Your sad but wont tell anyone why Only harry, liam, niall and louis.

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Harry (15 in all)
You were laid in bed thinking about your ex- boyfriend. You still hadn't got over him. You sighed and let a few tears slip down your cheeks. You heard a knock on your door but you didn't answer. The door opened and you sighed. You felt the bed dip a bit and someone placed their hand on your back "y/n I'm really worried about you... what's wrong?" You sighed "nothing harry" you said and closed your eyes "come on y/n I know when your lying and your lying right now" you sniffled "nothings wrong" you said. Harry sighed and rubbed your back "ok y/n I'll be back in a bit" you nodded and dozed off. Harry got up and left.
Harry's POV
I sighed and left y/n's room... I'm really worried about her. I went downstairs and sat on the couch then grabbed my phone I made a group chat with the boys "hey guys can you come over and give me and y/n some support she isn't acting her usual self" then they all replied with "sure" I waited for 10 minutes and ten minutes later the boys came in "hey guys" I said smiling nervously "hey harry let's go help your little sister out" Niall said smiling. I nodded and we all walked upstairs I knocked on y/n's door again and yet again no answer... "see what I mean? She won't answer" I said sighing. The boys sighed as well and Liam opened the door and went up to her bed and sat on the end of it "sweetheart what's wrong?" Liam said rubbing circles on her back "nothing Li" y/n said "y/n me and you both know something is wrong if nothing was wrong then your brother wouldn't of texted us to come over" Liam said y/n sniffled and sighed "fine" she said "my b-boyfriend"... "broke up with me" y/n said starting to cry Liam looked at me and nodded then stood up I went over to y/n and laid down next to her I wrapped my arms around her and pushed her head into my chest "don't cry sweetie... you will find someone new... you still have me and these guys... we love you just as much as your boyfriend loved you..." I said "yeah... but you don't love me like he loved me" y/n said crying again "y/n you don't need him you have us ok" I said y/n nodded and hugged me tighter... "love... you should've just told me that you felt sad and needed some love from your older brother" I said and hugged her tighter "ok I will" y/n said I smiled at her then smiled at the boys they smiled back I mouthed "thanks guys" and they mouthed back "no problem" "can the boys stay tonight?" Y/n said I smiled into her hair and looked at the boys they nodded and I said "of course they can" I said and kissed y/n's head "we'll be back in a minute" I said and stood up then walked outside with the boys "thank you all so much" I said Harry smiled and said "bro it's really no problem.. she's like a sister to all of us so we'll do anything" he said with the boys agreeing I smiled and hugged all of the boys we then went into y/n's room. I laid next to her, Louis laid on the other side, Liam laid on the end next to our feet then, harry, Niall, and zayn laid on the floor next to the bed.. "night sweetie" we all said to y/n she smiled and fell asleep with her head on my shoulder...

