You try to sneak out but get caught

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Harry (15 in all)
You were bored as hell. You see harry had grounded you because you told Liam, Louis, Niall and zayn to fuck off. You didn't mean to. You were just angry. You sighed and stared up at the ceiling you were nearly asleep until you heard your Phone vibrate you sighed and picked your phone up and looked at the text "hey y/n there's a party at mine tonight. You wanna come?" You sighed and texted y/f/n back "no. Sorry I'm grounded for saying fuck off to Harry's friends." "Just sneak out... its the easiest option" you sighed and thought to yourself for a while until you came up with the conclusion that you would climb out your bedroom window. "Ok I'll come" "great! It starts at nine.. that's in 1 hour make sure to be there. Bye!" "Bye" you sighed and began getting dressed then got another text "get some money as well" "don't have any" you replied "steal it then" "ok" you replied and turned your phone off you slowly walked downstairs and saw your brother and the others were on the couch talking to each other you crept into the kitchen and saw someone's wallet. You grabbed it and opened it seeing Zayn's driving licence in there with £50s you slowly slid the money out of zayns wallet and put it in your back pocket then began heading back towards the stairs "well, well, well look who we have here all dressed up for a party" Harry said making you jump and turn around he was looking you up and down shaking his head also the boys were as well just then you realised something wasn't right there was only harry, Louis, Liam and Niall... no zayn. You went wide eyed as zayn came in holding his wallet "hey guys do you know where that £50s went?" Zayn said all the boys shook their heads and so did you "y/n be honest now... did you take zayns money?" You again shook your head "if you did then I'm not gonna get mad at you I'm just gonna be disappointed in you" zayn said with the boys agreeing. You see you had this speaker that was connected to your phone and it's very loud so if any voice mails came through then it would be clear and loud... and it just had to be at that moment where you were so close to getting away with it. Your phone rang from upstairs and everyone fell silent "hey y/n did you get that money yet? I mean seriously hurry up the party is starting soon and you'll probably miss it... anyway byeeee!" Everything was so awkward and silent it was probably the most unwanted situation anyone would want to be in. "Y/n get your ass up those stairs before I do something I regret." Harry said staring right at you you nodded and began walking up the stairs but Liam grabbed you and held out his hand you got the £50s out of your pocket and gave it to him Liam then handed it to zayn and Harry pointed to the stairs again and you ran up there like you were being chased. Later that day you heard multiple people coming up the stairs then a loud knock was placed on your door "come in" you mumbled. Some people came in and sat on your bed "y/n what do you say?" Harry said specifying what you had done to zayn "sorry zayn" you mumbled and hugged him zayn smiled and hugged you back you then hugged Harry and the others.

You had planned to go out with your friends at 12:30 PM to the cinema Liam was going to hang out with the boys well he already was hanging out with them. And you thought it would be fair if you could go spend some quality time with your friends. "I better go ask Liam" you muttered. You then slowly walked downstairs and into the living room where everyone was. (When you wanted Something you would say Li, Li) everyone looked at you when you came into the living room "Li, Li could I pleaseeeee go out with some friends?" You said giving him puppy eyes "what time, who with, and what are you gonna do?" You sighed and looked down "um going out around 12:30 pm, going with some friends only 2 boys, and were going to the cinema" you said "ok firstly no you can't go, secondly what film were going to see, and thirdly I'm not fully trusting you" Liam said "oh, um we were just going to see..... Eddie the eagle?" you mumbled very confused with your answer. "Y/n your not going" You glared at Liam "why not!?" You shouted and stomped your foot "do you expect me to let you out at 12: 30? Well if you do then your crazy because I need to protect my younger siblings and yes your not exactly young anymore but your still young to me ok?" You nodded and sighed then slowly went upstairs planning an escape rout in your head you got dressed into some nice clothes and opened the window you went to climb out it until "I wouldn't do that if I was you" someone said from behind you, you turned around and saw Louis with a stern look on his face you still carried on and got your whole body out of the window "LIAAAAAM!!!!!!" Louis screamed you heard lots of people running up tells stairs and they all came into your room "Y/n don't you dare move!" Liam shouted you sighed and ignored him and carried on trying to get down "Y/n I'll take all your electricity so you won't be able to listen to music, go on your computer anything like that!" Liam shouted you sighed and reached for the window you grabbed it and pulled yourself up Liam came forwards and grabbed your t-shirt "your not having electricity for a week" Liam said you began struggling in his grip and tried to get onto the grass but Liam pulled you in to your room and put you on your bed "Y/N DONT YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!" Liam yelled you jumped and looked down at your hands and began playing with them Liam carried on shouting and you bit your lip so hard that some blood trailed out of your lip and onto your hands "y/n why are you bleeding" Liam said more calmly you looked at Liam and his eyes softened "awww babe" Liam said and brought you in for a hug you hugged him back and sniffled "I'm sorry Li" you mumbled Liam kissed the side of your head "it's fine" Liam said all the boys came over to you guys and hugged you making it one big group hug Niall began patting his back pockets and pulled something out he handed you a tissue but you couldn't take it sir Niall held it on your lip "y/n you know we're all disappointed in you so please don't try it again ok?" Liam asked you nodded and the boys agreed "ok do not do that ever-" you cut Liam off "ok Liam I get it. I'm sorry I love you all" you said all the boys smiled and hugged you tighter "ok y/n your grounded for a month" your jaw dropped and Liam nodded the others sniggered and you hit them hard "ow!" They all said you grinned then said "get out now please" the boys nodded and left you smiled and got changed into your pyjamas and fell asleep. Around two in the morning you felt someone's arms around you 'oh god did I go to a party?' You thought to yourself you looked down and noticed Liam's tattoo you smiled and fell back to sleep.

"Niall pleaseeeee!" You said Niall shook his head and stood up you grabbed onto his leg and sat on his foot Liam began pulling you backwards but you had an iron grip on your brother "LET ME GOO TO THAT PARTY!!!!!!" You yelled. You had just been caught sneaking out. "No y/n and start acting your age..... do you want me to treat you like a 3 year old?" Niall said you shook your head but kept your grip on Niall "fair enough" Niall said and somehow picked you up and placed you on his hip you began struggling but Niall ignored it and held you tighter Niall began patting your bum "Don't pat my butt!" You shouted Niall sighed and ignored you, you sighed and placed your head on his shoulder "see I knew you would do that you do want to be my little baby!" Niall exclaimed "no I don't!!!" You shouted "fine" Niall said and placed you down on the ground you got straight back up and ran up to your room completely and utterly embarrassed.

Sorry I'll try and do Louis and zayn another time. X

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