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This is for Two-bits_grrl. Hope you like it. I'll use the name Megan

Megan's POV
I was sat on the couch next to my brother, Liam watching a film I had never seen before. "So Megan how was your day?" Louis asked looking at me with a wide grin. "It was good thanks. Yours?" I asked. "It was great." I nodded and smiled. "Who wants popcorn??!!" Harry shouted running in with a bowl of popcorn. I immediately got up and grabbed a handful of popcorn. I was slowly eating the popcorn happily until the girl in the movie began getting chased by a wolf. "Girl you're stupid you deserve to be killed by a wolf." Louis said clicking his fingers. I found that hilarious for some reason and I through my head back laughing. I laughed for about 30 seconds until I felt a piece of popcorn get lodged in my throat. I went wide eyed and all the boys were to focused on the movie to notice me grabbing at my throat. I tried to make a sound but nothing happened. I quickly took my hands off, of my throat and I grabbed Liam arm shaking it violently. "Stop doing that magen- Oh shit what's wrong?!" Liam asked worriedly. That caught the others attention and they all looked at me. I pointed to my throat then to the popcorn trying to breath. Liam was full on panicking now. "Megan come here love." Louis said motioning me over. I quickly stood up walking over to him. Louis wrapped his arms around my stomach then he began pushing down very hard. Finally I could breath again and I choked the piece of popcorn up. "Oh my goodness baby!" Liam exclaimed pulling me into his arms. "Ok so sorry. I didn't know what to do. Thanks Louis...." Liam said petting my hair. "It was really no problem." Louis said smiling gently at me. I smiled at him "thanks Louis." I said quietly. Louis shook his head and grinned. "Also I want to remind you, you are not eating popcorn alone. You either have to be with me or you have to be with the lads but you have to be closer to louis ok?" I nodded at him and he smiled pulling me into another hug. "That was scary." Liam and I said at the same time. I giggled and Liam hugged me tighter. I'm glad louis was here today.

Hope you liked it x

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