Request- Liam Finds Out You Have A Crush On His Bandmate

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This is for two-bits_grrl hope you like it.

Zoe's POV
I was talking to my friend about liams band mate and best friend, niall to say I have a crush on niall is an understatement. "yeah he's so cute!" I exclaimed. Chloe chuckled "I know. But our crush on him will pass because hes 10 years older than you" I sighed "yeah but I'm aloud to have my crushes." I said. "yeah I know." I sighed "Chloe I know this is weird and all but I have kind of imagined about...." I trailed of a bit embarrassed. "you can tell me" she said. I laughed nervously. "that we- fucked" I heard Chloe gasp as well as my bedroom door slamming open. My eyes widened as I saw an angry looking Liam "uh I've got to go" i said as i hung up. Liam began walking walking toward me with an angry glint in his eyes and I backed away until my back hit the pillows on my bed. "h-how much did you hear?" I asked anxiously "all of it.... You've imagined that you've fucked niall. Do you know that's messed up" Liam went to say something but got cut off by the door opening again and someone horrifying stood there. Niall horan himself and the rest of the band looking shocked. My eyes widened and my mouth fell a gape. "we- we were talking about how..... I FUCKED A CAKE.... UP?!" I exclaimed. "I don't think so somehow" Louis said smirking at my infuriated brother. "no I did fuck a cake up at.... Harry's bakery" I said trying to get Harry to work with me on this one "I don't work in that bakery any more" I glared at him and he sent me a cocky smirk. "no wait.... I wasn't talking about that niall..... I was talking about my friend niall" I said confused "am I not your friend?" niall asked faking hurt "no you are.... Its just that I have another friend called niall" all four of them nodded with smirks whilst liam just looked horrified that I had a crush on his bandmate "it was a figmant of my imagination-" liam cut me off "SO YOU DID DREAM ABOUT HIM!" he exclaimed. I moved further into my pillows and I saw niall smile an actual smile at me "Liam you might wanna watch over your sister more carefully cause she's got her self a prince now" niall said winking at me before walking off with the others. "NOT ON MY WATCH HORAN!" Liam shouted. "please stop overreacting" I said. Liam looked at me with raised eyebrows "overreacting.. Are you serious. No way in hell am I letting your imagination come true!" Liam exclaimed as he ran out of my room slamming the door and running downstairs to find niall. Soon enough there was a knock on my door and it opened revealing a wet niall who had a water gun in hand" Come be on my team" he said whilst looking behind him. I stood up and shook my head. "I don't wanna get wet" niall smirked and shot the water at me "well now you're wet sooo.... Lego" he said smiling. "niall you better not be talking about dirty stuff" I said glaring at him niall smirked until loud footsteps were heard on the steps. Niall grabbed me and knelt down so he was hidden behind my legs. Liam, Harry and Louis stormed in whilst looking around but Louis was staring right at me with a smirk on his face. He then looked down and saw niall "you know you're acting such a perv" I said. Liam glared at me "that's Harry most of the time" niall said quietly making me stifle a giggle. "FIRE!" Louis suddenly screamed and began shooting at me and niall. I squealed and ran past all of them and down the stairs until zayn came out of no where and began tickling me. I giggled hard and he smirked "you're such a dirty little girl aren't you!" he exclaimed playfully whilst tickling me harder. I just laughed until the rest of the five boys came down and niall smirked at me. "do you wanna get thrown in the pool?" he asked. I shook my head "why not. You're wet already!" he exclaimed. Harry chuckled and liam slapped him whilst shoving niall. "OK Harry if the bakery burn down what would you do?" I asked. Harry shrugged "what if loads of the staff were in there?" Harry shrugged again. "wouldn't you go in?" I asked. Harry shook his head. "why not the fire won't be able to handle your hotness anyway" I said smirking. Every single one of them gasped "actually Harry I give you permission to throw her in the pool" Harry grinned and I went wide eyed and began backing away. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. He ran until we were outside "DON'T YOU DARE!" I screamed. "but you're meant to do a dare zoeeee" he said and with that he chucked me in the pool. I got to the surface and I glared at him. I climbed out of the pool and began chasing him. "ZOE GO AND CLEAN YOURSELF UP!" Liam shouted. I giggled but didn't listen I just ran faster and jumped on Harry "I swear to god Harry if you do that again I'll cut your hair off!" I said fiercely. "OK ok not the hair!" he exclaimed as I gripped his hair. I got off of him and flipped my wet hair whilst walking off with a smirk on my face.

Hope you liked this one

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