You hide something that is his.

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Harry: (11)
Harry was out with the boys at an interview and that meant you were alone at home. You were bored out of your mind until you remembered Harry stole your phone for a week and acted dumb so you ran to his room got his computer, other computer and his phone he uses to call people. You grinned and ran to your rooms and hid them under your bed in the secret draw. You grinned and sat on your bed and read your book. Two hours later you heard the front door open and 5 loud boys laughing. "Boys let's go see if we can come up with any song lyrics. And if we do let's write them down on my computers ok" the boys must of nodded because there was no answer only 5 boys running up the stairs and into Harry's room. You heard them practicing then Harry shouted out "perfect" then it grew silent "I left my computer on my bed" you heard Harry say to the boys. Just then you heard Harry groan and stomp to your room. "Y/n where is my computer?" You shrugged and carried on reading "fine I'll go get my phone" he mumbled and went back to his room. Once again he came back looking pissed and the boys behind him looked pissed too."y/n. Where. Is. It?!" Harry said very calmly. "I have no clue" the boys all sighed then looked at each other then back at you. They all ran towards you and tickled you until you caved in and told them where Harry's electronics were.
Liam: (4)
You had a thing for Liam's phone. Yes it sounds weird but to you it wasn't weird. Liam was chatting with the boys and put his phone down next to you, you grinned and slowly picked it up then sat on it without anyone seeing "yeah so we should meet up again I'll just set a-" Liam looked down to where his phone was before but it wasn't there all he saw was you looking very nervous "y/n have you seen my phone" you shook your head and he stared at you until you squealed and gave it to him.
Niall: (19)
Niall took your food last week so you took his food and threw it away. Let's just say he wasn't happy.
Louis: (1)
Louis had promised to make you a carrot cake but he didn't so when you promised to get him a bag of carrots you didn't and it went on for a while.
Zayn: (21)
Zayn has stolen your mirrors so you stole his mirrors and let him go mental.

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