Your first word is a swear word

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Harry: (1)
You were sat on Harry's knee whilst he talked to the boys. You were sucking Your thumb until you heard Louis say "shittity fuck, fuck" you looked at him and grinned. "Shittity fuck, fuck" you mumbled. Everyone stopped talking and just stared at you. "Shittidy fuck, fuck!" You said louder harry gasped and nearly dropped you whilst Louis was fist pumping the air and the rest of the boys just chuckled.
Liam (2)
You were sat backstage watching the boys perform until Paul ran over to you and gave you a mic then repeated a word 5 times to you and that word was "fuck" he switched the mic on and nodded at you. Firstly you laughed into the mic and all the fans screamed whilst the boys stared at you then you said "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." To the beat of the music. Liam gaped at you whilst harry was staring wide eyed and the others were frozen in place trying not to piss themselves.
Niall (3)
You were walking around the living room whilst the boys watched tv and your most hated  program came on, 'peppa pig' you stomped your foot stared at the tv then yelled "FUCK YOU" all the boys began laughing Niall clapping and making sure your mother couldn't hear.
Louis (4)
"Fuck, shit, dick, bastard, bitch, moron, bl-" you got cut off by Louis smacking his hand over your mouth "did I just hear you swear?" "No you heard me talking to my friends" you said smiling he nodded "ok" the walked off.
Zayn (5)
"THIS IS SHIT" You screamed at Zayn who was feeding you "shit" food he sighed "y/n do you want me to spank you?" You shook your head and glared at him "no bitch" he rose his eyebrow then pulled you up and smacked your bum 5 times. You cried a little bit "I sowwy " you said he nodded and smiled "it's fine."
Next day:
You were sat with all the boys sighing and grunting every five minutes "shh" Zayn said "DO NOT TELL ME TO SHH" you yelled Zayn sighed and rolled his eyes you rolled your eyes back and huffed. "Fuck off bitch" you said swatting nialls hand away all the boys stared at you wide eyed Zayn was furious "Y/N COME OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" You whimpered but slowly went over to him he bent you over his knee and smacked your bum 10 times. You ran upstairs incredibly embarrassed.

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