You fail a test (ddm) 3/5

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Harry (13)
You were walking home with tears in your eyes. You had failed your English test. You were angry at yourself. You knew your mum wasn't going to be happy. Your dad doesn't really mind all he cares about is if you had tried. You got to your house and you walked in. "Y/n!" Your mother shouted. You walked into the living room to see her, harry and all your uncles sat on the couch. "Did you get your test back today?" She asked. You shook your head. "No..... the teacher said she had only marked half of the papers." You mumbled whilst looking around the room. "Y/N!" Your Mum shouted. You didn't flinch because you've heard her shout at you like this before. "Yes Mum?" You asked. "I'm gonna ask you one more time and one more time only..... did. You. Get. Your. Test. Back?" She asked. You sighed and took your back pack off, of your shoulders and unzipped your bag. You pulled out your test and cringed at the score. You got 5/40 questions right. You just held the paper tighter in your grip and felt the tears well up in your eyes. "Y/n give me the paper." Your Mum said. You handed her the paper and she read it and she looked like she was gonna go ape on you, you slowly stepped backwards. "Y/N YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR TWO MONTHS!" She screamed. "No!" You said. Your mum looked at you shocked. "Excuse me young lady!" She said. "You're excused." You said in a monotone voice. "Mum you always ground me for not having good tests! Why can't you be like Dad?! He doesn't go ape on me! I try my hardest Mum!" You shouted. Your mum glared at you but sighed. "You're still grounded." You sighed and looked down. "Y/n come with me." Harry said and grabbed your hand gently and pulled you out of the living room. Harry then pulled you into his chest and hugged you tightly. You began sniffing slightly. "It's ok babe. You tried." He said whilst rubbing your back. "D-Dad does Mum hate me?" You asked. Harry shook his head. "Of course she doesn't. She just wants the best for you, as do I... but I'll be proud of you no matter what score you get ok? You're my daughter and I'm always going to be here for you and I'll always be here to help you with revising ok?" You nodded and hugged him tighter. "Thanks Dad, I love you." You said info his chest. "I love you too y/n." You smiled and shut your eyes feeling comforted by your fathers presence.

Liam (10)
You were sat in class waiting for your test results and you were biting your nails. The teacher came to you. "Well done y/n, you tried." She said and put the test down in front of you. "18 out of 80" you mumbled to yourself.  The bell went for home time and you grabbed your bag and walked out of class ignoring your friends. You walked out of school and saw your dads car. You sighed and walked up to his car, opened the back door and got in. "Oh hello y/n. You can sit i the front if you want to." He said smiling at you, you shook your head and rubbed your teary eyes. Liam saw this motion and looked at you worriedly "are you ok sweetheart. What's wrong?" You met your fathers loving eyes and suddenly burst into tears. Liam immediately pulled over at the side of the road and got out. Liam got in the backseat next to you and pulled you into his chest. "It's ok y/n. I've got you shhh, shhhh." He said whilst running his fingers through your hair. "I-I'm s-Sorry d-daddy." You stuttered our whilst crying loudly. "Why are you sorry baby?" He asked. "I-I-I got 18 out of 80 on my test.... I'm sorry" You whispered. "Oh darling it's ok. It isn't your fault. You tried your hardest and that's all I ask." He said. You nodded and kissed his cheek thankful you have a dad like him.

Niall (17)
"You're so dumb! You only got 30 out of 100. Man I thought I was dumb." Your brother, y/b/n said. You felt your eyes tear up and you looked down. Like your father you were very sensitive. "Oh my god! Don't cry you baby!" Y/b/n said whilst punching your shoulder. You just got up out of your seat and walked out of your science class. "Miss horan where are you going?" Your teacher asked. You ignored him and just ran all the way out of school and ran all the way to your dads studio. When you got there you opened the door and ran all the way up the four flights of stairs. Once you got to the door which said 1D you opened it and ran inside seeing your father sat on the couch on his phone. "D-Dad?" You whimpered. Your dads head shot up and he saw your tear stained face and immediately got up. He walked towards you and pulled you in for a hug. "What happened princess?" He asked. "Y-y-y/b/n made fun of me for failing my science test.... he- he made me feel crap." You said whilst going into a melt down. "Oh baby it's ok shhh, shh." Niall said and sat down and pulled you into his lap. "Daddy am I a baby.... for failing a test?" You asked. "No love you are not a baby for failing a test." Liam said whilst kissing your forehead. Liam then went to record. "Yes I agree with Liam darling.... as do the rest of the lads." Niall said whilst rubbing your back. You nodded and cried quietly into your dads neck. "Y/b/n said I was a baby and I was stupid." You said and sobbed. "I'll have a little chat with him... I need to go and record with Liam now ok?" You nodded and Niall picked you up and handed you to zayn who sat down with you and cuddled with you until Niall had came out of the recording booth. "Ok louis could you hold her now?" Zayn asked. Louis nodded and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. "Y/n I'm gonna have a chat with y/b/n now ok?" You nodded and smiled.

Niall's POV
I walked out of the studio and walked to my car. I then drove all the way to y/b/n's school. I got to the school and I went into the reception. "Hello, yes can I please see y/b/n horan?" The receptionist nodded and pressed a few buttons. "He'll be here soon." I nodded and thanked the lady before sitting down. A few minutes later the door opened and my son walked in. "Y/b/n come here right now." I said angrily. He walked over to me. "I've signed you out already. You're coming with me. Sit in the back and don't talk to me." I said. He nodded and we got to the car he got in the back and I got in the front. "Give me your phone." I said. "No" he said. "Excuse me young man! Give me your phone right now before I pull you over my knee." I said whilst glaring at him. Y/b/n sighed and put his phone in my hand. I put his phone in my pocket and we got to the studio. I grabbed y/b/n by the ear and I dragged him inside. Once we got to the lads and i's room I opened the door and saw y/n cuddled up next to harry. I smiled and Harry grinned at me. "Y/n" Harry said rubbing her arm. Y/n sat up and opened her eyes and looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and I pushed y/b/n gently over to y/n. Y/b/n sighed and kneeled down. "I'm sorry y/n.... I didn't mean to be rude..... you can slap me." Y/b/n said smiling. Y/n looked at me and I nodded. She grinned and slapped y/b/n hard across the face. "Thank you.... and I forgive you." Y/n said and came over to me and gave me a hug. I smiled and picked her up. I said bye to the lads then me, y/n, and y/b/n walked back to the car and drove home. I'm glad my princess is happy.

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