Liam: (Liam's your cousin in this one)
You lived with your cousin Liam because your mother died on a plane. Liam's very nice and thinks your fine now but you actually weren't. You were sat on the sofa with Liam and his friends, harry, Louis, Niall, and zayn. You were just staring at the blank tv. "Hey y/n you ok?" Your other cousin, Y/o/c/n (your other cousins name) said you didn't answer you just stared at the tv y/o/c/n came over to you and hugged you, you hugged him back and buried your face into his neck he rubbed your back "what's wr-" he stopped what he was saying and knelt down "is it something to do with your mother?" He said softly you shook your head and he sighed and looked at Liam and the boys worriedly "y/n come on please" he said and rubbed your back you just looked away just then he got a call "sorry y/n I've got to take this" y/o/c/n said and kissed your head then walked out. Liam sighed and stood up and sat next to you he put his arm over your shoulder and hugged you "Come on y/n... is it something to do with your mum?" You again didn't answer you just looked down at Liam's tattoos "y/n stop admiring my tattoos and tell me what's bothering you" Liam said and brought you onto his lap you sighed and rested your head on his shoulder "come on babe just tell him" Louis said you sniffled "I-I'm just so thankful that you took me in.... and....-" "and?" Liam said rubbing your back "... and I- I miss my mum" you said sniffling "aww darling" you began crying "shhh, shhh" Liam said gently patting your back "I know it's hard sweetie... but me, my brother, and the boys will help ok" you nodded and rubbed your eyes "wanna watch a movie?" Zayn said you nodded and slightly smiled whilst watching the movie a mother and daughter came on and you were about to cry until you heard loud chewing you turned around and saw Niall shoving food in his mouth he looked at you, back at the tv then back to you "want some?" He said moving the popcorn closer to you you smiled and took some "thanks Ni" you said during the 8th movie, Toy story you fell asleep on Liam... you woke up in your bed with tears in your eyes you took your duvet off, of you and went to Liam's room. You knocked on the door and the talking on the other side stopped "come in" y/o/c/n said you went in and y/o/c/n said "aww sweetie come here" you went up to him and hugged him "w-where's Liam?" You said he sighed "Liam's gone sweetie" you looked at him wide eyed "what?" "Liam's dead" you began crying "how did he die?" You said sobbing "he got murdered... he was on a plane and there was a murderer and the person bombed it and no one survived.." you cried even more until you shot up in bed "What the hell?" You said to yourself you quickly stood up and ran to Liam's room and knocked on the door no answer you opened it and found no one inside you broke down and began crying and crawled into Liam's bed and pulled the covers over you taking in the thing that made you remember him... his cologne you began crying again and buried your head into the pillow...
Liam's POV
I was downstairs with the boys until I heard faint crying. I ignored it thinking it was my mind playing tricks on me. "Hey do you hear that?" Niall said we all looked at him "hear what?" I said "that crying... it sounds like a girl" he said "suspect it's your mind playing tricks" zayn said "no, no I hear it to" Harry said I nodded in agreement "y/n" Harry said I went wide eyed "shit" I muttered and ran upstairs I went into her room but found no one inside only her duvet on the floor I knocked on the bathroom door, opened it, no one I went into y/o/c/n room and found him asleep I then went into my room and found y/n crying into my pillow I sighed and slowly walked up to the bed I took my shirt off and put a pyjama t-shirt in then took my shoes off and lifted the duvet and got in and pulled y/n into my arms "y/o/c/n? Is it true? Is Liam actually dead?! Did he die!?" Y/n shouted "shhh sweetheart it's Liam shhh" I said running my fingers through her hair "l-l-Liam are you ok" y/n said and sat you sat up with her "I'm fine darling... if you think I'm a ghost look" I said and stood up then walked up to a wall and walked into it "see I can't walk through it also if I was a ghost then I wouldn't be able to hold your hands" I said and held her hands she smiled and hugged me "I thought you died" she said sniffling "no darling... I'm not going anywhere for a long, long time" I said and smiled she smiled and and laid down and laid down as well and I felt wetness on my t-shirt I began softly singing until she fell asleep I then fell asleep myself. I woke up the next morning to people talking "awww look they look so cute" that was Harry speaking "yeah they act like brother and sister" that was Louis "I'm hungry" you can obviously guess who that is.... if not that was Niall "awww" they kept repeating everything they had said over and over again "be quiet" I said everyone fell silent "thank you" I said y/n began moving but only to snuggle back into my arms I smiled and fell back to sleep even though the boys were still watching...

You had been depressed but hadn't told anyone your brother Niall is very worried but you've got more than worry on your mind. "Y/n please tell me what's wrong" Niall said sniffling "nothings wrong Niall" you said sniffling "sure, sure" Niall said you looked down "Come on y/n if I know then I can help you" Niall said you sighed "fine I'm getting bullied at school" you said looking down "ok why didn't you tell me sooner?" "They threatened me" "ok darling I'll transfer you to a different school ok?" You nodded but sniffled yet again "y/n anything else you would like to tell me?" Niall said kneeling down so he was eye level "I-I um nothing" you said Niall sighed "come on love" you sighed "I'm depressed" you said Niall went wide eyed and pulled you in for a hug....
Nialls POV
I can't believe my little sister is depressed I really should've been there more. I hugged y/n tighter and kissed the side of her head repeatedly she began crying more and I began quietly singing just then I felt her go limp in my arms and all crying stopped "y/n?" I said she didn't answer I pulled her away from my chest and saw her eyes were shut and she had fainted "fuck" I said to myself I laid her in recovery position and pressed on her shoulder "y/n?" She didn't wake up I sighed and quickly went to get my phone I got my phone then came back to y/n and called someone who could help...
Y/n's POV
You were hugging Niall until it all turned black... you woke back up to talking "Hey zayn thanks for coming" "no problem anything to help 'our' little sister" you felt zayn pressing on your shoulder and he pressed on a certain spot and you slowly opened your eyes "oh hey y/n" zayn said smiling you smiled back a bit "so I've heard you've been depressed for.... Niall how long?" Zayn said looking at Niall, niall shrugged "ok y/n how long have you been depressed?" Niall said "2 months" you mumbled "ok... here are some anti- depression pills prescribed by my boss" you looked at zayn weirdly "we both work at a doctors office" you nodded and thanked zayn he then left "please y/n tell me next time what's going on inside your brain please" you nodded and Niall smiled "thank you" you nodded and hugged Niall...

You had been very sad lately and you didn't know why "y/n what's wrong?" Louis said laying down next to you on your bed "I don't know Lou" Louis sighed and pulled you into his arms "please y/n tell me what's wrong" "I DONT KNOW!!!" You yelled "ok shhh babe shhh" Louis said kissing your head you began sobbing "I don't know why I'm sad" you said finally caving in "ok love all you need to do is spend some more quality time with your older brother" Louis said smiling you giggled and smiled "thanks Lou you really do make me feel better" "good" Louis said and smiled you smiled back and buried your head into his chest.... he than whispered "I love you lil sis" "love you too" you said

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