you not care to take a look at the paper?!" you looked at him Confused. You then looked down at the paper "it's plain pape-" you cut yourself off by taking another look and your eyes widened. "oh shit" you whispered. You covered your mouth as you realised you had said a bad word. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I swore!" you exclaimed. "no we're not angry that you- wait excuse me?!" Louis asked. "you swore... OK but the paper!" Louis exclaimed. You looked down anxiously and ayed with your hands. "I sowwy...." you said looking at Louis with a pouty face. Louis shook his head "no y/n our lyrics for our song were on that piece of paper!" you gulped loudly. "it's OK" zayn said placing his hand on louis' shoulder.  "I took a picture of the lyrics." everyone seemed to sigh in relief and you smiled "now that's over with... Y/n come with me.... We need to have a little chat about you swearing" Louis said not looking impressed. You sighed but grabbed his outstretched hand as he pulled you up to your room where you had a long chat. Let's just say you not only coloured on their sheet of paper but some colours came out of your mouth more than one (that means you swore more than once at him... If you didn't understand)

Zayn (12)
"i didn't do anything z" you said as you looked away from him. But in actual reality you had ripped his drawing up you didn't mean to... You were just angry. "y/n where is it?" zayn asked frustrated. "I don't know!" you exclaimed as you looked to the left. (that means your lying) "y/n it's pointless lying. If you tell me now I won't yell" you sighed "I'm sorry z.... I ripped it up.... I was.... Angry... I'm sorry" it was silent for a while before zayn glared at you "get up those stairs.... Ill be up there in a bit" you gulped but nodded then ran upstairs. Once you got there you tweeted about it and not only did all of the boys see it but there was a new trend


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