You have a sneezing fit 4/5

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Harry (8)
You were laid on the sofa with a few blankets covering you. You have a bad cough and a stuffy nose. Harry being the caring brother he is stayed by your side all day. It was now 9:00 pm and usually your breathing got worse in the mornings and evenings. "Y/n baby.... all the guys are coming over... we have to talk about the tour ok? We'll keep quiet though.... you can go to sleep" harry said. You nodded and yawned. "H-have you told the guys that I'm ill?" You asked. Harry nodded. "Yes they know and they feel sorry for you because they know how it feels." You nodded and sighed. 'Achoo' you sneezed once. "Bless you." Harry said. "Thanks." You mumbled. You then turned on your side and shut your eyes and fell asleep. You woke back up to someone kissing your forehead. You opened your eyes and found louis. You smiled slightly and he grinned back. "Hey hows my girl doing?" He asked rubbing the hair out of your face. "good" you said. You then noticed all the others were here. "Hey y/n" they all said together except Harry who was out in the hall way talking to someone on his phone. You yawned and shut your eyes again. Harry walked in and kissed your cheek then they all began talking quietly. You felt a tickle on the end of your nose so you itched it. "Harry can I have a tissue plea- achoo" you said but got cut off by a sneeze. "Bless yo-" 'achoo' 'achoo' 'achoo' 'achoo' 'achoo' 'achoo' 'achoo' 'achoo' 'achoo' 'achoo' 'achoo' you sneezed quite a few times and rubbed your nose "you oka-" 'ACHOO!' "Bless you" Niall said. "Thanks." You mumbled. "Are you ok my love?" Harry asked rubbing your back. You nodded and shut your eyes and fell asleep.

Liam (3)
You were laid on your stomach on the floor playing with your toys. Liam was watching TV with zayn, Niall, and harry. Louis couldn't be here because he had to look after his sick sister. You were talking gobbily goop to your favourite toy which happened to be a Niall Horan doll. You itched your nose and stood all of your toys up. You played for a few more minutes until. 'Achoo' you sneezed and your head went up and came back down banging into the hard wooden floor. "Ow!" You said. And slowly sat up. "Bless you princess." Niall said. You blushed and smiled. You may or may not have a slight crush on Niall. "Is that a little blush I see?" Niall asked getting close to your face. Not a good idea. As soon as he was in front of your face you sneezed and some snot landed on his face. "Oh I'm sorry- achoo, uncle- achoo, ni" You said. Niall shook his head and smiled. "Wasn't your fault babe." You smiled slightly. You then tapped your cheek with your finger. And Niall looked at you confused. You sighed and tapped your cheek again. Niall smiled and slowly leant in and kissed your cheek. You smiled widely at Niall until. 'ACHOOOOOO!' Liam chuckled and stood up. Liam then picked you up and sat you down next to harry he then wiped your nose and kissed your head. "Love you Li!" You exclaimed. "Love you to bug" you smiled and climbed into his lap. But that soon changed because when Niall came back you crawled onto Niall and fell asleep.

Niall (16)
You were starring in your school play. You had a speaking part. Niall and the lads would be there. You got changed into your costume and you head your cue so you walked on and walked over to the side of the stage like you were meant to. "Y/n!" You friend said from the side of the stage. You looked at her and she began shaking her head violently at you, you looked at her oddly and she quickly put her hood up and walked on stage. She came up to you "this isn't your costume! You and Erica got mixed up!" You went wide eyed not only because of the costume problem but because You felt your nose itch. You quickly moved the mic away from my mouth and covered your mouth and nose. 'Achoo!' You thought you were done so your brought the mic back down. 'ACHOO!' You sneezed into the mic and blushed. "Erm I'm sorry but we've had a mix up- ACHOO..... we'll be back in a minute." You said and quickly ran off stage. You got back stage and found Niall. He hugged you tightly. "You're ok darling." He said and kissed your forehead. You nodded and sniffled. You then sneezed into him and Niall chuckled. "Gosh you do have the sneezes don't you?" You nodded and smiled. "Ready y/n?" Y/f/n asked. You nodded. "Go and break a leg y/n." You smiled at Niall and nodded. He then ran back to his seats and to say he was proud was an understand-meant.

Louis (13)
You were sat in Paul's security van with all the lads. You were sat next to louis and all the other boys were sat opposite you guys. You were playing on your phone until you sneezed and dropped your phone. You groaned and cursed. "Don't curse y/n. You know I- achoo" you cut him off by sneezing. "Bless you." You sneezed ten more times and all the boys looked at you shocked. Louis wiped your nose and you rolled your eyes at how he treats you. "You ok?" Louis asked. You shook your head and sneezed another ten times. "Man.... you might blow your brains out." You smiled and shook your head. "I'm done well at least I- ACHOOOO!" You said but sneezed very loudly. And thankfully that was all of the sneezing. You smiled at louis and he played with your hair until you fell asleep.

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