You're Best Friends But You Kiss

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Harry (ages range 17-18-19)

You were sat on your bed talking to your mum on the phone and somehow the conversation led to things about kissing. "so have you found anyone yet?" your mother asked excitedly. You rolled your eyes and sighed "no mum I still haven't had my first kiss" you said feeling embarrassed. You looked down and your mum and yourself talked for a bit more until you both bidded fairwell and you hung up. You looked towards your bedroom window and you sighed laying down. A knock was heard at the door "come in" you said. The door opened and Harry wondered in. "hi babe... Can I ask you something?" you nodded and Harry sat down next to you "have you had your first kiss?" he asked softly. You gulped and your eyes widened. "it's OK... Nothing to be ashamed of" he said smiling. You looked at him unsure and he placed a hand on your cheek. "I heard your conversation with your mum sweetie" you looked down to the ground and Harry wiped a stray tear that had slowly fallen down your cheek. "if you would like... I can change it for you my love" you looked at him confused "can I kiss you?" he asked. Your eyes widened and you began rambling "but this could ruin our friendship! What happens if-" you were cut off by Harrys soft lips being pressed against your own. Your eyes widened and Harry lent backwards looking into your eyes he then rubbed up and down your arms sending goose bumps all over them. You looked at Harry with wide eyes and your legs felt weak. "c-can you do that again?" you asked nervously. Harry smirked at you "of course I can" he said placing his hands on your cheeks and he kissed you softly. You closed your eyes and kissed back. Harry pulled back and was a light red "I don't think we should carry on kissing because this is kind of turning me on..... A lot" Harry said biting his lip. You smiled and Harry winked at you.


"y/n give me the remote" Liam said glaring at you. You giggled and hid it behind your back. He sighed "hard way it is" he said as he began wrestling you. From pushing and shoving each other so much you fell backwards off of the sofa and liam landed on top of you, you blushed furiously because you have always had a crush on him. "give me the remote" he said as you had the remote gripped in your hands. Finally Liam caught onto your red cheeks and he smirked. "do you wanna kiss me?" he asked playfully. You gulped nervously. And liam stroked your cheek "you can tell me if you want to or don't want to" you looked at him anxiously before nodding. Liam smiled and he bit his lip. He straddled your waist and sat up lowering his head as it hovered over yours. His lips brushed agasint yours and he kissed your cheek before kissing you passionately on the lips "I wove you" Liam said smirking and you smiled getting the courage to bring him back for another kiss.


You and niall had had an argument about something honestly so stupid. It was about who could have the last cookie and instead of any of us eating  it you threw it to the ground and stomped on it. You looked at niall and he was staring blankly at the wall "niall?" you questioned quietly. He ignored you and you looked down "I'm sorry I've been such a bad friend I'm soo sorry.... I'll go" you said as you stood up and went to walk out of the room but before you could niall grabbed your wrist and he pulled you onto his lap you looked at him sadly and he looked at you with sad eyes. His eyes traveled to your lips then back up to your eyes until he just lent in and kissed you you were frozen in shock "please kiss back" he said agasint your lips. You came out of the trance and kissed him back. "oh how I've been wanting to do that.... I'm sorry we got into a stupid fight love. Forget and forgive?" you nodded and he stood up with you and he looked quite turned on. "if you want me to stop at any point tell me OK" you nodded and he walked you backwards until you were pressed against the wall and his lips crashed into your own. "forgive me if my hands wonder" he whispered as he kissed you more deeply. You soon realised you were slowly falling for him.


You looked over at your Bestfriend who was playing fifa and you watched as his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his jaw clenched. You were getting turned on by this and you let a slight moan out but you quickly covered it with a cough. "you ok love?" Louis asked "yeah" you said quietly oh how you wanted to tell him you were in love with him "hey y/n, babe" Louis said clicking his fingers in front of your face. You came out of the trance and looked at Louis with wide eyes "darling..... Do you like me more than a friend?" he asked. Your mouth fell a gape and Louis smiled pausing the game and getting closer to you. You looked down and he used his index finger to tilt your head up. You looked at him and he put his lips next to your ear" you know babe that you've told me that.... I kinda wanna take you right here right now" he whispered. You moaned quietly. "when you're more comfortable with me then I'll make sure the neighbours and the whole of Japan can hear us" Louis said as he began kissing your neck. He kissed your jawline before moving to your lips and planting a soft kiss upon them. Louis stopped and smirked at you.


You bit your lip as zayn placed his arms around you. You hugged him tight and breathing in his scent made a shiver run down your spine. Zayn kissed the top of your head and he looked at you. You looked at his lips until he lifted your chin up "my eyes are here baby" he said. When he called you baby you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach "tell me what you want love" zayn said as he began writing a shopping list down "a kiss" you whispered. Zayn looked at you and he coughed slightly before putting the notepad down and scooting closer to you. His arms wrapped around you and his soft lips granted your eager ones "so is it sugar that you want added on the list?" zayn asked laughing at his own joke. You glared at him and he blew you a kiss

Hope you liked this one. It was a bit different. Would you guys like more of these types of imagines?

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