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This is for AaliyahJohnson277. Hope you like it.

Aaliyah's POV
I was sat on my daddy's hip whilst he talked to papa. I giggled at a few things they were saying until a familiar name was mentioned. "Yeah Luke is coming round today." Papa said. "Are the rest of 5sos coming?" Daddy asked. "No they couldn't make it." Papa said with a slight frown. I began bouncing up and down on my daddy's hip. "LUKEY!" I screamed whilst grinning. "Lukey's not here yet cheeky monkey." Papa said poking my nose. I giggled until the doorbell rang. "LUKEY???!!!!!" I asked/ shouted. "I think that might be uncle Niall." Daddy said whilst bouncing me up and down. Daddy began walking towards the front door. Daddy opened the door and we were met by the familiar face of Luke. "LUKEY!!!!" I squealed wriggling in the grasp of my daddy's hands. Luke grinned and opened his arms wide. Daddy handed me off to luke and I buried my head into lukey's neck. "Me miss you vewy much." I said. "I missed you too baby." Luke said kissing my forehead. "Please play babies wif me." I said quietly whilst trying to hide my red cheeks. "Of course." He said and began walking toward the living room where daddy and papa were sat talking. "Would you like a drink luke?" Papa asked. "No thank you." Luke said sitting down on the floor. "You have Prince Luke and I have princess Aaliyah ok?" I asked smiling. "Oh goody, goody." Luke said rubbing his hands together. I giggled and we began playing. Half way through playing I didn't notice how my daddy and my papa were acting. "Aaliyah baby... do you wanna have a cuddle?" Daddy asked. "No fank you daddy." I said whilst making princess Aaliyah dance with prince lukey. "Ok." Daddy said whilst looking down.

Harry's POV
I was slightly jealous that my baby was spending more time with Luke than zayn and I. I sighed and looked at the time. I smiled at zayn and he smiled back. I heard Aaliyah say something about how she was hungry and I went to stand up but got stopped by Luke. "I'll do it mate." He said patting my shoulder. I nodded and Aaliyah and Luke walked out with Aaliyah skipping whilst swinging her and Luke's hands.

Aaliyah's POV
Luke began making me some food "do you sit in a high chair?" Luke asked. I giggled and Luke took that as a yes so he came over to me and picked me up placing me into my high chair. Luke brought he food over to me and he set it down on the table. "Can you eat it or yourself?" He asked. I could but I don't feel like it so I shook my head. Luke nodded and picked up the spoon. "Here come the airplane." Luke said making plane noises. I giggled and opened my mouth letting Luke feed me. After he had fed me luke picked me up and I cuddled into him feeling tired. "You getting tired hun?" He asked. I nodded and luke smiled. Luke brought me into the living room and sat down on the sofa. "You wanna go see daddy?" Luke asked. I shook my head closing my eyes. I then fell into a deep sleep.

Zayn's POV
"Yeah see you next time." I said waving Luke off. Luke waved and drove off. I walked back into the living room to see harry staring at Aaliyah who was in the corner. "What happened?" I asked. "Tantrum.... very big tantrum." Harry said shaking his head.

Harry's POV
"No Aaliyah he's going home." I said picking her up. She began sobbing and kicking. "NOO!!!" She screamed. "Aaliyah y/m/n stalik!" I said sternly. She hit me a few times and began stomping her feet. "Aaliyah!" I warned. She screamed again and fell to the ground falling onto her back whilst kicking the floor. "LUKEY!!!!" She wailed. "Aaliyah!" I said nearly losing my temper. "Do you want to go in time out young lady?!" I asked. She just wailed louder and I picked her up and hugged her for a few minutes letting her calm down. "Now for your behaviour you're going into the naughty corner." That set off another screaming fit. I sighed and put Aaliyah down next to a corner. "Sty there." I said. She stomped her foot by nodded.

Aaliyah's POV
I stared at the wall and heard papa and daddy talking. "Aaliyah." Daddy said. I turned around and saw both of them looking sternly at me. "I SORRY!" I wailed once again falling to the floor. Daddy sighed and walked over to me picking my up and placing me on his hip. "We'll arrange more dates for you and Luke ok?" He asked. I nodded and grinned. "YAY I CAN SPEND TIME WITH ME BOYFRIEND!" I shouted running away. Harry and zayn looked at each other wide eyed. "I did not expect that." They both said together.

Hope you liked it.

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