He and the boys find out your dad/mum/ parents abuse you 3/5

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Harry (8)
Harry was out with the boys at louis' house having a, 'lads night' and you were perfectly fine with it but you weren't fine with your step- Dad staying with you. Your mum has to go out so she left you with your step- Dad, Brian. You hated him. He abused you even if it was the smallest thing. He made you cook him stuff even though you don't know how to cook and he does worse things when he's drunk. You were sat in your bedroom reading a book until your bedroom door flung open and Brian was stood there glaring at you. "W-what's wrong?" You asked worried. "You didn't clean up!" He yelled. You flinched and he walked up to you and slapped you. You felt tears come to your eyes but you held them in. Brian then grabbed you by the hair and pulled you up off your bed he then pushed you into the wall, punched your stomach and kicked your knees quite hard. You heard a popping sound and you screamed out in pain falling to the ground. "You deserve a dislocated knee you little bitch!" Brian yelled and kicked your stomach 10 more times. He then walked downstairs and out the front door. You began screaming and wailing trying to get the attention of anyone but no one came. You looked around and noticed your Nokia (crappy phone hahaha) and you typed Harry's number in. It began ringing and he picked up on the 5th ring. "Hey baby what's up?" He asked. You whimpered into the phone and harry immediately knew something was wrong. "What's wrong y/n?" He asked in a worried voice. "C-come h-home p-please.....b-bring the boys.... they're for extra protection." You said. Harry started talking but you heard Brian screaming at you to get downstairs. "Harry hurry please.... I've dislocated my knee... help" you said before hanging up. You got on your stomach and slid down the stairs with your knee knocking on the stairs making you wince. "Yes?" You asked. Looking up at Brian. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!!!!" Brian screamed and pushed you on your knee forcefully. You screamed and Brian kicked your stomach a few more times until you coughed up blood. Brian laughed and walked out the living room until he was dragged back in by Harry and the boys following behind. "Y/n!" Harry yelled running up to you, you whimpered and bit your lip. "She deserved it" Brian said shrugging. Harry turned around slowly and nodded at the boys and they began shouting at Brian and then Louis punched Brian and Brian fainted because he was highly intoxicated. "Y/n sweetheart your gonna be fine" harry said whilst picking you up and cradling you. Liam got his car keys and you all walked outside to the car. Harry sat with you on his lap in the backseat. You guys got to the hospital and all of a sudden you passed out. You woke back up to pain in your knee. You winced and saw a doctor lightly pressing on it. Harry was holding your left hand whilst zayn was holding your right hand and the others were just lightly humming trying to keep you calm. Harry rubbed the back of your hand as you began shaking. "Ok I'm just going to push this back into place sweetie. I'm so sorry if this hurts. Just squeeze your brothers hand." Harry and zayn nodded and gave both your hands a comforting squeeze. "Ok deep breath in" you did as the doctor said and harry rubbed your head with his other hand. "Breath out" you did as the doctor said again and you felt a huge pressure in your knee and you screamed out in pain. Harry stood up and quickly hugged you to his chest and whispered things into your ears. You finally heard a pop and the pain stopped. You stopped screaming and the doctor grabbed a bandage and asked Liam to hold your injured knee up a little bit. Liam lightly gripped your knee and rubbed his thumb against it. The doctor placed the bandage over your knee and Liam placed your leg back down and you sighed and shut your eyes. Harry kissed your forehead and sat down and intertwined your hands. The others came over and began telling you how brave you were until harry has to ask that question you really didn't want to answer. "What's been happening baby? And if I'm right about what's happening how long has it been going on for?" You sighed and squeezed Harry's hand tighter. "Umm you know Brian?" You asked. Harry nodded. "Well he abuses me when no ones home and it's been going on for 3 months" you said whilst looking away from all the boys. Harry sighed and hugged you tightly but being careful not to hurt you. "Can I look at your stomach?" Harry asked. You looked at him for a second debating with yourself. But finally you nodded and Harry slowly stood up and gently pulled your hospital gown up showing your stomach and your scarred legs. (You had short, shorts on) Harry placed his hand on your stomach and the heat on his hand making your stomach feel a bit better. Harry went to remove his hand but you grabbed it and placed it on your stomach again. Harry nodded at Niall who walked out the room. Harry lightly rubbed your stomach and he traced some of the scars on your legs with furrowed eyebrows. "Here you go" Niall said coming back in with a hot water bottle. He handed it to harry, harry took it and gently placed it on your stomach. You sighed out with relief and Harry held your hand again. "Mums broken up with Brian. And he's never going to bother us again ok?" You nodded and felt your eyes drooping. "It's ok. Go to sleep y/n. I won't let anyone hurt you" harry said whilst kissing your cheek. You smiled and closed your eyes whilst all the boys began lightly singing. You knew for a fact these boys. Especially harry will always be by your side to look after you.

