What he gets you for your birthday.

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Harry (8)
You loved Harry Potter so harry got you a meet and greet to meet the cast of Harry Potter. And he got you all the books and a wand.
Liam (17)
You adored the band 5sos and had never met them but this is how Liam made your dream come true. You were walking home from school until a car pulled up next to you, you stopped and looked at the car realising it was Liam's. Expecting Liam to be in it you opened the door only to find Callum hood and the rest of 5sos in the back with Liam in the middle. You froze and teared up. "SURPRISE!"   They all yelled. You grinned and the boys got out. You hugged them all and have Liam a big hug. You got in the car and told them about your day at school from where you punched a girl to where you got straight A's. You were near your house but we're stuck in traffic. You noticed the boys shared glances then they began singing good girls.
Niall (2)
Like Niall you loved food but the only food you completely loved was cake. All the boys were around and they were singing happy birthday and your mum brought in a massive unicorn cake. You squealed and your mum let you blow out the candles. She took the candles out then Niall kneeled down and shoved his face into YOUR cake. You screamed and hit his head repeatedly and then began eating the cake to yourself not sharing. And you told your mum to put Niall in timeout.
Louis (11)
You loved carrots like your brother and for your birthday he got you a bag of carrots then your Mum got you a carrot cake and the boys got you 10 bags of carrots. You were extremely happy.
Zayn (1)
You were exactly like Zayn. You loved mirrors. When it was your birthday he got you a mirror which made your face go weird and every day and night you would admire yourself and let's just say you still did it when you were a teenager.

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