You have an asthma attack

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Harry (12)
You were running around the back garden with the boys until you felt you chest tighten and you fell to the ground gripping your chest "are you ok sweetie" Harry said running up he came closer and went wide eyed then ran into the house and got your inhaler he shook it then gave it to you. "Thanks" "no problem"
Liam (17)
You were in the attic with your brother looking at old pictures until some dust went up your nose at first you were fine but the time he wheezing began "where'd you inhaler" Liam said frantically "table downstairs" you managed to croak out Liam ran downstairs and grabbed it then gave it to you. "Thanks" you mumbled
Niall (15)
You were stressed and ended up having a huge asthma attack but Niall helped.
Louis (5)
It was a year ago when it happened you began sneezing then coughing then wheezing then you couldn't breath Louis freaked out and called an ambulance and they diagnosed the problem.
Zayn (16)
Like Zayn you loved to spray paint but he only problem is that your asthmatic and every time you do it you have a bad attack.

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