Liam (18)
You were out with the boys and your mum. The boys all went off to a game store and your mum dragged you over to the girls toilets. Your mum pushed you into a private one, Locked the door then pushed you into the door with your back slamming into the handle of the door. You groaned and whimpered slightly. Your mum slapped you and punched your nose making your nose bleed. You punched your mum back and she fell to the ground hitting her head on the toilet seat. You unlocked the door and ran out of the toilets holding your nose whilst whining in pain. You fell to the ground and just cried. You heard a familiar laugh and you looked up to see Liam and the boys facing a different direction. "L-Liam" you said hoping he would hear you. You heard a slam of a door and you turned around to see your mum  holding her head whilst glaring at you, you looked at the boys now looking at you, you began panicking. And you tried to stand up but your mum got to your first and kicked you in the head. You screamed and tried to get up but your mum jumped on top of you and began hitting you. She grabbed a rock and dug it into your skin. You screamed again and saw Louis, harry, Niall were trying to get your Mum off whilst zayn and Liam were trying to bribe your mum to stop. Nothing happened though. Your mum suddenly fell to the ground and you cried out in pain. Liam fell down next to you and held pressure to your thigh which was bleeding. "Ok you don't need to go to the hospital because the wound isn't that bad" a guy who was a doctor said whilst placing a bandage on your wound. You winced and Liam picked up the shopping and Niall picked you up bridal style whilst the other boys began following behind you. "Is.... Mum gonna be ok?" You asked Niall. Slightly drowsy. "I'm sure she is babe but she's never going to see you again" you nodded and Niall placed you in the backseat. "Y/n how long has this been going on for?" Liam asked whilst turning around from the passenger seat. Harry rubbed your shoulder because he saw you gulp. "A year" you said whilst sniffling. "Why didn't you tell me baby?" Liam asked with sadness in his eyes. "I didn't wanna get hurt.... and I didn't want you to get hurt" you said whilst letting some tears slide down your cheeks. Liam nodded and put his hand out for you to take. You took it and interlocked your fingers with his and he squeezed your hand. "Y/n if anything else like this happens..... please tell me or one of the boys..... we're all here for you.... we love you" Liam said whilst he boys nodded in agreement. You smiled and nodded.

Niall (13)
You were having a dinner night with everyone. That consisted of your two brothers Niall and Greg, your parents who are horrible to you and just want you to be famous, and all the lads. You were silently eating until. "Y/N EAT QUIETLY!!!!" Your Dad screamed at you, you flinched at that and Liam put a hand on your thigh trying to calm you down. You nodded and began eating again and your mum slammed her cutlery down she then stood up and glared at you. "YOU'RE NOT EATING SILENTLY SO IM GOING TO PUNISH YOU!!!!" You went wide eyed and looked at all the boys in panic Niall was looking back and forth from you to your mum and Dad. Your mum pulled you up roughly and she seemed like she didn't care weather the boys saw or not. She pushed you into the wall and she punched you in the stomach making you bend over and groan. All the boys ran up to your mum and pulled her backwards. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Niall yelled. Outraged at the way your mother had just treated you. "She's living with me. Nothing can stop you." Niall said and grabbed your hand and led you outside with the others. "I'll get you some new clothes babe" Niall said whilst pushing you into harry who caught you "dude don't push her" harry said Niall nodded and apologised. You sat in Harry's lap and leant into him you shut your eyes knowing you were safe and never going to see those horrible people ever again.

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